
  • There are generally three methods of usability evaluation: testing, inspection, and inquiry. Which evaluation framework approach and method do you think yields the greatest success for quickly achieving measurable results.

    • Instructions
      • Apply and use the basic citation styles of APA is required. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
      • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others. Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APA’s style and formatting. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
      • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive zero for your work. A second offense results in a zero for the course. A third is a termination from the university.
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  1. Expressivity of neural networks. Recall that the functional form for a single neuron is given by y = s( + b, 0), where x is the input and y is the output. In this exercise, assume that x and y are 1-dimensional (i.e., they are both just real-valued scalars) and s is the unit step activation. We will use multiple layers of such neurons to approximate pretty much any function f . There is no learning/training required for this problem; you should be able to guess/derive the weights and biases of the networks by hand.

    1. A box function with height h and width d is the function f(x) = h for 0 < x < d and 0 otherwise. Show that a simple neural network with 2 hidden neurons with step activations can realize this function. Draw this network and Clearly identify all the weights and biases. (Assume that the output neuron only sums up inputs and does not have a nonlinearity.)

    2. Now suppose that f is any arbitrary, smooth, bounded function defined over an interval [-B, B]. (You can ignore what happens to the function outside this interval, or just assume it is zero). Use part a to show that this function can be closely approximated by a neural network with a hidden layer of neurons. You don’t need a rigorous mathematical proof here; a handwavy argument or even a figure is okay here, as long as you convey the right intuition.

    3. Do you think the argument in part b can be extended to the case of d-dimensional inputs? (i.e., where the input x is a vector – think of it as an image, or text query, etc). If yes, comment on potential practical issues involved in defining such networks. If not, explain why not.

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You are to perform a heuristic evaluation of that Website or product. You are required to use Nielsen’s 10 heuristics for this assignment, available online at 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design.

  • To guide you in your complete analysis of the usability analysis, you are required to identify at least one scenario that reflects how a user is likely to use your Website or product in real-life. Try and replicate the user experience as part of the study heuristic evaluation.

    This can be very general — if you were evaluating a hotel or airline website, for example, you might think about someone trying to cash in all their frequent “traveler” points, or someone trying to trade in their points as part of a transaction. Your goal here is to develop a basic scenario that will guide your heuristic evaluation.

    Using the scenario, you will then systematically evaluate the interface – screen by screen on a transactional basis of your chosen site or product, checking to see which interface elements you encounter (if any) result in problematic experiences. Once you experience challenging experiences, you will document these areas and identify ways in which these areas can be improved potentially in order to avoid violating any of Nielsen’s heuristics.

    Note: You should work from your scenario, and not work from the heuristics (i.e., don’t take each heuristic one at a time, looking for heuristic violations on the site).

    Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length. You must cite all sources using APA format. It is strongly encouraged you integrate at least 2-3 screenshots of your user experience to include the outputs of your study. When responding, make sure to answer each of these questions:

    Identify the website or product you have been assigned (including a screenshot), and briefly describe the reason you selected the section of the Website evaluated.

    Describe the scenario you used to focus your evaluation, and explain how you approached the site/product with respect to the usability heuristics.

    Provide a detailed analysis of the usability flaws you found for this site, along with a) the heuristics each flaw violates, and b) an explanation of why this flaw violates those heuristics.

    Discuss some possible design recommendations that could improve the site, explaining how each recommended change would address the usability flaws you identified above.

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Consider following Scenario and answer the questions

Professional and Scientific Staff Management (PSSM) is a unique type of temporary staffing agency. Many organizations today hire highly skilled technical employees on a short-term, temporary basis to assist with special projects or to provide a needed technical skill. PSSM negotiates contracts with its client companies in which it agrees to provide temporary staff in specific job categories for a specified cost. For example, PSSM has a contract with an oil and gas exploration company, in which it agrees to supply geologists with at least a master’s

degree for $5000 per week. PSSM has contracts with a wide range of companies and can place almost any type of professional or scientific staff members, from computer programmers to geologists to astrophysicists. When a PSSM client company determines that it will need a temporary professional or scientific employee, it issues a staffing request against the contract it had previously negotiated with PSSM. When a staffing request is received by PSSM’s contract manager, the contract number referenced on the staffing request is entered into the contract database. Using information from the database, the contract manager reviews the terms and conditions of the contract and determines whether the staffing request is valid. The staffing request is valid if the contract has not expired, the type of professional or scientific employee requested is listed on the original contract, and the requested fee falls within the negotiated fee range. If the staffing request is not valid, the contract manager sends the staffing request back to the client with a letter stating why the staffing request cannot be filed, and a copy of the letter is filed. If the staffing request is valid, the contract manager enters the staffing request into the staffing request database, as an outstanding staffing request. The staffing request is then sent to the PSSM placement department. In the placement department, the type of staff member, experience, and qualifications requested on the staffing request are checked against the database of available professional and scientific staff. If a qualified individual is found, he or she is marked “reserved” in the staff database. If a qualified individual cannot be found in the database or is not immediately available, the placement department creates a memo that explains the inability to meet the staffing request and attaches it to the staffing request. All staffing requests are then sent to the arrangements department. In the arrangement department, the prospective

temporary employee is contacted and asked to agree to the placement. After the placement details have been worked out and agreed to, the staff member is marked “placed” in the staff database. A copy of the staffing request and a bill for the placement fee is sent to the client. Finally, the staffing request, the “unable to fill” memo (if any), and a copy of the placement fee bill is sent to the contract manager. If the staffing request was filled, the contract manager closes the open staffing request in the staffing request database. If the staffing request could not be filled, the client is notified. The staffing request, placement fee bill, and “unable to fill” memo are then filed in the contract office.

a. Develop a use case for each of the major processes just described.

b. Create the context diagram for the system for the above scenario.

c. Develop Context Diagram into the level 0 DFD.

d. Create a level 1 DFD for the most complicated process in DFD level 0.

Note: you can use lucid charge

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