Chapter 6: DNA, The Molecule of Life

Name:       Sec:


Chapter 6: DNA, The Molecule of Life


Module 6.1. DNA is a polymer of nucleotides.

1. The molecule of heredity is      .

2. Which of the following is used to construct DNA?

A) |_| chromosomes

B) |_| nucleotides

C) |_| double helix

D) |_| carbohydrates


3. Create double stranded DNA, by filling in the complementary bases:







4. Match the following terms with their appropriate descriptions: double helix, nucleic acid, nucleotide, backbone.

A) Molecules that contain information to make proteins

B) Consists of a base, five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate

C) Structure of a double-stranded molecule of DNA

D) Identical among all DNA molecules



5. Complete the following diagram of a nucleotide with the terms: phosphate group, sugar group, base group:









6. Overall, a molecule of DNA has a negative charge. Which component of DNA gives it this charge?


7. A gene is a specific section of DNA that contains the instructions to make a protein. If all molecules of DNA contain a phosphate group, a deoxyribose, and a base, propose an explanation for how the information to make a protein is coded within the DNA molecule.


8. If thymine makes up 20% of the bases in a DNA double helix, what percentage of the bases is guanine?

A) |_| 80%

B) |_| 60%

C) |_| 30%

D) |_| 20%



Module 6.2. During DNA replication, a cell duplicates its chromosomes.

9. If one polynucleotide strand of DNA has ACTTGACTAGCTA as its sequence of bases, what would be the sequence of bases on the opposing strand?


10. True or False; If false, make a true statement: DNA must be precisely copied prior to being passed on to the next generation


11. The process by which a molecule of DNA is copied is known as      .



12. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the nature of DNA replication. Use the following terms: parent double-stranded DNA, daughter double-stranded DNA, template strands, newly synthesized strands. Note some terms may be used more than once.
















13. The following diagram uses colors to illustrate the replication of a chromosome. Use your knowledge of DNA replication to determine whether or not the illustration is accurate. If it is not accurate, briefly explain how to make it correct.



14. Place the following steps of DNA replication in the proper order: DNA fragments are fused together; double helix is pulled apart; new strands of DNA are synthesized.





15. A drug that inhibits DNA ligase but not DNA polymerase is added to a cell. Explain how DNA replication would be affected as a result of this drug.


Module 6.3. DNA directs the production of proteins via RNA.

16. True or False; if false make a true statement: Nucleic acids store the information to make carbohydrates.


17. Two types of nucleic acids that are found in all cells are       and      .


18. Which of the following is found in all nucleotides?

A) |_| Phosphate group

B) |_| Ribose

C) |_| Deoxyribose

D) |_| Uracil



19. Is the following diagram a nucleotide of DNA, RNA, or could it be either one? Briefly explain your answer.


20. Complete the following table, which compares and contrasts the structures of DNA and RNA.

Unique to…

Common both DNA and RNA


21. Certain viruses, like HIV, actually contain RNA. When a virus of this type takes over a host cell, it makes DNA from its RNA. The viral DNA is then used to make an RNA copy, which is used to make viral proteins. In all cells, the flow of genetic information is from DNA RNA proteins. What is the flow of information in viruses (which are not considered cells) like HIV?



22. You are a biochemist and have been given a test tube containing a small amount of nucleic acid. You have been asked to determine whether it is DNA or RNA. Which of the following would be a characteristic that indicates RNA? Hint: There may be more than one correct answer.

A) |_| Presence of uracil, but no thymine

B) |_| Presence of guanine, but no cytosine

C) |_| Presence of phosphate, but no nitrogen

D) |_| Presence of ribose, but no deoxyribose


Module 6.4. Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein

23. True or False; If false, make a true statement: The nucleotide sequence in DNA through the process of information flow comes to produce your characteristics.


24. Correct the following: RNA protein DNA



25. Complete the following diagram, which represents the flow of genetic information in a cell. Use the terms: transcription, translation, DNA, RNA, protein, ribosome, nucleus, cytoplasm, nuclear membrane, nuclear pore. Note that “D” is on the structure behind the arrow, and “E” is on the arrow.





























a.       f.

b.       g.

c.       h.

d.       i.

e.       j.


