
Write a python code that can do the following:

Read a text file (the filename is inputted by the user) ex


5.5 3.2 1 0 3.3

which contains 2 lines where the first line is an integer n, and the second line contains n+1 real numbers (e.g., a[0], a[1],…, a[n]) as coefficients. In particular, a[i] is the coefficient associated with x^i. For example, n=4, a=[5.5 3.2 1 0 3.3 ] defines f(x)= 5.5 – 3.2 x + 1 x^2 + 3.3 x^4

  1. Print out the f(x) like the following
    f(x)= 5.5 – 3.2 x + 1 x^2 + 3.3 x^4
    the format should be :
    1. do not print out 0 terms
    2. leave a space before/after an operator (+ or -)
    3. leave a space between the x term and its associated coefficient
    4. the power of x should be printed out like x^2 (i.e., no space inside the term)
  2. Then, keep asking the user to input the value of x (can be a real number), say, b, then print out the value of f(b).
    Repeat this step, unless the user input 0 (i.e., if b=0, then this program print out a[0] and STOP)
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  1. Barlett & Beamish state, “Today every firm must meet the challenges of managing strategies, organizations, and operations that are increasingly more complex, diverse, and uncertain than during earlier times—and do so within the confines of their administrative heritage.1 [The prime drivers of administrative heritageinclude (i) the motivations that lead a company to expand abroad, (ii) the process of internationalization that it follows, and (iii) the typical mentality that it develops.] Thus, MNEs are now forced to develop a more complex array of strategic capabilities (including structure) that allow them to achieve sustainable competitive advantages, i.e., firms must develop layers of competitive advantage—global scale efficiencies, multinational flexibilities, and the ability to develop innovations and leverage knowledge on a worldwide basis—and attain all three goals simultaneously.

1an organization’s strategic and organizational history, including the con-figuration of its assets, the evolution of its organizational configuration, the strategies and management philosophies the entity has pursued, its core competencies, and its corporate culture.

Question: Discuss the challenges of developing layers of competitive advantage in light of the realities of cultural, political, geographic, and economic differences/distance. Include an examination of the various roles that administrative heritage might play in shaping the strategic and organizational capabilities of a firm—especially those of a transnational.2

2Important characteristics of a transnational organization are: decision-making roles and responsibilities that legitimize multiple, diverse management perspec-tives; a structure based on assets and capabilities that are both distributed and interdependent; and internal, integrative processes that are robust and flexible.

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George Kyparisis (using data from Problem 1.5) determines his costs to be as follows:

Show the percent change in productivity for one month last year versus one month this year, on a multifactor basis with dollars as the common denominator.

Problem 1.5

George Kyparisis makes bowling balls in his Miami plant. With recent increases in his costs, he has a newfound interest in efficiency. George is interested in determining the productivity of his organization. He would like to know if his organization is maintaining the manufacturing average of 3% increase in productivity per year? He has the following data representing a month from last year and an equivalent month this year:

Show the productivity percentage change for each category and then determine the improvement for labor-hours, the typical standard for comparison.

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Refer to Problem 1.12. The pay will be $8 per hour for employees. Charles Lackey can also improve the yield by purchasing a new blender. The new blender will mean an increase in his investment. This added investment has a cost of $100 per month, but he will achieve the same output (an increase to 1,875) as the change in labor-hours. Which is the better decision?

a) Show the productivity change, in loaves per dollar, with an increase in labor cost (from 640 to 800 hours).

b) Show the new productivity, in loaves per dollar, with only an increase in investment ($100 per month more).

c) Show the percent productivity change for labor and investment.

Problem 1.12

Charles Lackey operates a bakery in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Because of its excellent product and excellent location, demand has increased by 25% in the last year. On far too many occasions, customers have not been able to purchase the bread of their choice. Because of the size of the store, no new ovens can be added. At a staff meeting, one employee suggested ways to load the ovens differently so that more loaves of bread can be baked at one time. This new process will require that the ovens be loaded by hand, requiring additional manpower. This is the only thing to be changed. If the bakery makes 1,500 loaves per month with a labor productivity of 2.344 loaves per labor-hour, how many workers will Lackey need to add? (Hint: Each worker works 160 hours per month.)

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