
Concepts from past chapters, as well as other sources such as other books, academic articles, e-journals, and business pieces, can help you strengthen your answer (Any resources that you use should be properly cited). • Stay away from websites that create answers by plagiarising them. Keep in mind that copying and pasting information and answers from these sources is considered plagiarism, and the group will be penalised. • Please read Chapter 14, pages 447-449, and then answer the four questions at the end of the case (14-18, 14-19, 14-20 and 14-21). The following are the questions and the marks they correspond to: 14-18) Do you have any advertising mixes with Volvo trucks in them? 14-19) In what ways does the “LIVE TESTS” campaign exhibit integrated marketing communication? What sort of “LIVE TESTS” on integrated efficiency would you conduct? (Did it turn out well? Justification is required). 14-20) Is “LIVE TESTS,” a consumer marketing method, appropriate for all B-to-B marketers? Justify your position. 14-21) What challenges does Volvo Trucks have in maintaining the campaign’s effectiveness? • Your answer to every question must be a short essay with an introduction (showing important concepts or general problems), a body (detailing your answer to the topic) and a conclusion (summing up what you think in one or two sentences). • Start by answering each question separately. Your answers should be twice as wide, 12 dots, and only 1200 words in length. Include on the front of your page your names and phone numbers along with the case title and the end page reference list.
Case of Volvo Trucks: integrated marketing communications When you think about Volvo, you probably think about the boxy and Volvo automobiles like that. However, the Volvo

Group has become an individual entity which manufactures practical and safe cars produced in Sweden, one of the largest commercial truck producers and young married couples with children used to cart under different brands worldwide, including Renault Trucks, the Mack home food store. This is another Volvo company—Volvo Trucks, UD Trucks and the largest Volvo trucks company. Not just SUVs or trucks pickup. A few years ago, Volvo Trucks faced a tremendous barrier. That’s all about full size, heavy duty semi-trucks and trail preparation for the first significant product launch of the corporation in twenty years — five new manufacturers, mining and construction vehicles and buses. One-time buy and one-year leasing truck models. As a result, Volvo Trucks required 448 PART 3 | Develop a strategy for customer value and Me WONOS da soolte morem sinh cho or above the end of a 12-inch floor clearance anong bulon. The offer of Volvo Trucks’ tow hooks over a harbour is dramatic. HOMO is riding a Volvo truck outfitted with the Ngono Wheel Beach wholesaler. In addition, in a dynamic open manoeuvrability of 360 degrees “Bus service to the VON WC port is provided by the Chase. Each of the VOOS World Championships coincides with a range of promotional activities intended as a campaign message and a direct traffic to the Youtube VD. Sponsored trucks that were published in print and online with Volvo ongnoers. The 900 Volvo Trucks base on Ondaniner, which stretched across the camps, discovers more than you and a vacation film on the eve of Chuck’s greetings. Chuck Nons spit on the wings of two Looh C—58, a pyramid shaped like a tree of Mitary hanging over his head. Chuck Nons. In short, the effect of the media was felt. It was valued at 170 million dollars. Many wards, including the Creative Effectiveness Grand Award The campo has acquired quantifiable behaviours as users. Those who saw the film in a study of 2200 commercial truck drivers said they were over ten years of age. To make the next purchase select Volvo, one-third of the dramatic film, Volvo number and Volvo Trucks’ Facebook page were both 100. Cannes – that
Advertising Ago was about Volvo Trucks, Onits had in mind a dealer contact or route. It was not only interested in building a buzz within its regular target group of company truck buyers; it also intended to appeal to the public in such a way that brand recognition would be improved, the cool factor of the brand skewed and individuals were encouraged to share the brand and support it. How this has been done – and how Volvo Trucks keeps the brand in the view of the public today—1 is an epic publicity battle. Capital of Spain A strategy motivated by consumers When a company wants to advertise a new product, it usually works with an agency specialising in that industry. That’s exactly what Volvo Trucks accomplished previously using a number of traditional media outlets, including print advertising, public relations and direct mail. But as the Swedish truck maker is about to launch a new range of heavy-duty vehicles, the media has transformed significantly since its launch. And the new media landscape required an innovative approach for spreading the message of the brand, one that would overpower competition. Rather than working with a business-to-business agency with a wide variety of YouTube experts, Volvo Trucks has chosen Forsman 8 Bodenfors, one of Sweden’s leading creative firms with a record record of breakthrough consumer campaigns for such companies, which grew their fan base to 290,000. However, it was the final instalment in the first round of IKEA UNICEF and Volvo Cars. As part of the promotion of Forsman & Bodenfors Tests including hitting the park ball “Epic Sok developed a commercial that incorporated two major celebrity martial arts. Jean Claude Van Damme has taken a role where insights from a commercial vehicle. To begin with, long distance carriers like placing their foot on the mirrors of two brand-new, side-to-side gold Vol, their lorries, building an emotional
connection that links common drivers to the point where B-muscles travel every day. Second, a lot of influence has an effect on perfect and complete spits. This wonderful film illustrates a collection of people who purchase high-end vehicles—relatives, family members, colleagues, bosses and even customers and businesses. Volvo Dynamic Steering – an electronically controlled mechanic with trucks adapted to unequalled performance 2000 times per second. With these findings in hand, the team began to construct a company In under a month, the film had accumulated 60 million YouTube views and surprised professional truckers by becoming the most viral non-Super Bowl advertising that demonstrated the advantages of new cars while simultaneously cutting time. At the end of the month, Volvo Trucks had delivered more than 100% more lorries to dealers than in the previous month. Furthermore, it was damaging to the campaign theme and to the company’s desired buzz. The collaboration of Forsman & Bodenfors thus turned to social media. The outcome was a “Live Tests” advertising. While each part of the ‘Live Tests’ campaign was a promotional effort, based on a series of documentary films in itself, the overall campaign achieved more Hollywood-inspired results than any stunts in the movies of Forsman & Bodenfors’ campaigns. The “Live Test” campaign produced more than 100 million videos. The first video of Volvo Trucks was released to its YouTube account “Many editorial features total around 20,000. In addition, Ballerina was developed.” A three-minute video with an additional 50 million views because of the universe of video ads. Forth, Forth Dickey woke up a wire between two Volvotrucks and finished the race just in time to hide as the trucks reached two opposite ends of a tunnel, severing a tight wire. Although the ‘Live Tests’ campaign resulted in long-term multi-functional effortsit wasn’t until the campaign’s plan took shape that “The Bal. Lerina” was posted. You cannot prepare too much for generating YouTube videos, because you have no concept how to tell a popular thought or film piece. Bom Engstrom, senior partner in advertising, named the annual advertiser