26. Translation converts the information stored in       into      .

A) |_| DNA; RNA

B) |_| RNA; a protein

C) |_| protein; DNA

D) |_| protein; RNA



27. Briefly explain why you think “mRNA” is a good name for the RNA copy made from DNA.


28. Complete the following table, which compares transcription and translation.

  Transcription Translation



29. If a strand of DNA has the sequence AAGCTC, transcription will result in which of the following?

A) |_| Single RNA strand with the sequence TTCGAG

B) |_| DNA strand with the sequence TTCGAG

C) |_| Single RNA strand with the sequence UUCGAG

D) |_| DNA strand with the sequence AAGCTC


30. A series of three nucleotides that specifies an amino acid is a(n)      .


31. A student is given a sequence of DNA as follows: AACTAGCTAGCT, and is asked to provide the mRNA copy that would be made from that sequence during transcription. The student provides the following sequence: TTGATCGATCGA. Is this the correct sequence? If not, explain why it is incorrect and fix it.


Module 6.5. Transcription creates a molecule of RNA from a molecule of DNA


32.       is the process by which information stored in DNA is copied into mRNA.


33. List the following steps of transcription in order: RNA polymerase makes RNA; mRNA leaves the nucleus; RNA polymerase binds the promoter; RNA splicing.






34. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the process of transcription. Use the terms: DNA polymerase, promotor, DNA

















35. The template strand is the DNA strand directly used by the RNA polymerase to make the RNA copy. You are given the following mRNA sequence: AUGCUGAUU. Are you able to determine the sequence of bases on the DNA strand that was not transcribed? Briefly explain your answer either way. (Note: DNA is double stranded. During replication it is unwound and only one strand serves as the template strand. You are being asked if you can determine the sequence of the non-template strand).


36. A gene has a sequence of DNA in front of it that directs the RNA polymerase where to begin transcription. This sequence of DNA is the:

A) |_|transcription

B) |_|promoter

C) |_|terminator

D) |_|RNA splicing



37. You are a graduate student at the University of Iowa and working as a teaching assistant for a freshman introductory biology course. Two of your students have come to you with a question about the sequence of an mRNA transcribed from a gene. The original DNA sequence from which the mRNA was transcribed reads: TGACGATCGTA. The students were asked to provide the sequence of bases in the mRNA and came up with the following mRNA sequence: ACTGCTAGCAT. They are confused because their answer does not match the answer in the book. Briefly explain the very common mistake they made and what the correct sequence would be.


38. True or False; If false, make a true statement: The terminator is the sequence of DNA in front of the gene that tells the RNA polymerase where to begin transcription.


39. List three ways in which mRNA is modified after transcription:





40. Are introns and exons found in DNA or RNA?


Module 6.6. Translation involves the coordination of three kinds of RNA.


41. True or False; If false, make a true statement: The process of translation occurs within the cytoplasm on a cellular structure known as the mitochondrion.



42. Which of the following RNA molecules is a component of ribosomes?

A) |_| mRNA

B) |_| rRNA

C) |_| tRNA

D) |_| All of the above


43. A set of three nucleotides that specifies an amino acid is called a(n)      .



44. Which of the following RNA molecules is involved in the process of translation?

A) |_| mRNA

B) |_| rRNA

C) |_| tRNA

D) |_| All of the above


45. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates a ribosome:







46. Complete the following table, which compares the different kinds of RNA.



47. Briefly explain why a molecule of tRNA makes a good translator during the process of translation. Be sure to use the terms codon, anticodon, amino acid.




48. According to the table of the genetic code shown here, changing the second base of the codon

A) |_| always changes the amino acid that is encoded.

B) |_| never changes the amino acid that is encoded.

C) |_| sometimes changes the amino acid that is encoded.

D) |_| changes all of the above as noted.


49. What codon does every mRNA molecule have in common? What amino acid begins every polypeptide? Use the chart below:




50. Match the description to the molecule(s). Each choice should be used only once.




D. More than one of the above.

E. None of the above.

A molecule of this will always have an equal percentage of A and G, and an equal percentage of C and T

Has an anticodon and carries an amino acid

Serves as a messenger for taking genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm

Is involved in the process of translation

Is a component of ribosomes


51. How many codons are in the following mRNA sequence:


52. Use the information from question 49 to determine how many amino acids would be in the polypeptide produced from that mRNA.


