BOS 3125 Unit VIII Course Project-University Case Study

BOS 3125 Unit VIII Course Project University Case Study




Congratulations! You have just become the safety manager for Podunk University. Your position is at the campus in Podunk, Colorado, and your predecessor left the job a year and a half ago. There has been nobody in the position during that interval. The commitment of the institution to safety is dubious at best, but you are looking forward to starting your new position and making a positive change.


After introducing yourself to the secretary you share with a half dozen other, more senior, people, you decide to focus on hazardous material and hazardous waste issues since you just completed a great college course on those topics. You tour the campus and discover that the following departments and programs are yours to deal with:


•   The biology department has animal dissection, human dissection, a microbiology lab, and a medical laboratory education program that uses small quantities of a lot of chemicals.

•   The chemistry department has chemicals that have never been inventoried and a new forensics program (as in CSI, not in college debate).

•   The physics department has high-voltage equipment, lasers, and LEDs.

•   The English department has lots and lots of books and papers, as well as photocopiers.

•   The math department has lots of computers and whiteboards.

•   The automotive technology department has everything pertaining to auto repair, including solvents, asbestos brake linings, pneumatic tools, waste oil, and cutting and grinding tools.

•   The Massive Arena is one of the original buildings on campus and has a variety of interesting problems, including asbestos insulation, and the building is undergoing a massive renovation.


Respond to each of the following questions:


1.   Where do you start?


2.   Where should you focus your initial HazCom efforts? In what order do you tackle the rest of the departments?

3.   What are the HazCom issues in the automotive technology department?

4.   What are the hazardous waste issues in the automotive technology department?

5.   What are the HazCom issues in the chemistry department?

6.   What are the hazardous waste issues in the chemistry department?

7.   With the Massive Arena renovation, who are the people to whom you need to communicate hazards?

8.   What are your main concerns with the physics department?

9.   What are the hazardous material/waste spill response issues for the university, and how should you prepare for them?

10.   Is any HazCom training needed for the English and math departments?

11.   What are some resources for finding out how to solve the HazCom issues?

12.   You must choose technology or trainers to do the needed training. What are some issues to consider when selecting these?

13.   Due to budget cuts, you have to do the training yourself, and you will use PowerPoint. What are some considerations when developing your PowerPoint Presentation?

14.   How can you evaluate your training to ensure that it is accomplishing your goals?

15.   One of the chemistry professors working with some of the automotive technology faculty members, invents a new nonflammable compound that will render obsolete the need for solvents to degrease auto parts. She wants to market the stuff. What needs to be done before it can be marketed, and who should do it?

16.   The University decides to partner with the chemistry professor and market this new compound. Due to the lack of flammability, it is a great hit nationwide. They then decide to market it worldwide. What concerns need to be addressed?

17.   It turns out that this wonderful new compound makes a really great explosion when used in conjunction with another chemical. As the University is manufacturing the compound in large quantities and storing it on the grounds, what concerns do you now have? What experts should you consult?

18.   The biology department has been busy as well. The little microbiology lab is large now, and they are working with stronger pathogens. How would you determine the new hazard communication requirements and things that you should do beyond that minimum?


After a tough five years, you have the Podunk University campus running smoothly. Everybody is trained, and your successor will not have nearly as much of a challenge as you did. Congratulations, and best wishes on your next challenge!


Your submission must be a minimum of four pages double-spaced, not including the title and reference pages, and in APA format. Support your answers to the questions with appropriate references and in-text citations.

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UMUC Biology 102/103 Lab 1: Introduction To Science Answer Key

This contains 100% correct material for UMUC Biology 103 LAB01. However, this is an Answer Key, which means, you should put it in your own words. Here is a sample for the questions answered:



Exercise 1: Data Interpretation  (2 pts each)

1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4?

No fish are present when the dissolved oxygen is zero. When there is more dissolved oxygen in the water, more fish are present. However, the number of fish tends to drop or level off when the dissolved oxygen is higher than 12 ppm.


2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water.

