
Increased nitrogen loading to rivers due to human activities was blamed for the rise in abundance of algae in coastal waters. For example, the Neuse River Estuary fishkills in the 1990s were attributed to the increased algae due to increased nitrogen loading from the Neuse River basin, especially from concentrated animal farming in Eastern North Carolina. Conclusions like this are often made from analyzing crosssectional or metadata. Cole et al. [1993] assembled a data set including many large river systems in the world to study the effect of human activities on nitrogen loadings to rivers (data file nitrogen.csv). They included nine variables in the data set: (1) discharge (DISCHARGE), the estimated annual average discharge of the river into ocean (in m3/sec); (2) runoff (RUNOFF), the estimated annual average runoff from watershed (in liters/(sec×m2 )); (3) precipitation (in cm/yr) (PREC); (4) area of watershed (in km2 ) (AREA); (5) population density (in people/km2 ) (DENSITY); (6) nitrate concentration (in µ mol/L) (NO3); (7) nitrate export (EXPORT), the product of runoff and nitrate concentration; (8) deposition (DEP), nitrate loading from precipitation – product of precipitation and precipitation nitrate concentration; and (9) nitrate precipitation (NPREC), the concentration of nitrate in wet precipitation at sites located near the watersheds (in µ mol/(sec×km2 )). In the paper, the authors used nitrate concentration (NO3) and nitrate export (EXPORT) as measures of human impact on rivers. The authors looked at these two response variables separately to determine whether the impact of human activities in river nitrogen level is a result of direct pollutant discharge input to the river or discharged indirectly through atmospheric pollution. They suggested that population density in the watershed can be used as a measure of direct discharge and nitrate precipitation can be served as a measure of indirect discharge.

Fit a regression model for each of the two response variables and discuss whether anthropogenic impact of river nitrogen is more through direct discharge or through indirect atmospheric deposition. Note that the two factors are correlated and their effects are unlikely to be additive.

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Schoener [1968] collected information on the distribution of two Anolis lizard species (A. opalinus and A. grahamii) to see if their ecological niches were different in terms of where and when they perched to prey on insects. Data are in file lizards.txt. Perches were classified by twig diameter, their height in the bush, whether the perch was in sun or shade when the lizard was counted, and the time of day at which they were foraging. The response variable is a count of the number of times a lizard of each species was seen under each of the contingencies. GLM was not yet available when the study was published. Obviously, a Poisson regression can be appropriate for analyzing the data. Develop a model using the general principles of Section 5.4 to predict the expected number of times a lizard would be seen. Interpret the model result in terms of habitat niches of each of the two species. Note that all predictors are categorical. Consider developing one model using species as a factor predictor.

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Although Schoener [1968] reported four species of Anolis lizard in the paper, only two species were included in the data set. A Poisson regression does not constrain the total number of lizards in a given habitat condition, which may be misleading because the number of lizard cannot be unlimited. A different way of analyzing the same data is using logistic regression. Assuming that there are only two competing species, we can model one species habitat preference as the probability of seeing one species over the other. The data set we used has two parts. The first 24 rows are the number of times of species A. opalinus and the second 24 rows are the number of times of species A. grahamii. Use logistic regression to predict the probability of seeing one species (e.g., A. grahamii). That is, use response of A. grahamii as success and the response of A. opalinus as failure, and develop a model to predict the probability of success. If the probability of success is high for one condition, the habitat defined by this condition is preferred by A. grahamii; if the probability is low, the habitat is preferred by A. opalinus; if the probability is close to 0.5, the habitat is shared by both. Discuss whether your interpretation of species habitat preference changes from the results using a Poisson regression model.

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Atlantic sturgeon (Atlantic sturgeon ( ) is a long-lived, estuarinedependent, anadromous fish. They were once a...) is a long-lived, estuarinedependent, anadromous fish. They were once a valuable and abundant resource along North America’s east coast. Habitat degradation, direct harvesting, and by-catch resulted in substantial declines in Atlantic sturgeon stock. In 2012 a segment of Atlantic sturgeon (New York Bight distinct population segment) was listed as a U.S. endangered species. Monitoring changes in sturgeon population is often done by sampling juvenile populations because juvenile sturgeons stay in their natal reproductive habitat for two to six years before migrating as mixed stocks along Atlantic coastal areas. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation monitors juvenile sturgeon abundance in the tidal portion of the Hudson River. The data (sturgeon.csv) used in this problem are from 2006 to 2015, including counts of juvenile sturgeons caught (CATCH), effort (Effort), water chemistry (dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity (COND), salinity (SALINITY)), tidal stage (STide), distance to salt front (DTSF), and sampling month (MON) and year (YEAR).

(a) Use Poisson regression to model the changes in sturgeon abundance over time (year, i.e., Catch ~ YEAR) using effort as the offset.

(b) Use GAM to explore the nature of the temporal trend, after the effects of other factors (e.g., temperature, salinity, distance to salt front) are accounted for.

(c) Revise the Poisson regression model based on GAM output and check if overdispersion is a problem.

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