Module 6.7. Translation creates a molecule of protein via the genetic code


53. True or False; If false, make a true statement: Ribosomes are part of the cytoplasm.


54. Place the following steps of translation in order: elongation, termination, initiation.





55. Translation takes place in the ______ on a _________.

A) |_| nucleus; ribosome

B) |_| cytoplasm; ribosome

C) |_| nucleus; mitochondria

D) |_|cytoplasm; lysosome


56. A drug that changes the AUG codon to UAC would most likely have what effect on translation? Be brief but specific in your answer.


57. If three DNA bases of the template strand are AGT, what is the anticodon of the tRNA that brings the amino acid?

A) |_| UCA

B) |_| TCU

C) |_| AGU

D) |_| TCA


58. Complete the following table, which compares the different stages of translation.

  Initiation Elongation Termination

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Anthropology Mini Essays

Essay Questions

Both of the following questions will appear on your exam. You can best prepare for the essay question by writing out your answer to each one and practicing it as you study. An added benefit of doing this is that you will also be reviewing key concepts that will be useful for the rest of the exam.


1.     Darwin originally believed that natural selection could not be seen in action. Today we know this is not the case. Explain one specific example of natural selection in action discussed in course materials. In order to completely address this question, you must include a clear description of how natural selection works and how the example illustrates natural selection. Be sure to choose an example with enough information to completely address the question. 2-3 substantial paragraphs.



2.     Evolutionary theory predicts that deleterious conditions will be selected out of populations and, therefore, occur at a very low rate. However, certain genetic diseases are more common in some populations than others and natural selection can explain this variation. Using Tay-Sachs or sickle-cell anemia as your example, explain why these diseases are more common in some populations than others. Be specific. 2-3 substantial paragraphs.


RESOURCES TO USE (You don’t have to use all, but choose a few that are relevant) :














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UMUC Biology 102/103 Lab 4: Enzymes

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UMUC Biology 102/103

Lab 4: Enzymes



·         On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 4 Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed in the Course Schedule (under Syllabus).

·         To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

·         Save your Lab 4 Answer Sheet in the following format:  LastName_Lab4 (e.g., Smith_Lab4).

·         You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Pre-Lab Questions


  1. How could you test to see if an enzyme was completely saturated during an experiment?


  1. List three conditions that would alter the activity of an enzyme. Be specific with your explanation.


  1. Take a look around your house and identify household products that work by means of an enzyme. Name the products, and indicate how you know they work with an enzyme.



Experiment 1: Enzymes in Food

This experiment tests for the presence of amylase in food by using Iodine-Potassium Iodide, IKI. IKI is a color indicator used to detect starch. This indicator turns dark purple or black in color when in the presence of starch. Therefore, if the IKI solution turns to a dark purple or black color during the experiment, one can determine that amylase is not present (because presence of amylase would break down the starch molecules, and the IKI would not change color).



(1) 2 oz. Bottle (Empty)
(1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder
30 mL Iodine-Potassium Iodide, IKI
Permanent Marker
2 Spray Lids
30 mL Starch (liquid)
*Cutting Board


*2 Food Products (e.g., ginger root, apple, potato, etc.)
*Kitchen Knife
*Paper Towel
*Saliva Sample
*Tap Water

*You Must Provide



  1. Remove the cap from the starch solution. Attach the spray lid to the starch solution.
  2. Rinse out the empty two ounce bottle with tap water. Use the 100 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 30 mL of IKI into the empty two ounce bottle. Attach the remaining spray lid to the bottle.
  3. Set up a positive control for this experiment by spraying a paper towel with the starch solution. Allow the starch to dry for approximately one hour (this time interval may vary by location).
  4. In the mean time, set up a negative control for this experiment. Use your knowledge of the scientific method and experimental controls to establish this component (hint: what should happen when IKI solution contacts something that does not contain starch?) Identify your negative control in Table 1.

Note: Be sure to space the positive and negative controls apart from each other to prevent cross-contamination.

  1. When the starch solution has dried, test your positive and negative controls. This step establishes a baseline color scale for you to evaluate the starch concentration of the food products you will test in Steps 7 – 11. Record your results in Table 1.
  2. Select two food items from your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator.
  3. Obtain a kitchen knife and a cutting board. Carefully cut your selected food items to create a fresh surface.
Figure 3: Sample set-up.
Figure 3: Sample set-up.
  1. Gently rub the fresh/exposed area of the food items on the dry, starch-sprayed paper towel back and forth 10 – 15 times. Label where each specimen was rubbed on the paper towel with a permanent marker (Figure 3).
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  3. Take your finger and place it on your tongue to transfer some saliva to your finger. Then, rub your moistened finger saliva into the paper towel. Repeat this step until you are able to adequately moisten the paper towel.

