
You have been recently been promoted to assistant branch manager at City Bank. Your responsibility includes the following, promoting the team concept among all customer service representatives in your branch, and serving as a team leader on special projects that involve your staff. ? Your district manager has asked you and 3 other employees at your branch to find a solution to the lack of sufficient office space for the growing number of workers at your location. As leader, you have scheduled a team meeting on Thursday afternoons for four weeks to address the problem. ? After 2 meetings with your co-workers, you notice that everyone is making a vital contribution to the group’s effort except Carol. During the meetings, she displays poor listening skills. She often jumps ahead of the topic or interrupts the speaker’s train of thought. At other times she doodles on her note pad instead of taking constructive notes. ? She remains silent after team members deliver lengthy reports about possible solutions to the office space solution.

What can you do as team leader to improve the following concerns you have noticed with Carol?

? How will you be able to get her to be more focused on your agenda during meetings?

? Do you feel by asking Carol to take notes (minutes of the meetings) would be helpful?

? Schedule future meetings on Thursday mornings instead of Thursday afternoon?

? As the team leader did you deliver an agenda prior to the meeting?

? Did you ask for ideas and suggestions during the meetings?

? Did you provide dates and deadline around ideas?

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The most common criticism of meetings is that there are too many of them. Which of the following are problems that you’ve experienced with meetings?
Problem ?
Meeting is too long
Meeting agenda contains too much
Meeting competes with other important meetings
Too many people are at the meeting
People who should have been there, are not
People who don’t need to be there, are and clutter up the dialogue
Meeting is poorly planned
Meeting is called for insufficient or unimportant reasons
Meeting is too long because of poor leadership
Meeting is allowed to end without concluding the business at hand
Attendees are unprepared to participate
2. Explain how you’ve dealt with two of the problems you’ve identified:
3. Explain why it is important to check that the physical arrangements for a meeting are in order?
4. What is the purpose of an agenda?
5. Explain the procedure to be followed to place items on an agenda
6. Explain the purpose of the Minutes of a meeting:
7. Why is it important that the Minutes are accurate?
8. How are inaccuracies in the Minutes dealt with during a meeting?
9. Scenario: It is your monthly team meeting. In addition to the usual items, you have to discuss a rather serious issue on which there are strongly divided feelings.
a) Describe the issue and state what the opposing views are (or could possibly be):
10. As the meeting chairperson, send out the e-mail inviting the relevant participants and inform them of the issue and the preparation required:
Please refer to the attached.

1. Define diversity in terms of the differences within your unit.
2. Explain how the diversity described in Activity 1 can be a potential source of discrimination
3. Explain the implications of diversity for external and internal relationships and give examples
4. Identify cultural biases, stereotypes and perceptions that prevail in your workplace and described the influence they can have on dealing with diversity.
5. Explain the benefits of diversity in team members and clients and give examples from your workplace
6. Discuss ways of utilising the diversity among your team members with a view to enhancing relationships and improving the productivity of your unit
7. List the top 10 needs and goals of your team members:
8. Describe ways of meeting the diverse needs and goals of your team members while keeping the goals and objectives of the unit in mind.
9. Explore ways of meeting the needs of diverse clients and communities through a range of products and services with the goal of identifying new opportunities.
10. Discuss the diversity in beliefs, values, interests and attitudes within your small group
1. Similarities and differences: Write your answers first and then find someone with the same answers as you.
You Your match (name)
Month of birth
Number of children
What you like best about living in this province
Place of birth
Hobby/ interest
Favourite book
Favourite movie
Favourite local place to visit
Favourite food
What you like best about South Africa
Favourite TV show
Pet (s)
What makes you smile/ gives you joy
If you could be anywhere else today, where would you be?
2. Discuss similarities and differences in your likes and dislikes with the person who is your closest match and pay particular attention to the extent to which you think your cultural programming has influenced you. Write down 5 key points of your discussion and share your conclusions regarding diversity with the class:
3. Identify common values and attitudes prevalent amongst employees in your organisation.
4. Give feedback to the class on how one can to use these common values and attitudes as a basis for work to be performed, communication methods and creation of mutual respect and trust.
5. Describe the management activities you will apply to encourage the expression of diverse viewpoints among your team members:
6. Explain how you will demonstrate sensitivity towards and understanding of diversity through your management activities:
7. List incidents of conflict and disagreement that tend to occur in your business unit
8. Explain how you acknowledge and manage those conflicts and agreements so that relationships in the unit are enhanced
9. List cases of unfair discrimination and discriminatory practices that have occurred or can occur in the workplace
10. Explain how cases of unfair discrimination and discriminatory practices are managed at the appropriate level of authority in the organisation.
11. Explain how disagreements and conflict are used as opportunities for learning to improve the cohesion in your unit.

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Recall a time in a job, co-op placement, an internship, a student club, a student team project, etc. when your values conflicted with what you were expected to do in a particular, nontrivial decision, and you spoke up and acted to resolve the conflict. Consider the following and write: What were you asked to do? What did you do, and what was the impact? What are the values that conflicted with what you were expected to do? What motivated you to speak up and act? How satisfied are you with what you did? How would you like to have responded? (This question is not about rejecting or defending past actions but rather about imagining your ideal scenario of how you would have liked to respond.) What would have made it even easier for you to speak/act? Things within your own control Things within the control of others

Part 2 Recall a time in a job, co-op placement, an internship, a student club, a student team project, etc. when your values conflicted with what you were expected to do in a particular, nontrivial decision, and you did not speak up or act to resolve the conflict. Consider the following and write down your thoughts: What were you asked to do? What did you do, and what was the impact? What are the values that conflicted with what you were expected to do? Why didn’t you speak up or act? What, if any, rationalizations did you use justify not acting? How satisfied are you? How would you like to have responded? (This question is not about rejecting or defending past actions but rather about imagining your ideal scenario of how you would have liked to respond.) What would have made it easier for you to speak/act? Things within your own control Things within the control of others Compare how your responded to these two situations to draw a conclusion about when you tend to act on your values, and what is necessary for you to do so.

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Assignment IntroductionThis will help you learn to format a proper cover letter and resume as generally expected for jobs in the North American market.
Assignment InstructionsFind an ad for a job related to your field of study – something entry level that you could realistically apply for after graduation.Prepare a Professional Resume and Cover Letter for that specific job.
Create the following files:Copy the job ad into a separate document file – this could be a text file of some sort (.doc, .pdf) OR a standard image file (.jpg)A properly formatted COVER LETTER (formatting will be similar, but not quite identical, to the business letter completed on the previous assignment)
A properly formatted RESUME

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