

Elegant Kitchenware (EK) began as a manufacturer of cooking pots. It is now a mid-sized company with 50 managers and 250 employees. Jennie Cole is the Chief Executive officer and founder. The annual income of EK is currently $2 million. Its profits fall between 18-20% of revenues each year. Over time, the company has expanded into other areas that the leadership team believed was relevant to their strategy. Their strategy was to become the top kitchenware company for families and for people who have a passion for cooking. However, the company has a few issues to resolve.

Back-end Technology Infrastructure:

EK had seven key departments: accounting, finance, sales, marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, and inventory management. Everybody seems happy with the technology infrastructure. There were three local area networks. The functional accounting software and finance software were located on a server that was on the fourth floor of a high rise building. They both shared an Oracle database, and a Linux operating system. The functional marketing software and sales software were located on a server that was on the third floor of a high rise building. They both shared an Oracle database, and a Linux operating system. The functional manufacturing, purchasing and inventory management software were located on a third network (network 3). Network 3 was located outside a metro area about 40 minutes away from the head office. All the three software both shared a cross-functional Oracle database, and an IBM operating system. The company had about 20 workers in the IT department. They maintained all the software and hardware. The CEO was interested in modernizing the current software and hardware infrastructure. However, given that these back-end technologies were critical to the operations of the company, she was not willing to outsource any of it to a data center.

Vendor Connection Infrastructure:

EK has had a strong connection with two vendors (Karim Inc. and Steel Company) for over ten years. The vendors were located close to the manufacturing plant of EK. The closeness of the two vendor’s locations, 5 minutes’ drive, had been very helpful. This has made the exchange of business documents very easy. The employees of both companies just drove by and dropped the invoices, orders and delivery slips to the warehouse. The warehouse then scanned the documents and sent them by email to the accounting department for further processing. EK just expanded its vendor network to seven. The new vendors all have ERP systems for manufacturing and inventory management. Most of them are located about 1-2 hours away from EK’s manufacturing plant. Before the new vendors signed on as vendors, they promised that they would create a local office near the manufacturing department. That way, they would be able to personally pickup/drop-off orders and invoices to EK’s manufacturing site. The average cost to manually process a document was approximately $45. Invoices and other documents are expected to climb to 500 per month. The cost of reconciling an error due to manual processing was about $170 per event. The error in the current system was about 10-15% of the business document volume per month.

E-Commerce Infrastructure:

The E-commerce of EK was a pain point. The income from their website was about 1% of all revenues. The company made some inroads by creating a storefront on Amazon, but it really has not worked well. The CEO believed that the company would increase its sales if more people bought the pots from its own website instead of on Amazon. Currently, the company had one server that was used for its e-commerce. The web site was maintained by Billy, who worked at the warehouse. Maintenance of the website was not Billy’s main job though. The website had about 200 web pages. Most of the pages provided customers with pictures and videos about different kinds of pots that the company sold. The website was really well designed, so that was not the issue. The website domain name was called When you enter the name in a browser, you will come to a very nice home page, that welcomed the visitor. The visitor could then click the navigation menus for different kinds of pots, general information, cooking events and so on. If you click on pots, it will show you a table with twelve pots and you can click on the hyperlink that was associated with any of the pots to learn more about it. When you are ready to buy, you just click on PayPal link and you can process your purchase via PayPal. There were a few things that the CEO wanted to accomplish. She really wanted to gather more data about customers. Also, she wanted to find a way to ensure that more people can be on the website without it slowing down to a crawl. At the current state, if 150 customers get on the site everything slows down, it seems as if the website had crashed. Also, in the existing setup, it was not possible to track inventory that was being sold online and send such data to the functional inventory management software. One possibility that they were looking at doing was to buy one new server hardware to replace the one that they have. The new one would have a larger secondary hard drive and a larger primary storage (it would double the current RAM capacity from 32GB to 64 GB). Then, one EK staff would copy the 200 pages to the new machine. The server would have its own webserver software and save information on a solid state drive. Do you think that this e-commerce architecture could be improved?