    Note: You should always wash your hands before touching your tongue! Alternatively, if you do not wish to put your hands in your mouth, you may also provide a saliva sample by spitting in a separate bowl and rubbing the paper towel in the saliva. Be sure not to spit on the paper towel directly as you may unintentionally cross-contaminate your samples.

  4. Wait five minutes.
  5. Hold the IKI spray bottle 25 – 30 cm away from the paper towel, and mist with the IKI solution.
  6. The reaction will be complete after approximately 60 seconds. Observe where color develops, and consider what these results indicate. Record your results in Table 1.
Table 1: Substance vs. Starch Presence
Substance Resulting Color Presence of Starch?
Positive Control: Starch Dark Purple Yes
Negative Control : Cellulose Brownish red color  No
Food Product: Apple Dark Purple  yes
Food Product: Potato Dark Purple  yes
Saliva: Amylase Brownish red color  No


Post Negative Control -Lab Questions

1.      What were your controls for this experiment? What did they demonstrate? Why was saliva included in this experiment?

2.      What is the function of amylase? What does amylase do to starch?

3.      Which of the foods that you tested contained amylase? Which did not? What experimental evidence supports your claim?


4.      Saliva does not contain amylase until babies are two months old. How could this affect an infant’s digestive requirements?


5.      There is another digestive enzyme (other than salivary amylase) that is secreted by the salivary glands. Research to determine what this enzyme is called. What substrate does it act on? Where in the body does it become activated, and why?


6.      Digestive enzymes in the gut include proteases, which digest proteins. Why don’t these enzymes digest the stomach and small intestine, which are partially composed of protein?


Experiment 2: Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Yeast cells contain catalase, an enzyme which helps convert hydrogen peroxide to water

Figure 4: Catalase catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
Figure 4: Catalase catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.

and oxygen. This enzyme is very significant as hydrogen peroxide can be toxic to cells if allowed to accumulate. The effect of catalase can be seen when yeast is combined with hydrogen peroxide (Catalase: 2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2).

In this lab you will examine the effects of temperature on enzyme (catalase) activity based on the amount of oxygen produced. Note, be sure to remain observant for effervescence when analyzing your results.



(2) 250 mL Beakers
3 Balloons
30 mL 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2
Measuring Spoon
Permanent Marker
20 cm String


3 Test Tubes (Glass)
Test Tube Rack
Yeast Packet
*Hot Water Bath

*You Must Provide



  1. Use a permanent marker to label test tubes 1, 2, and 3. Place them in the test tube rack.
  2. Fill each tube with 10 mL hydrogen peroxide. Then, keep one of the test tubes in the test tube rack, but transfer the two additional test tubes to two separate 250 mL beakers.
  3. Find one of the balloons, and the piece of string. Wrap the string around the uninflated balloon and measure the length of the string with the ruler. Record the measurement in Table 2.
  4. Create a hot water bath by performing the following steps:
    1. Determine if you will use a stovetop or microwave to heat the water. Use the 100 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour approximately 200 mL of water into a small pot or microwave-safe bowl (you will have to measure this volume in two separate allocations).
    2. If using a stovetop, obtain a small pot and proceed to Step 4c. If using a microwave, obtain a microwave-safe bowl and proceed to Step 4e.
    3. If using a stove, place a small pot on the stove and turn the stove on to a medium heat setting.
    4. Carefully monitor the water in the pot until it comes to a soft boil (approximately 100 °C). Use the thermometer provided in your lab kit to verify the water temperature. Turn the stove off when the water begins to boil. Immediately proceed to Step 5.

      CAUTION: Be sure to turn the stove off after creating the hot water bath. Monitor the heating water at all times, and never handle a hot pan without appropriate pot holders.

    5. If using a microwave, place the microwave-safe bowl in the microwave and heat the water in 30 second increments until the temperature of the water is approximately 100 °C. Use the thermometer provided in your lab kit to verify the water temperature. Wait approximately one minute before proceeding to Step 5.
  5. Place Tube 1 in the refrigerator. Leave Tube 2 at room temperature, and place Tube 3 in the hot water bath.

