The accompanying table reflects the number of high-school-age students living in each sector and the distance in miles from each sector to each school Distance to School Sector School in Sector School in Sector School in Sector B ? E A 7 5 6 B 0 4 12 ? 4 0 7 D 5 4 7 E 12 7 0 Total Number of Students 800 600 400 1,000 700 3,500 Each high school has a capacity of 1,200 students You have been asked to develop a linear programming model so as to minimize the total number of student miles traveled by bus. Decision variable X, Number of students living in sector i traveling to school located in sector The number of decision variables for the model = 15 a) The objective function, for the LP model Minimize Z +5 V +6 Y+ Save The Hills County, Michigan, supondent education is responsible for another school his county Homecognizes the need to bus continumber of students for con A-El the county are beyond walking distance to a school. The contender portion the county in geographic sectors as he temps to establish a son that wil me the total ber of de wed by bus. Here at det happens to live in a consector and is op the high school in that actor, there is no need to busca he can wok to school. The the shore located in sectors and The accompanying table molects the number of high-school-age students vingineach sector and the distance from cach sector to each school Distance to School Sector School in Sector School in Sector School in Sector Number of C Students 0 300 4 12 000 4 400 D 5 1 1000 12 7 0 700 To too Hach high school of 1.200 student A DOG 0 The Hills County, Michigan, superintendent of education is responsible for assigning students to the high school in This county He recognizes the need to bus a certain ber of students for several sectors, A-E of the county are beyond walking distance to a school. The superintendent on the county into geographic sector settempts to establish a plan that will me the sotalromber of student mes veled by bus. He also recognizes that student happens to live in a stain sector and is stigned to the righ school in that cor there is no need to be him because he can walk to school. The two school rocodin sectors. Cand The accompanying tables the number of high-school-age students living in each octor and the data in stronach sector to each school Distance to School Sector School in Sector School in Sector School in Sector Number of C E Students 100 000 150 1.000 12 700 SYD 12 O Each co200
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