Decision Making Technologies:

Decision making was complicated at EK. This was how it worked. Once a week or once every two weeks, a staff from sales, marketing, inventory management, manufacturing, finance and accounting generated weekly or monthly aggregated reports from each functional software, The report analyst then sent digital reports to all the mid-level, senior and high level executives for their use. Each executive had a “private” routine for extracting data from her/his report. Each executive used the data during the monthly operations meetings and for the quarterly strategy meetings. Excel spreadsheets played a central role in this process. There were all kinds of issues with accuracy of the data and the amount of staff, effort and time this process consumed. There was no methodology to store all the data in one place. How could the organization create a context in which the organization truly comes closer to the WKID hierarchy? The CEO wants to maintain this capability in the company too. The CEO said the following:

“I would like to have modern technologies for our backend processes, to adopt e-commerce technologies and other tools for creating insights. We would like to host these ourselves!”

Technologies to Deploy in Department


1) – Three major software components to deploy, for which (dept):

– Why it is better than existing option?:

2) Three major hardware components to deploy, for which (dept):

– Why it is better than current option?:

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Your task:

You will be reporting to the Strategic Planning principal consultant. She is developing an interactive game for client HR teams to play to develop their adaptability; specifically, to be able to envision and implement the changes required in the HR organization in order to capitalize on emerging trends and technologies. Your assignment is to reframe one of the following trends (discussed in Human Resources Today.) as a business opportunity: .
Increasing Workforce Diversity
Changes in the Nature of Work .
Changes in the Evaluation and Valuation of Talent
For example, “changes in workforce composition” is a trend that represents both a challenge and an opportunity. How might an organization use that to their advantage? How would you express that as a Human Resource strategy? What policies and procedures would need to be in place to support that strategy and leverage a flexible workforce?

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Discuss your selected Key ‘Financial Markets, Monetary Systems, and Regional Economic Integration’ term. You should explain why you are interested in the term, an explanation of the term, a summary of the germane current literature, and specifically how this relates to Financial Markets, Monetary Systems, and Regional Economic Integration. (700 – 900) words thread must be placed in the Discussion textbox and adhere precisely to the following headings and format:

  1. Key Term and Why You Are Interested in It (100 words minimum)

After reading the textbook, specifically state why you are interested in conducting further research on this key term (e.g., academic curiosity, application to a current issue related to employment, or any other professional rationale). Include a substantive reason, not simply a phrase.

  1. Explanation of the Key Term (100 words minimum)

Provide a clear and concise overview of the essentials relevant to understanding this key term.

  1. Major Article Summary (200 words minimum)

Using your own words, provide a clear and concise summary of the article, including the major points and conclusions.

  1. Discussion

In your own words, discuss each of the following points:

  1. How the cited work relates to your above explanation AND how it relates specifically to the content of the assigned module. This part of your thread provides evidence that you have extended your understanding of this key term beyond the textbook readings. (200 words minimum)
  2. How the cited work relates to the other 4 works you researched. This part of your thread provides evidence that you have refined your research key term to a coherent and specialized aspect of the key term, rather than a random selection of works on the key term. The idea here is to prove that you have focused your research and that all works cited are related in some manner to each other rather than simply a collection of the first 5 results from your Internet search. (200 words minimum)
  1. References

A minimum of 3 recent articles (as described above), in current APA format, must be included and must contain persistent links so others may have instant access. In the event that formatting is lost or corrupted when submitting the thread, attach the Microsoft Word document to your thread as evidence that your work was completed in the proper format. Please see the appropriate instruction link in the Discussion Assignment Resources for more information on creating persistent links.

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The Business Plan Project

The Business Plan must include the following topics. Various Business Plans organize this information in different orders but this content must be included. Choose an outline, which effectively builds the argument that this project is viable and has an acceptable risk.


History of the Company

  • Company Description
  • Type of Business and Legal Structure, e.g., Partnership, sole proprietorship
  • Vision and Mission statements
  • Core Values
  • Organizational structure (Departments & Hierarchy)
  • Management and Ownership
  • Board of directors and Rationale for Members
  • Management staff structure
  • Key managers


  • Types of managers
  • Roles of manager
  • Types of plans
  • Cultural type MBO or Traditional
  • Weak or strong culture
  • Omnipotent or Symbolic
    • Work specialization
    • Departmentalization
    • Chain of command
    • Span of control
    • Centralization and decentralization
    • Formalization
    • What they are doing about Social Responsibility

Strategic Plan

  • External Assessment/Environmental Scanning
  • Do a PESTEL analysis (Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, and Legal). How these factors will impact the selected company in an encouraging and discouraging manner?
  • Present a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis.

Human Resources Plan

  • A brief organizational chart of the business
  • Employee Recruitment and Selection criteria
  • Who does what, with a brief job description of each position KSA TDR anyone position.
  • Information on your employee training program (If applicable)
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Performance appraisal.

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