Important Note: The water should be at approximately 85 °C when you place Tube 3 in it. Verify the temperature with the thermometer to ensure the water is not too hot! Temperatures which exceed approximately 85  °C may denature the hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Record the temperatures of each condition in Table 2. Be sure to provide the thermometer with sufficient time in between each environment to avoid obscuring the temperature readings.
  2. Let the tubes sit for 15 minutes.
  3. During the 15 minutes prepare the balloons with yeast by adding ÂĽ tsp. of yeast each balloon. Make sure all the yeast gets settled to the bulb of the balloon and not caught in the neck. Be sure not spill yeast while handling the balloons.
  4. Carefully stretch the neck of the balloon to help ensure it does not rip when stretched over the opening of the test tube.
  5. Attach the neck of a balloon you prepared in step 8 to the top of Tube 2 (the room temperature test tube) making sure to not let the yeast spill into the test tube yet. Once the balloon is securely attached to the test tube lift the balloon and allow the yeast to enter the test tube. Tap the bulb of the balloon to ensure all the yeast falls into the tube.
  6. As quickly and carefully as possible remove the Tube 1 (cold) from the refrigerator and repeat steps 9 – 10 with Tube 1 using a balloon you prepared in step 8.
  7. As quickly and carefully as possible remove Tube 3 (hot) from the hot water bath and repeat steps 9 – 10 with Tube 3 using a balloon you prepared in step 8.
  8. Swirl each tube to mix, and wait 30 seconds.
  9. Wrap the string around the center of each balloon to measure the circumference. Measure the length of string with a ruler. Record your measurements in Table 2.
Table 2: Balloon Circumference vs. Temperature
Tube Temperature (°C) Balloon Circumference (Uninflated; cm) Balloon Circumference (Final; cm)
1 – (Cold)      
2 – (RT)    
3 – (Hot)    



Post-Lab Questions

1.      What reaction is being catalyzed in this experiment?

2.      What is the enzyme in this experiment? What is the substrate?

3.      What is the independent variable in this experiment? What is the dependent variable?

4.      How does the temperature affect enzyme function? Use evidence from your data to support your answer.


5.      Draw a graph of balloon diameter vs. temperature. What is the correlation?

6.      Is there a negative control in this experiment? If yes, identify the control. If no, suggest how you could revise the experiment to include a negative control.


7.      In general, how would an increase in substrate alter enzyme activity? Draw a graph to illustrate this relationship.

8.      Design an experiment to determine the optimal temperature for enzyme function, complete with controls. Where would you find the enzymes for this experiment? What substrate would you use?

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Kukai’s TenKukai’s Ten Mindsets (Japanese Buddhist Philosophy)Mindsets (Japanese Buddhist Philosophy)

Kukai’s background and summary of Shingon Buddhism

In the Japanese philosophy and humanitarian history, there has been a series of religious people who have taken part in sharing and teaching about different humanitarian ideas and theories. One of these individuals was the Buddhist tantric monk Kukai. Kukai was born in 774 in a sea-village known as the Gbu-ga-ura a village that is not far from the Tadotsu, in Sanuki. The boy Kukai was born into a family called Saiki and his father, was Yoshimichi who was a nobleman from the ancient emperor descendent. The birth of Kukai is said to be miraculous in nature. The reason is because before conception; his mother saw a vision in her dream of a saintly monk coming to her house and monk using supernatural powers made Kukai’s mom pregnant. Again, when the boy Kukai was born, his hands were held together as if he was in prayers (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). Kukai was baptized to a name Henshg King which means “worldwide shining diamond.” Locally, during his growing up, he was also given a nickname that people used to call him “TotGmono” which means “out treasure.”

Kukai started his mission when he was young, and he could he have visions like being seated on eight-petalled lotus flower having a dialogue with the Buddha. Kukai joined the University when he was twelve years in preparations for his career in Confucianism. However, being unsatisfied with the career, Kukai privately studied Taoism because it was the job that he felt was in alignment with his reasoning. In great curiosity to learn the truth, Kukai left his city at a tender age and became a member of the Buddhist temple as an acolyte. His great passion in Buddhism made him to mode clay images of Buddha. With the images, he established a shrine from where he could do his Adoration to Buddha. This great step of faith in Buddha subjected Kukai to trials of the devil as he was continually tried. However, it is believed that Buddha protected him from the trials and tribulations and he was granted special power to overcome spiritual battles. His great commitment and adoration led to his ordination as a Buddhism priest by priest Gonso of Iwabuchidera (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959).