Possible Hypotheses:

1.    The amount of dissolved oxygen affects the number of fish that can live in a body of water.

2.    As dissolved oxygen concentration increases, more fish can live in the body of water.

3.    There is an ideal dissolved oxygen concentration for fish to live in.


The rest of the questions are answered in full version:


1.    What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis?



2.    What would be the independent and dependent variables?



3.    What would be your control?



4.    What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set?  Why?



5.    Graph the data from Table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (found at the beginning of this exercise).



6.    Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7.




Exercise 2: Experimental Variables

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. If applicable, determine and identify any positive or negative controls.



1.    A study is being done to test the effects of habitat space on the size of fish populations. Different sized aquariums are set up with six goldfish in each one. Over a period of six months, the fish are fed the same type and amount of food. The aquariums are equally maintained and cleaned throughout the experiment. The temperature of the water is kept constant. At the end of the experiment the number of surviving fish is surveyed.

A.    Independent Variable:



B.    Dependent Variable:



C.   Controlled Variables/Constants:



D.   Experimental Controls/Control Groups:



2.    To determine if the type of agar affects bacterial growth, a scientist cultures E. coli on four different types of agar. Five petri dishes are set up to collect results:

§  One with nutrient agar and E. coli

§  One with mannitol-salt agar and E. coli


§  One with MacConkey agar and E. coli

§  One with LB agar and E. coli

§  One with nutrient agar but NO E. coli


All of the petri dishes received the same volume of agar, and were the same shape and size. During the experiment, the temperature at which the petri dishes were stored, and at the air quality remained the same. After one week the amount of bacterial growth was measured.

A.    Independent Variable:



B.    Dependent Variable:


C.   Controlled Variables/Constants:



D. Experimental Controls/Control Groups:

Exercise 3: Testable Observations

Determine which of the following observations are testable. For those that are testable:

Determine if the observation is qualitative or quantitative

Write a hypothesis and null hypothesis

What would be your experimental approach?

What are the dependent and independent variables?

What are your controls – both positive and negative?

How will you collect your data?

How will you present your data (charts, graphs, types)?

How will you analyze your data?



1.    A plant grows three inches faster per day when placed on a window sill than it does when placed on a on a coffee table in the middle of the living room.



2.    The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes is taller than the other tellers.




3.    When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she does not exercise and eats fatty foods.




4.    The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm.



5.    For the past two days, the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm.




6.    George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings.




Exercise 4: Conversion

For each of the following, convert each value into the designated units.



1.    46,756,790 mg = _______ kg



2.    5.6 hours = ________ seconds



3.    13.5 cm = ________ inches



4.    47 °C = _______ °F





Exercise 5: Accuracy vs. Precision

For the following, determine whether the information is accurate, precise, both or neither.


1.    During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit-ups in a minute. The first student did 64 sit-ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67.



2.    The average score for the 5th grade math test is 89.5. The top 5th graders took the test and scored 89, 93, 91 and 87.


3.    Yesterday the temperature was 89 °F, tomorrow it’s supposed to be 88 °F and the next day it’s supposed to be 90 °F, even though the average for September is only 75 °F degrees!


4.    Four friends decided to go out and play horseshoes. They took a picture of their results shown to the right:





5.    A local grocery store was holding a contest to see who could most closely guess the number of pennies that they had inside a large jar. The first six people guessed the numbers 735, 209, 390, 300, 1005 and 689. The grocery clerk said the jar actually contains 568 pennies.



Exercise 6: Significant Digits and Scientific Notation

Part 1: Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write out the specific significant digits.


1.    405000



2.    0.0098



3.    39.999999



4.    13.00



5.    80,000,089



6.    55,430.00



7.    0.000033



8.    620.03080


Part 2: Write the numbers below in scientific notation, incorporating what you know about significant digits.


1.    70,000,000,000



2.    0.000000048



3.    67,890,000



4.    70,500



5.    450,900,800



6.    0.009045



7.    0.023


Exercise 1: Data Interpretation (2 pts each)

1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4?

No fish are present when the dissolved oxygen is zero. When there is more dissolved oxygen in the water, more fish are present. However, the number of fish tends to drop or level off when the dissolved oxygen is higher than 12 ppm.


2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water.

