Write a python code that can do the following:
Read a text file (the filename is inputted by the user) ex
5.5 3.2 1 0 3.3
which contains 2 lines where the first line is an integer n, and the second line contains n+1 real numbers (e.g., a[0], a[1],…, a[n]) as coefficients. In particular, a[i] is the coefficient associated with x^i. For example, n=4, a=[5.5 3.2 1 0 3.3 ] defines f(x)= 5.5 – 3.2 x + 1 x^2 + 3.3 x^4
- Print out the f(x) like the following
f(x)= 5.5 – 3.2 x + 1 x^2 + 3.3 x^4
the format should be :- do not print out 0 terms
- leave a space before/after an operator (+ or -)
- leave a space between the x term and its associated coefficient
- the power of x should be printed out like x^2 (i.e., no space inside the term)
- Then, keep asking the user to input the value of x (can be a real number), say, b, then print out the value of f(b).
Repeat this step, unless the user input 0 (i.e., if b=0, then this program print out a[0] and STOP)
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