As a priest, Kukai worked together with Ambassador Fujiwara, and together they traveled to different countries like China between the years 778-818. Upon his return to Japan, Kukai founded an independent Buddhist institution by the name Heian Buddhism which focused on teaching about the truth. In his works at the Heian Buddhism ministry, Kukai engaged in a lot of teachings which among them was the understanding of human mind where he came up with ten different mindsets development  and the different personal characteristics and behaviors associated with the different mindsets. According to Kukai’s teachings through his school of thought, the ten different mindset stages that individuals go through before they can achieve full consciousness of issues as they are naturally.

The philosophy claimed that more one moves to another step the more developed one’s brains get, and the more real the world becomes (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). Notably, each stage has its specific characteristics and behaviors that a person tends to show. Kukai’s state of mind teachings came to be taught and known a big number of people, and they are instructions that are known to have realized massive respect and value from the Japanese people. However, opposition towards Kukai’s view of mindset was highly present from some Ryuichi who was a Buddhist revisionist. Nevertheless, Kukai’s teachings came to be recognized as the Japanese Buddhist philosophy.

Apart from the teachings, priest Kukai did a lot of Buddhism services to people like communicating with different gods like the god of rain, soil, the sun, and harvest among many other gods and goddesses. Kukai constantly did a lot of supernatural powers that made the people believe in his powers and consider him a saint. The reason is that it was hard in Buddhism to communicate and have a response from the gods without being a saint. Also, for people to believe in his exorcism Buddhism, he also had to write a lot of literature and philosophies. However, this essay shall focus on Kukai’s ten mindsets successfully articulate the state of mind achieved through his school of thought.

Kukai’s ten mindsets

According to Dalisay, (2014); Priest Kukai who was born like a saint established ten different mindsets. The various mindset stages have a lot to do with humanity and a person’s state of mind. Each mindset has its specific characteristics and behaviors that a person shows when he/she belongs to that particular mindset category. Progressing to different mindset stages comes along with different features and behaviors. The following table shows all the different mindsets and their respective characteristics and behaviors.

Level of mind Characteristics and behaviors
1.      Unstable goatish mind Driven by instincts and needs for security, sex, and food
2.      Foolish abstinent mind Strives to be ethical and moral
3.      Childlike fearless mind Seeks to believe in an eternally unchanging god or salvation doctrine
4.      Mind of selfless aggregates Seeks personal liberation
5.      Mind free of karmic seeds Understands the process of conditioning, slowing destroying ignorance
6.      Compassionate Mahayana mind Has great compassion as it sees the consciousness in nature
7.      Mind awake to the unborn Realizes the void nature of both objects and mind itself
8.      Mind of the single way Realizes that all things in the world are contained in a single thought in mind
9.      Mind of ultimate no-self nature Penetrates all things but still limited by duality
10.  Secret sublime mind Breaks through duality, fully realizing the true nature


Stage 1: unstable, goatish mind

According to Kukai, the unstable, goatish mind is the first step of mindset and according to Kukai is the toughest step in the entire development process. The reason is that it is the stage that presents individuals with the crudest and bleak visions of life. This is in regards to personal paths to follow and the starting point. Moreover, it is the stage when a person is presented the most challenging and complicated life visions that determine who a person is. Nevertheless, it is the mindset step that has a profound honesty starting point (Dalisay, 2014). The reason is that, despite a person feeling that he/she is sophisticated; the first level of mind is always familiar and strangely real. The danger about this stage is that instincts normally drive a person. So if the instincts are misleading, it is likely for one to have an entirely wrong mindset. The reason is that, in this step, people tend to act like sheep, and hence they tend to show ignorance and stupidity.

Stage 2: foolish abstinent mind

According to Kukai, a foolish abstinent mind is the second stage of mind development. In this stage, self-awareness hastens, and it is at this stage that a person realizes that there is more to life than just following the fickleness on the untrained and ordinary mind. Kukai also stated that it is at this stage that a person starts refraining from over-indulgence as well as harmful actions hence making a person start turning away from the first level of mind and instead starts seeking for something more meaningful in life (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). This stage was also named as gudo jisai-shin, and a person starts to restrain oneself from self-instincts. The reason is that the stage of mind development makes one realise the different foolish things that one was engaging in and the desire to stop them is triggered.