Website. Website. “When we are talking to our sales agents in over 140 markets across the world, we often hear that viral film is one of the subjects of conversation with prospective clients,” said Anders Vilhelmsson, Volvo Trucks’ Director of Public Relations. It is hardly unexpected that Volvo Trucks has grown the “Live Test” campaign to this level of performance on a low budget. Following the theme of the first six films, the crew has made several strange pieces such as a race between a Volvo tractor and a lambborghini and a hidden camera showing a valet’s response as a Volvo truck rides on a black-tie casino. CHAPTER 14 QL 14-14-14 – Commitment QL 14-14-14 – The most suggestive

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Which of the following statements is true of concurrent validity?

a. Concurrent validity is disadvantageous in that it increases the time needed to complete a validation study.
b. Concurrent validity is measured when an employer tests current employees and correlates the scores with their performance ratings on appraisals.
c. Concurrent validity is difficult to assess because employees are not always readily available and cannot take the predictor test immediately.
d. Concurrent validity is measured when applicants’ test results are compared with subsequent job performance.

Calculating the average amount of time it takes from contact to hire for each source of applicants allows a firm to most accurately:

a. determine yield ratios for all steps of the recruitment process.
b. estimate the time efficiency of hired applicants.
c. determine the application drop off rate.
d. identify the most time-efficient recruiting sources

The term _____ is used to refer to teams that are composed of individuals who are separated geographically but who are linked by communications technology.

a. vertical team
b. self-directed team
c. virtual team
d. special-purpose team

One of the best ways to analyze the effectiveness of a media advertisement is to:

a. determine the ratio of the hired number of applicants to the total number of applicants.
b. identify the total number of organizational citizenship behaviors generated by the advertisement.
c. conduct a follow-up to see which media sources produced longer-lasting and better-performing employees.
d. analyze the total cost of the advertisement posted through a specific media source.

