
Are you a loyal member of a company’s reward program?

• Give me one example (eg. credit card, airline, etc.). What is the primary benefit of the company’s reward program for you?
• Based on the benefits, do you think that the reward program aims to develop a long-term relationship with you (eg, building brand loyalty) or it aims to just “maintain the current relationship with you (prevent switching over to competitors)? What reward program characteristics lead you to think that way?
Is the reward program a good idea for developing and maintaining a long-term relationship between the company and customers?
Note: If you do not have any loyal membership at this moment, you may be able to select any company’s reward program for this discussion question.

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Elegant Kitchenware (EK) began as a manufacturer of cooking pots. It is now a mid-sized company with 50 managers and 250 employees. Jennie Cole is the Chief Executive officer and founder. The annual income of EK is currently $2 million. Its profits fall between 18-20% of revenues each year. Over time, the company has expanded into other areas that the leadership team believed was relevant to their strategy. Their strategy was to become the top kitchenware company for families and for people who have a passion for cooking. However, the company has a few issues to resolve.

Back-end Technology Infrastructure:

EK had seven key departments: accounting, finance, sales, marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, and inventory management. Everybody seems happy with the technology infrastructure. There were three local area networks. The functional accounting software and finance software were located on a server that was on the fourth floor of a high rise building. They both shared an Oracle database, and a Linux operating system. The functional marketing software and sales software were located on a server that was on the third floor of a high rise building. They both shared an Oracle database, and a Linux operating system. The functional manufacturing, purchasing and inventory management software were located on a third network (network 3). Network 3 was located outside a metro area about 40 minutes away from the head office. All the three software both shared a cross-functional Oracle database, and an IBM operating system. The company had about 20 workers in the IT department. They maintained all the software and hardware. The CEO was interested in modernizing the current software and hardware infrastructure. However, given that these back-end technologies were critical to the operations of the company, she was not willing to outsource any of it to a data center.

Vendor Connection Infrastructure:

EK has had a strong connection with two vendors (Karim Inc. and Steel Company) for over ten years. The vendors were located close to the manufacturing plant of EK. The closeness of the two vendor’s locations, 5 minutes’ drive, had been very helpful. This has made the exchange of business documents very easy. The employees of both companies just drove by and dropped the invoices, orders and delivery slips to the warehouse. The warehouse then scanned the documents and sent them by email to the accounting department for further processing. EK just expanded its vendor network to seven. The new vendors all have ERP systems for manufacturing and inventory management. Most of them are located about 1-2 hours away from EK’s manufacturing plant. Before the new vendors signed on as vendors, they promised that they would create a local office near the manufacturing department. That way, they would be able to personally pickup/drop-off orders and invoices to EK’s manufacturing site. The average cost to manually process a document was approximately $45. Invoices and other documents are expected to climb to 500 per month. The cost of reconciling an error due to manual processing was about $170 per event. The error in the current system was about 10-15% of the business document volume per month.

E-Commerce Infrastructure:

The E-commerce of EK was a pain point. The income from their website was about 1% of all revenues. The company made some inroads by creating a storefront on Amazon, but it really has not worked well. The CEO believed that the company would increase its sales if more people bought the pots from its own website instead of on Amazon. Currently, the company had one server that was used for its e-commerce. The web site was maintained by Billy, who worked at the warehouse. Maintenance of the website was not Billy’s main job though. The website had about 200 web pages. Most of the pages provided customers with pictures and videos about different kinds of pots that the company sold. The website was really well designed, so that was not the issue. The website domain name was called When you enter the name in a browser, you will come to a very nice home page, that welcomed the visitor. The visitor could then click the navigation menus for different kinds of pots, general information, cooking events and so on. If you click on pots, it will show you a table with twelve pots and you can click on the hyperlink that was associated with any of the pots to learn more about it. When you are ready to buy, you just click on PayPal link and you can process your purchase via PayPal. There were a few things that the CEO wanted to accomplish. She really wanted to gather more data about customers. Also, she wanted to find a way to ensure that more people can be on the website without it slowing down to a crawl. At the current state, if 150 customers get on the site everything slows down, it seems as if the website had crashed. Also, in the existing setup, it was not possible to track inventory that was being sold online and send such data to the functional inventory management software. One possibility that they were looking at doing was to buy one new server hardware to replace the one that they have. The new one would have a larger secondary hard drive and a larger primary storage (it would double the current RAM capacity from 32GB to 64 GB). Then, one EK staff would copy the 200 pages to the new machine. The server would have its own webserver software and save information on a solid state drive. Do you think that this e-commerce architecture could be improved?

