
This project will develop your skills using web-based software for searching for a home and calculating mortgage financing for that home.

You would like to purchase a home in Fort Collins, Colorado. Ideally, it should be a single-family house with at least three bedrooms and one bathroom that costs between 350,000 and $450,000 and can be financed with a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. You can afford a down payment that is 20 percent of the value of the house. Before you purchase a house, you would like to find out what homes are available in your price range, find a mortgage, and determine the amount of your monthly payment. Use to help you with the following tasks:

• Locate homes in Fort Collins, Colorado, that meet your specifications.

• Find a mortgage for 80 percent of the list price of the home. Compare rates from at least three sites.

• After selecting a mortgage, calculate your closing costs and the monthly payment.

When you are finished, evaluate the whole process. For example, assess the ease of use of the site and your ability to find information about houses and mortgages, the accuracy of the information you found, and the breadth of choice of homes and mortgages.

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In this project you’ll use the web to research overseas distributors and customs regulations and use Internet-based software to calculate prices in foreign currencies.

You are in charge of marketing for a U.S. manufacturer of furniture that has decided to enter the international market. You want to test the market by contacting a European office furniture retailer to offer it a specific desk that you have to sell at about $195. Using the web, locate the information needed to locate and contact this firm and to find out how many euros you would get for the chair in the current market. In addition, consider using a universal currency converter website, which determines the value of one currency expressed in other currencies. Obtain both the information needed to contact the firm and the price of your chair in its local currency. Then locate and obtain customs and legal restrictions on the products you will export from the United States and import into the country of the retailer you have selected. Finally, locate a company that will represent you as a customs agent and gather information on shipping costs.

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  • How do prototypes influence the opinions of a potential user? Is there a method that you have studied in the academic literature that neutralizes potential users opinions of an end-product.

    • Instructions
      • Apply and use the basic citation styles of APA is required. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
      • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others. Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APA’s style and formatting. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
      • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive zero for your work. A second offense results in a zero for the course. A third is a termination from the university.
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An educational institute suffers from very low information security in terms of maturity across many elements of infosec and information assurance, including cyber resilience and application of cybersecurity good practice. Data breaches could have the institute puts its reputation at risk, and students expect a high level of protection of their data. It is highly recommended that there is a need to impose a certain level of filtering for the network to be secure to sustain from threats and attacks. To add restrictions on a particular network it is necessary to identify the possible threats to the organization. For example, it is necessary to identify the important services that run on the network. In order to get this done, there is a need to perform scanning on the network to identify the services and ports of the applications. Furthermore, the firewall needs to be configured by adding rules to block and allow the services based on the requirements of the organization and the security perspectives of the network.

Run TCP scan will scan for TCP port like port 22, 21, 23, 445 and ensure for listening port (open) through 3-way handshake connection between the source and destination port. Analyse the ports’ status. – Run UDP Scan where it sending a UDP packet to every destination port; it is a connectionless protocol. A maximum of 8 Nmap commands used with screenshots and results with a very clear discussion

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