Stage 3: Childlike fearless mind

This is a stage of mind development a person seeks to believe in an eternally unchanging god or salvation doctrine. During this third stage of mind development, Kukai stated that a person in this state is normally wearied with human suffering and it is for this reason that the person starts to seek the peace of dwelling in heaven with the only thing being salvation (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). It is this mind that first awakens the need for religion because one in this mindset development stage makes a person to feel like a child and hence increased need to seek comfort for the mother’s embrace. Unfortunately, a person in this stage fails to realize that the mother too is subject to death, old age, and sickness and hence the only option is to believe in a forever spiritual doctrine or unchanging god. The need is even more desperate when the mind is at this stage, and one performs the four mental concentrations together with the six practices (Matsuda, 2003). The reason is that these practices increases the disliking of the world below and instead increases the need to love and gain more knowledge about heaven (Taoism and Hinduism).

According to Kukai, in this third stage of mind development, a person starts to have amazing spiritual visions. However, these visions are only practicable in another world and not the present world that the individual is in. However; a person’s vision of what can be achieved expands to infinite even though the confidence involved makes it possible for the vision to happen in life or fail to occur in this life.

Stage 4: Mind of selfless aggregates

According to Kukai’s philosophy, the fourth stage of mindset development makes one see oneself as impermanent, but the person still thinks that the five aggregates have a real existence. These five aggregates include; perception, mental activity, consciousness, form, and will. The realization of the five aggregates, a person’s mind can think more clearly and realize the notion of a permanent ego is in the real sense unreal. The realization further makes a person see the need and benefits of the eightfold anticipation as well as the six supernatural powers (Dalisay, 2014). This means that the development of the brain makes the mind to recognize the existence of components and denies a permanent ego any form of recognition. According to Kukai, a person meets Buddhadharma for the first time in the fourth stage of mindset. It is the stage that people tend to practice all the core principles and values taught by Shakamuni. More so, the system of practice is normally characterized by the three mysteries which are; Samadhi, sila, and prajana. This stage is also the personal obstacle overcoming stage and awakens a person’s abilities to handle challenges (Matsuda, 2003).

Stage 5: Mind free of karmic seeds

The fifth stage of mind development makes a person destroy all the arrogance and ignorance which are said to have been planted by the bad karma. Just like in the fourth stage of brain development, in this stage also the brain lacks any form of compassion towards other beings (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). This means that in as much a lot of arrogance is uprooted; other mental weaknesses develop hence hindering total effectiveness on how the brain works.

Stage 6: Compassionate Mahayana mind

According to Kukai in his Japanese Buddhist Philosophy, the compassionate Mahayana mind is the level of mind where the mind becomes compassionate about all living things in the world. The mind becomes conscious of all things despite the realization that all objects are void and hence the mind tends to see all objects as real (Dalisay, 2014). Kukai stated in his philosophy that in the entire brain development process, this is the first time that great compassion takes place and one takes the action of granting aid to other people who might be in need of any help.

Stage 7: Mind awake to the unborn

According to Kukai, when the mind gets into this level of development, it is the time that an individual gets into an actual realization about the void nature of both the mind and objects. In this stage, Kukai elaborates that with the unborn, he means the false predictions that are made clear by the absolute emptiness that one feels in mind and objects (Matsuda, 2003). It is the stage of mind awakening to face the truth, and the mind in this stage becomes unproduced. More so, it is the stage that the mind comes to the realization that no dramas exist beyond the mind.

Stage 8: The mind single way

According to the philosophy, the eight step of mind development leads to a single way of thinking. Kukai defined mind single was as the way to the truth. The reason is because he believed that the brain can only perceive issues from one single way for the truth to be determined. According to Kukai, this level of mind development can understand and acknowledge that the world of delusion and enlightenment is the world of mind and matter, an all possible world, and all thoughts are contained in one individual mind (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). In this stage of mind development, the mind can come together and put more efforts and concentration on the true issues and minimizes the void felt in the seventh stage of mind development. The reason is that according to Kukai, the brain can consolidate and narrow down the wide perception to a narrow perception hence making things to have meaning and purpose,

Stage 9: Mind of ultimate no-self nature

According to Kukai’s Japanese philosophy, the mind in the ninth stage of development has gone through different stages, and the mind can push through all things around it. Nevertheless, the brain is still limited by its duality, and this is something that further hinders the brain from functioning or perceiving issues from a perfect point of view (Dalisay, 2014). The reason is that when the mindset is limited to duality, it means that the mind is being affected by two different issues hence compromising the way of perceiving problems.

