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1. Research the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Write a minimum of 250 words, cite your sources and completely address the following:
• What was the motivation for enacting this law? Specifically, provide some background on the economic conditions in the US that led to this law. • What arguments do critics have about the law? • Is this law good or bad for US companies? Both? Explain your answer. • What other names is this law know by?
2. Describe the differences and relationship between information security policies and an information security plan. What does each accomplish in an organization? Why are they important?
3. Define in your own words and remember to cite your source ALWAYS use a source but NO DICTIONARIES or online encyclopedias(1) authentication and authorization, (2) prevention and resistance, and (3) detection and response, as they pertain to IT and IIM.
4. Describe the relationships and differences between hackers and viruses.
Missouri was International Shoe Corporation?s principal place of business, but the company employed between 11 and 13 salespersons in the state of Washington who exhibited samples and solicited orders for shoes from prospective buyers in Washington. The state of Washington assessed the company for contributions to a state unemployment fund. The state served the assessment on one of International Shoe Corporation?s sales representatives in Washington and sent a copy by registered mail to the company?s Missouri headquarters. International Shoe?s representative challenged the assessment on numerous grounds, arguing that the state had not properly served the corporation. Is the corporation?s defense valid? Why or why not?
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