Possible Hypotheses:

1. The amount of dissolved oxygen affects the number of fish that can live in a body of water.

2. As dissolved oxygen concentration increases, more fish can live in the body of water.

3. There is an ideal dissolved oxygen concentration for fish to live in.


3. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis?

Possible Experimental Approach: Deposit an equal number of fish in several tanks. Maintain all other variables (temperature, light, food, etc.), but vary the dissolved oxygen concentration in each of the tanks. Observe the fish over time to determine how many fish can survive at different oxygen concentrations.


4. What are the independent and dependent variables?

Independent Variable: Dissolved oxygen concentration.

Dependent Variable: The number of fish.


5. What would be your control?

Possible Control: Aquarium with no fish. Measure the dissolved oxygen level in a fish tank at normal room conditions, and repeat this measurement every time you make an observation of the number of fish. [Use only one type of fish for your experiment, and control other variables such as light, food and temperature.]


6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why?

A line graph is most appropriate because it can best display the relationship between the variables.


7. Graph the data from Table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (found at the beginning of this exercise).



8. Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7.

The number of fish in the body of water increases along with dissolved oxygen up to about 12 ppm. When the concentration is higher than 12 ppm, the relationship is less clear. There may be an ideal dissolved oxygen concentration that supports the greatest number of fish, but that conclusion would require further testing.


Experiment 2: Experimental Variables (2 pts each part, 8 total/question)

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. If applicable, determine and identify any positive or negative controls.


1. A study is being done to test the affects of habitat space on the size of fish populations. Different sized aquariums are set up with six goldfish in each one. Over a period of six months, the fish are fed the same type and amount of food. The aquariums are equally maintained and cleaned throughout the experiment. The temperature of the water is kept constant. At the end of the experiment the number of surviving fish are surveyed.


A. Independent Variable: Habitat Space (Different sized aquariums are tested)

B. Dependent Variable: Size of Fish Populations (The number of surviving fish are surveyed)

C. Controlled Variables/Constants: Type of food, amount of food, equal maintenance and cleaning, water temperature

D. Experimental Controls/Control Groups: There are no control groups in this experiment.


2. To determine if the type of agar affects bacterial growth, a scientist cultures E. coli on four different types of agar. Five petri dishes are set up to collect results:

One with nutrient agar and E. coli

One with mannitol-salt agar and E. coli

One with MacConkey agar and E. coli

One with LB agar and E. coli

One with nutrient agar but NO E. coli


All of the petri dishes received the same volume of agar, and were the same shape and size. During the experiment, the temperature at which the petri dishes were stored, and at the air quality remained the same. After one week the amount of bacterial growth was measured.


A. Independent Variable: Type of agar (nutrient agar, mannitol-salt agar, MacConkey agar, LB agar)

B. Dependent Variable: Bacterial growth (after one week the amount of bacterial growth was measured)

C. Controlled Variables/Constants: Volume of agar, size and shape of petri dishes, temperature, air quality

D. Experimental Controls/Control Groups: One petri dish with nutrient agar, but no E. coli is a negative control because no growth should be seen if no E. coli was added


Exercise 3: Testable Observations (2 pts each)

Determine which of the following observations could lead to a testable hypothesis. For those that are testable:

Write a hypothesis and null hypothesis

What would be your experimental approach?

What are the dependent and independent variables?

What is your control?

How will you collect your data?

How will you present your data (charts, graphs, types)?

How will you analyze your data?


1. A plant grows three inches faster per day when placed on a window sill than it does when placed on a coffee table in the middle of a living room.

Hypothesis: Plants in the window sill grow faster due to increased light.

Null hypothesis: Increased light does not make plants grow faster.

Approach: Place two plants in the window. Leave one in the window and take the second plant

and let it spend different amounts of time in the light (decreased light exposure).

Dependent variable: Height of the plant. Independent variable: Amount of time spent in the sunlight by each plant.

Control: A plant remaining out of direct sunlight (but not in total darkness), like on the table.

Data collection: Measure the height of each plant every day for a week and record the total growth after one week.

Data presentation: Use a bar graph to show the results. Each of the three plants will have its own bar representing the height it grew in one week

Analyze: Look for an increase in growth with increased time on window sill.