Decision Making Technologies:

Decision making was complicated at EK. This was how it worked. Once a week or once every two weeks, a staff from sales, marketing, inventory management, manufacturing, finance and accounting generated weekly or monthly aggregated reports from each functional software, The report analyst then sent digital reports to all the mid-level, senior and high level executives for their use. Each executive had a “private” routine for extracting data from her/his report. Each executive used the data during the monthly operations meetings and for the quarterly strategy meetings. Excel spreadsheets played a central role in this process. There were all kinds of issues with accuracy of the data and the amount of staff, effort and time this process consumed. There was no methodology to store all the data in one place. How could the organization create a context in which the organization truly comes closer to the WKID hierarchy? The CEO wants to maintain this capability in the company too. The CEO said the following:

“I would like to have modern technologies for our backend processes, to adopt e-commerce technologies and other tools for creating insights. We would like to host these ourselves!”

Technologies to Deploy in Department


1) – Two major software components to deploy, for which (dept):

– Why it is better than existing option?:

2) Two major network components that will be needed, for which (dept):

– Why it is better than current option?:

3) How will participants connected in the new network:

– Why it is better than current option?:

Add more rows as needed

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Question 1

Azman Organic Sdn Bhd (AOSB) provide organic fresh produce with has no pesticides and has a Mitsubishi truck plate no: JB 1234, Chassis no: HTYV1PLO980 as the designated truck to ferry their produce to their clients. One of the clients is Jen’s Grocer (JG) located at Medini Mall, Iskandar Puteri. The parties have agreed to execute a new transport agreement for the usage of the designated transport as JG in now venturing into organic products promoting non-usage of pesticides. JG main customer for organic produce are the nearby hospitals as they service healthy food. JG decided to maintain the integrity of the supply chain by having the supplies delivery in designated truck and was notified of Mitsubishi truck details. Due to the high demand for AOSB’s transport service, AOSB decided to include another truck Honda lorry plate no JH7654, Chassis no: TGFD76JLMNB90 to be the second halal truck under its scheme. Nevertheless, the matter was not notified to JG and AOSB has not taken the necessary steps to cleanse the Honda truck from the previous activities which was to deliver non-organic produce. In Ramadan 2021, AOSB delivers organic produce from the warehouse to JG using the new Honda truck. Amin, JG’s current Executive Manager went to inspect the goods during the delivery acceptance. Amin noticed the truck is different from the one usually ferries the goods. So, he went for further inspection and saw meat produce packages in a single container, non-organic produce inside the same container of the organic produce. Amin suspected the lunch food is not halal and confronted the truck driver. Due to this, Amin decided to refuse the delivery of the goods as to avoid further problem of cross- contamination of pesticide it is no longer Toiyib or wholesome as it is now considered as syubhah. Upon investigating previous delivery, he has also discovered that two previous delivery was also made by the same Honda truck and due to this Amin advice JG to proceed for legal action under the Sales of Goods Act 1957.
a) Examine whether Jen’s Grocer will be successful in their claim against Azman Organics Sdn Bhd under Section 16 (a) of Sales of Goods Act 1957.
b) Analyse whether Jen’s Grocer will be successful in their claim against Azman Organics Sdn Bhd under Section 16 (b) of Sales of Goods Act 1957.

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Steps to Creating Your Action Plan:

Step 1: Write your SMART Goal (This should have been completed in your BlackBoard Discussion Board Question
Step 2: Set Deadlines- Set a deadline for your goal. Be realistic with your time frame, but challenge yourself to get it done sooner rather than later.
Step 3: Your Why-Write your reason for pursuing this goal. Your ‘why is important for helping you identify the positive impact this goal will have on your life.
Step 4: Habits – Identity a daily or weekly habit that will keep you on track with your goal. For examples. keeping your phone in airplane mode while you study. Habits are the framework for success, so it’s important to align your habits with your goals.
Step 5: Research – It’s time to do some research. Your research may involve looking online, going to the library, talking to your Academic or Faculty Advisor, or speaking with people who have prior knowledge or experience with your end goal. You need to find out exactly what it’s going to take to accomplish your goal
Step 6: Action Steps – List every single step that needs to happen to achieve this goal. What does it take to accomplish your goal? How will you get from point A to point Z?
Step 7: Order Your Steps – Review your list of action steps and order them in a way that makes sense based on what needs to happen first. Identity every resource you currently have and those you will need to complete your steps.
Step 8: Smaller Tasks – For each action step you’ve identified ask yourself what smaller tasks need to get done to make the larger action step easier for you. Break the steps to achieve your goal down into the smallest steps possible. If there is more than one action to take for each step. continue to break it down until there is only one thing to do for each action step. Once you’ve done that if you’re comfortable doing so, you can then condense/group your list into several action steps (depending on the magnitude of your goal.
Step 9: Due Dates – Create a weekly/monthly list of actions that you will accomplish/complete each week/month to reach your goal. Set a start date and end date for each action step and smaller tasks Make the due dates attainable based on the factors needed for its completion, so you don’t lose faith and give up. Add them to your calendar or to-do list.
Step 10: Set Reminders and Post Your Plan – Set up reminders on your phone or computer so that you always know when to work on each action step or habit. Post your plan somewhere you will see a daily (bathroom mirror, refrigerator, dashboard, wallet, cell phone or computer screen saver, etc.). Review your goals every morning or week as part of your routine. Focus on completing the goal action plan each

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