As opposed to unstructured interviews, structured interviews:

a. result in low inter-rater reliability.
b. ensure greater consistency.
c. reduce validity and increase bias.
d. require interviewers to improvise questions.
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  1. Federal Regulations (Exhibit 17.2). Identify which one of the federal pay regulations that has most recently impacted your company. Provide an example to support your response (e.g., new policies or procedures, litigation, investigation, perceived noncompliance by employees, specific employee training and so forth).
  2. FLSA (pages 626-636). After reading “Still Your Turn: From Barista to Manager,” respond to the following case questions:
    1. Look at the case from the company’s point of view. Is this company running afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?
    2. Refer back to the discussion earlier in Chapter 17. Would this company be able to document that the store managers are exempt from the FLSA (not to mention similar state laws)?
    3. If managers feel overworked and underpaid, what do you project they will do when the economy picks back up? Is that a concern for the Company? Have other companies in your industry (e.g., Starbucks, Caribou, Peet’s, etc.) had any FLSA issues? If so, what can you learn from their experiences?
    4. Would you advise meeting with corporate counsel? If so, what facts and observations would you recommend be presented at such a meeting? If not, why not?

Needs to be 100 words per question please.

Thank you so much for helping and I will give you a thumbs up or whatever you ask just add it in the bottom of your answer please.

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Michael Gervais Influencer

Living in Alignment with your Personal Philosophy

People talk about “becoming” and “being” your best.

What is someone’s “best?” Seriously, what is your “best?” It’s incredibly difficult to get your arms around it, partly because it’s a moving target that is influenced by dynamically moving components: your current skill, your world-view and the environmental conditions.

After spending time with so many world-leading performers – many are uncommonly relentless toward pursuing their “best.” And — there’s a more stable component that keeps emerging – many have a very clear sense of the principles that guide them. Those principles are at the foundation of “being” and “becoming” their best. And — one of the most significant measures of “best” is not just the metric of winning, but rather the deeper acknowledgement that they gave everything they had — and — stayed true to their guiding principles (aka, their personal philosophy).

Before we talk about “being your best” — Do you have a personal philosophy?

If so, what is it?

Can you succinctly say it in under 25 words?

In the modern world, philosophy — the pursuit of wisdom or the study of knowledge – can seem antiquated or even academic. As philosophy has moved over the centuries from the market square to the ivory tower, it is often viewed as a distant discipline that doesn’t have much to do with our lives. That couldn’t be further from the truth — and we don’t have to look further than world-class performers and leaders for evidence of how vital and alive philosophy is. We have found that almost across the board the best in the world operate from a clear and finely tuned personal philosophy.

A personal philosophy is a word or phrase that consists of the principles that influences your thoughts, words and actions.?

We all have a personal philosophy. It doesn’t sit outside of you. It lives inside of you, waiting to be expressed, waiting to be revealed. You might not consciously know what it is, or you might only know parts, but it’s there. Your philosophy impacts your thoughts, tendencies and behaviors and plays an active role in your daily life. It may be the fundamental force that shapes how you experience life. You just need to uncover it. Your philosophy is revealed by the choices you make and the actions you take.

Your personal philosophy serves as a compass to align your thoughts, words, and actions. It expresses your basic beliefs and values. Your personal philosophy guides every decision you make, influences the friends you choose, the love you find, the purchases you make, jobs you inhabit, where you live in the world, the way you feel about yourself, and the possibilities you hold for yourself.

The adventure of mastery of self, through mastery of craft, is not well traveled. Independent of where you are on that journey, one of the more powerful practices is to begin to answer the hard questions: Who am I? What am I about? And what is my purpose?

A way to start this process could be writing down the answers to some of these questions:

Q1.Who are people that you look up to and what do they stand for?

Q2 What are your favorite quotes?

Q3.What are your favorite words?


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