2. The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes and is taller than the other tellers.

No testable hypothesis – This is an observation, but it is a statement with no testable component.


3. When Sally eats healthy foods, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she eats fatty foods.

Hypothesis: A healthy diet leads to lower blood pressure.

Null hypothesis: A healthy diet doesn’t lead to lower blood pressure.

Approach: Collect blood pressure data over time for groups eating healthy foods and a group eating fatty foods.

Independent variable: Healthy or Unhealthy Diet

Dependent variable: Blood pressure (would be affected by the change in diet).

Controls: All groups should be exposed to similar amounts of exercise and stress.

Data collection: Test the blood pressure of your study subjects at fixed intervals over time – alwaysat the same time of day, under similar diet conditions.

Presentation: Use a line graph for individual evaluation over time. Use a bar graph to show the average blood pressure for each of your study groups.

Analyze: Look at data gathered over time to see whether diet lowered blood pressure.


4. The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm.

No testable hypothesis – This is a statement with no testable relationship.


5. For the past two days the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm.

For this particular, specific observation, you could not create a controlled experiment, so you could have said it’s an observation only, and that would have been acceptable for the information given. If you did propose an experiment, since the the time appears to be the independent variable that the dependent variable (clouds) depends on, but that is not the case, you’d have to go further and propose what variables you’re going to look at–what atmospheric conditions (that aren’t observed in this case) are the variables related to the cloud formation? (So, you’d need additional observation before you could actually come up with a hypothesis. If you did make some assumptions about cloud formation and proposed a hypothesis, it might look something like this:

Hypothesis: As temperatures rise throughout the day, it increases the rate of evaporation, increasing the amount of moisture in the air. Temperatures and atmospheric water concentrations reach their maximum at mid-afternoon. Then, when temperatures begin to lower at about 3:00, clouds form and the evaporated moisture in the air condenses and it rains.

This experiment could be recreated in a microclimate, under lab conditions, or observed using daily weather station instruments to see if the pattern holds up.


Meteorologists can gather data about the atmospheric conditions to determine what variables are related to this and then develop experiments to see if their models work—looking for a correlation between those conditions and similar weather. Each observation would be a replication. Meteorologists gather a lot of data FIRST, then use it to make predictions–hypotheses–that they test by making more observations in the real world to compare with.


6. George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings.

Hypothesis: Daylight savings affected how much George was able to sleep.

Null hypothesis: Daylight savings did not affect how much George was able to sleep.

Approach: Study George’s sleeping habits before, during, and after daylight savings time.

Dependent variable: The number of hours George sleeps during daylight savings time.

Independent variable: The day/time.

Control: George’s average night’s sleep.

Data collection: Record George’s sleeping patterns for several weeks before, during, and after daylight savings time. Write down what time he goes to bed and how many hours he sleeps for each night.

Presentation: Use a line graph to plot the day/time on the x-axis and George’s hours of sleep on the y-axis.

Analyze: Use the data to show whether daylight savings time affected George’s sleep. Possible questions to answer with the data:

What did the graph look like leading up to the due date of George’s assignment? What happened around George’s paper’s due date? Did George’s sleeping patterns go back to normal after the assignment was due? If so, how long did it take?


Exercise 4: Unit Conversion

For each of the following, convert each value into the designated units.

1. 46,756,790 mg = 46.75679 kg

2. 5.6 hours = 20,160 seconds

3. 13.5 cm = 5.31 inches

4. 47 °C = 116 °F


Exercise 5: Accuracy vs. Precision

For the following, determine whether the information is accurate, precise, both or neither.


1. During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit-ups in a minute. The first student did 64 sit-ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67.

Precise because all the data is closely together, but not accurate since it is far from the norm of 45 sit ups.


2. The average score for the 5th grade math test is 89.5. The top 5th graders took the test and scored 89, 93, 91 and 87.

Both precise and accurate, because all the scores are closely gathered around the average score.


3. Yesterday the temperature was 89 °F, tomorrow it’s supposed to be 88 °F and the next day it’s supposed to be 90 °F, even though the average for September is only 75 °F degrees!

The data is precise, but not accurate.


4. Four friends decided to go out and play horseshoes. They took a picture of their results shown to the right:

Both accurate and precise.