Stage 10: secret sublime mind

This is the last stage of mindset, and in this stage, the mind has already gone through all the process, and the stage brings the brain to a breakthrough. The reason is that the mind has been able to follow illusions, comes to realize and overcome them among many other challenges. It is for this reason that Kukai stated that this stage of mind development is marked with a breakthrough of the duality and finally the mind can realize the true nature (Matsuda, 2003). With the duality challenge overcome, the much searched for truth is eventually realized, and the mind can settle after obtaining the truth.

Treatise on the Ten Stages of the Development of Mind

Just like everything else in the world that develops, the mind also has different stages of development. It is by going through all the stages of development that the mind is grown fully and can distinguish between good and bad or something acceptable and things that are not acceptable (Dalisay, 2014). When one is young, the mind is not fully developed, and it means that as one grows up, the mind continues to grow as well as go through the different stages. First, when the mind is young, there is a lot of confusion and the confusion is the one making one to feel the void or the emptiness. The reason is that one from the onset normally has a purpose and before the purpose is obtained it is hard for one to get the real world. Thus, one ends up going through different stages and satisfaction is realized when the brain becomes fully developed. The reason is that this is the time that from one’s thinking; things in life starts making sense and more clear. It is also the time one is sure of the feelings and it like the reality dawns hence making one have a better sense of direction and purpose.

This difference in characteristics and behaviors that come with each stage of mind development according to Kukai is the reason that makes people who belong to different mind development stages to behave differently from each other. The latter is in the sense that the actions that one engages in according to how the brain is receiving and interpreting information are different from the actions that another person who belongs to another brain development level would show (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). For example, a person whose mind is in the first stage of development would innocently act on instincts. On the other hand, a person who has already passed the first stage of brain development and now is in the third stage of mind development would not act by instincts but would apply morals and ethics earned in stage two and also act in a manner that will please the heavens. The reason is that this stage makes a person to seek salvation as the best way out.

Social cycles

From the different stages of mind development and the different actions associated with the stages, the social cycles are created. The people from the same level of mind development tends to behave in the same manner and share similar characteristics something that makes them belong to the same social cycle (Matsuda, 2003). The more reason is that they are likely to get along easily because of the similarities in behavior and characteristics as compared to dealing with an individual with an entirely different way of perceiving issues and behaving. However, the different social groups are important because when they come together, they form the society. This means that according to Kukai, the community is made of people from different levels of brain development and social cycles (Casal, Ugo Alfonso, 1959). In as much, each human being that makes up a social cycle or society has his/her characteristics, so it is the same case with the society. In most cases, the members of the community come together and form different laws and traditions that help the people despite from the fact they belong to different mind levels; they can interact and live together in harmony. In the world today, there are high-minded societies which have already gone through the maturing process like the European Union, and the low-minded societies that are still in the development process yet to mature like the warring nations.

The warring nations and countries practicing discrimination and other malpractices are classified as low-minded societies because they have not reached the maturity stage where all malpractices would lose meaning (Matsuda, 2003). This means that these societies have not been able to break through the limitedness of duality, and hence they continue being held back. After the breakthrough, the society is also able to perceive issues from a positive point of view, and the malpractices become irrelevant hence making the members of the society even without being commanded to act responsible and argue from an ethic, moral, and religious point of view.  The latter is in the sense that going through the development process helps the society to continue learning new things hence changing perception and way of thinking.


Work cited

Casal, Ugo Alfonso. “The Saintly KĂ´bĂ´ Daishi in Popular Lore (AD 774-835).” Folklore Studies (1959): 95-144;

Dalisay Jr, Juan. “Understanding Humanity: An Analysis of Human Minds and Societal Patterns.” (2014);

Matsuda, William J. The founder reinterpreted: Kukai and Vraisemblant narrative. Diss. The University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2003;


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