5. A local grocery store was holding a contest to see who could most closely guess the number of pennies that they had inside a large jar. The first six people guessed the numbers 735, 209, 390, 300, 1005 and 689. The grocery clerk said the jar actually contains 568 pennies.

Neither precise or accurate.



Exercise 6: Significant Digits and Scientific Notation

Part 1: Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write out the specific significant digits.


1. 405000 = 3 significant digits – 4,0,5



2. 0.0098 = 2 significant digits – 9,8



3. 39.999999 = 8 significant digits – 3,9,9,9,9,9,9,9



4. 13.00 = 4 significant digits – 1,3,0,0



5. 80,000,089 = 8 significant digits – 8,0,0,0,0,0,8,9



6. 55,430.00 = 7 significant digits – 5,5,4,3,0,0,0



7. 0.000033 = 2 significant digits – 3,3



8. 620.03080 = 8 significant digits – 6,2,0,0,3,0,8,0


Part 2: Write the numbers below in scientific notation, incorporating what you know about significant digits.


1. 70,000,000,000 = 7 x 10^10


2. 0.000000048 = 4.8 x 10^-8


3. 67,890,000 = 678.9 x 10^5


4. 70,500 = 70.5 x 10^3


5. 450,900,800 = 450900.8 x 10^3


6. 0.009045 = 904.5 x 10^-5


7. 0.023 = 2.3 x 10^-2

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UMUC Biology 102 / 103 Lab 6: Taxonomy ANSWER KEY

This contains 100% correct material for UMUC Biology 103 LAB06. However, this is an Answer Key, which means, you should put it in your own words. Here is a sample for the Pre lab questions answered:



Pre-Lab Questions


1. Use the following classifications to determine which organism is least related out of the three. Explain your rationale. (1 pts)



The Eastern Newt is the least related organism out of the three. While all three are classified into the same domain, kingdom, phylum and class the Eastern Newt is in a different order than the American Green Tree Frog and the European Fire-Bellied Toad.


2. How has DNA sequencing affected the science of classifying organisms? (1 pts)

DNA sequencing has allowed for the comparison of genes at the molecular level as opposed to physical traits at the organism level. Physical traits can be misleading when classifying how related two organisms are. DNA sequencing can also trace relatedness through generations and more accurately assess how closely related two organisms are.


3. You are on vacation and see an organism that you do not recognize. Discuss what possible steps you can take to classify it. (1 pts)

The organism’s physical features can be used to compare it to known organisms. Some physiological features can even possibly be used to help classify it.


The rest of the questions in the lab are answered as well:


Experiment 1: Dichotomous Key Practice

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 3: Dichotomous Key Results

Organism Binomial Name

Selasphorus platycercus


Mus musculus


Vaccinium oxycoccos


Ramphastos vitellinus

v Quercus abla

Evathlus smithi


Helix aspersa


Taeniopygia guttata


Lonicera japonica


Oryctes nasicornis


Taeniopyga guttata


Musa acuminata


Seems like was omitted, which would have been Carduelis tristis.


Post-Lab Questions

1.    What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up?



2.    How does your answer from Question 1 relate to the Linnaean classification system?


Experiment 2: Classification of Organisms

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 2: Key Characteristics of Some Organisms

Organism Kingdom Defined Nucleus Mobile Cell Wall Photosynthesis Unicellular
E. Coli       Yes   Yes
Protozoa   Yes Yes No   Yes
Mushroom   Yes   Yes    
Sunflower   Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Bear   Yes Yes      







Post-Lab Questions

1.    Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism? Why or why not?



2.    What additional questions would you ask to further categorize the items within the kingdoms (Hint: think about other organisms in the kingdom and what makes them different than the examples used here)?




3.    What questions would you have asked instead of the ones that you answered about when classifying the organisms?

Lab 6: Taxonomy



Pre-Lab Questions


1. Use the following classifications to determine which organism is least related out of the three. Explain your rationale. (1 pts)



The Eastern Newt is the least related organism out of the three. While all three are classified into the same domain, kingdom, phylum and class the Eastern Newt is in a different order than the American Green Tree Frog and the European Fire-Bellied Toad.


2. How has DNA sequencing affected the science of classifying organisms? (1 pts)

DNA sequencing has allowed for the comparison of genes at the molecular level as opposed to physical traits at the organism level. Physical traits can be misleading when classifying how related two organisms are. DNA sequencing can also trace relatedness through generations and more accurately assess how closely related two organisms are.


3. You are on vacation and see an organism that you do not recognize. Discuss what possible steps you can take to classify it. (1 pts)

The organism’s physical features can be used to compare it to known organisms. Some physiological features can even possibly be used to help classify it.









Experiment 1: Dichotomous Key Practice Level American Green Tree

Fro  g 

European Fire-

Bellied Toadinomial Name

 Table 3: Dichotomous Key Results

(2 pts each)

Post-Lab Questions


1. What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up. (1 pt)

The options become more and more specific.


2. How does your answer from question one relate to the Linnaean classification system? (1 pts)

The dichotomous key options became more and more specific as they came closer to identifying the organism just like the classification system starts as a broad category (i.e, animal kingdom) and becomes more specific until a unique species is classified (i.e., species).


Experiment 2: Classification of Organisms

The flow chart questions will lead you to the correct classification of the organisms into their respective kingdoms. Table 2, shown above, has an error in your lab manual–sunflowers do not have motility. Most of you saw the discrepancy and went with the answer you got from the flow chart. For the blanks in the completed table (above), that’s because those answers are variable, and not necessary to identify that organism using the given flow chart. (3 pts)


Post-Lab Questions

1. Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism? Why or why not? (2)

Yes. If the questions in the “tree” were answered correctly, each organism should end up in the correct kingdom.


2. What additional questions would you ask to further categorize the items within the domains and kingdoms (Hint: think about other organisms in the kingdom and what makes them different than the examples used here)? (2 pts)

Your answers will vary, but you should have brainstormed other organisms that belong to each domain or kingdom. For example, fish are also in the animal kingdom – how do fish differ from bears (gills instead of lungs, live in water, etc.)? What makes types of protists different from each other (shape, form of motion, etc.)?




3. What questions would you have asked of the ones that you answered about when classifying the organisms? (2 pts)

Answers will vary.


· Bacteria: Is it a membrane bound organelle?

· Fungi: Is it a yeast or mold?

· Plantae: Does it have a cell wall?

· Animalia: Is it multicellular?

· Protista: Is it a eukaryote, but, not an animal, plant, or fungi?

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Environmental Science


Instructor’s Name:

Assignment: SCIE211 Phase 3 Lab Report

Title: Sources of CO2 Emissions

Instructions: You will need to write a 1-page lab report using the scientific method centered on the known phenomena of CO2 emissions, related to the following question:

· Would you expect to see an increase or decrease in CO2 emission in the data over the past 40 years? Why?

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

Part I: In the Web site link given in the assignment description, you will see an interactive map of the world titled “GMD Measurement Locations.” You can zoom in and out and move the map around within the window. In the map, choose 5 sites that are labeled with a star, which will have CO2 concentrations. Follow the steps below to fill in the data table:

1. Click on a starred location. (One site will not have CO2 concentrations.)

2. Once the starred location opens, on the right side of the screen, click on the pictured graph “Examples of Data” for CO2.

3. Once the graph opens, make a note of the CO2 concentrations from previous years to present day. Fill in the table below.

4. Repeat steps 1–3 for all other locations.

5. Use these results in your lab report to help you assess CO2 concentration trends from 1990 to 2005.

Location Code Name of City/Country CO2 Emissions in 1990 CO2 Emissions in 2005

Part II: Write a 1-page lab report using the following scientific method sections:

· Purpose

· State the purpose of the lab.

· Introduction

· This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.

· Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome

· A hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.

· Methods

· Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The Methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the Results/Outcome section.

· Results/Outcome

· Provide here any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.

· Discussion/Analysis

· In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results, and if the outcome was as expected.

· Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.

Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used in the Introduction section.

Give your paper a title and number, and identify each section as specified above. Although the hypothesis will be a 1-sentence answer, the other sections will need to be paragraphs to adequately explain your experiment.

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

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