Assessing The Heart, Lungs, And Peripheral Vascular System

Make a SOAP Note: Assessing the Heart, Lungs, and Peripheral Vascular System

Scenario 2

Vital signs:

Temperature: 97.9 oral

Respiratory rate: 32, labored

Heart rate: 112, tachycardic

BP right arm: 148/88

Oxygen saturation: 90% on room air

Weight: 210 lbs, stable

Skin: Cool, diaphoretic

Thorax and lungs: Thorax symmetrical; diminished breath sounds right middle and lower lobes; no rales, rhonchi, or wheezes; breath sounds vesicular with no adventitious sounds left lung

Cardiovascular: Heart rate is irregular with good S1, S2; no S3 or S4; no murmur

Abdomen: Protuberant with normoactive bowel sounds auscultated x4 quadrants

Peripheral vascular: Right calf with 2+ edema, erythema; warmth and tenderness on palpation noted; left lower extremity without edema or erythema; 2+ dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally


Instructions: Your Discussion post should be in the SOAP Note format, rather than the traditional narrative style Discussion posting format. Refer to the Comprehensive SOAP Template/Exemplar on the attachments below.

Address all these in the SOAP Note:

1. A description of the health history you would need to collect from the patient in the case study 2.

2. Explain what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate and how the results would be used to make a diagnosis.

3. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis, and justify why you selected each.

REMINDER: Please make a SOAP NOTE for this case. Make your own patient’s data, applicable health history, review of systems, P.E., labs, etc. Incorporate the data from the case 2 in the SOAP note that you will do… This is not essay ok…. I need SOAP note (Nurse Practitioner/RN/MD makes SOAP note)… Be guided with the templates/exemplar… Don’t copy paste. Formulate your own… Don’t forget to cite the Five different possible conditions (Differential diagnosis) and have Reference lists too.



· Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2015). Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

o Chapter 13, “Chest and Lungs” (pp. 260-293)

This chapter explains the physical exam process for the chest and lungs. The authors also include descriptions of common abnormalities in the chest and lungs.

o Chapter 14, “Heart” (pp. 294-331)

The authors of this chapter explain the structure and function of the heart. The text also describes the steps used to conduct an exam of the heart.

o Chapter 15, “Blood Vessels” (pp. 332-349)

This chapter describes how to properly conduct a physical examination of the blood vessels. The chapter also supplies descriptions of common heart disorders.

· Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2016). Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

o Chapter 8, “Chest Pain” (pp. 81–96)

This chapter focuses on diagnosing the cause of chest pain and highlights the importance of first determining whether the patient is in a life-threatening condition. It includes questions that can help pinpoint the type and severity of pain and then describes how to perform a physical examination. Finally, the authors outline potential laboratory and diagnostic studies.

o Chapter 11, “Cough” (pp. 118-147)

A cough is a very common symptom in patients and usually indicates a minor health problem. This chapter focuses on how to determine the cause of the cough through asking questions and performing a physical exam.

o Chapter 14, “Dyspnea” (pp. 159–173)

The focus of this chapter is dyspnea, or shortness of breath. The chapter includes strategies for determining the cause of the problem through evaluation of the patient’s history, through physical examination, and through additional laboratory and diagnostic tests.

o Chapter 26, “Palpitations” (pp. 310-317)

This chapter describes the different causes of heart palpitations and details how the specific cause in a patient can be determined.

o Chapter 33, “Syncope” (pp. 390-397)

This chapter focuses on syncope, or loss of consciousness. The authors describe the difficulty of ascertaining the cause, because the patient is usually seen after the loss of consciousness has happened. The chapter includes information on potential causes and the symptoms of each.

· Sullivan , D. D. (2012). Guide to clinical documentation (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.

o Chapter 6, “Outpatient Charting and Communications” (pp. 119–141)

Note: Download these Adult Examination Checklists and Physical Exam Summaries to use during your practice cardiac and respiratory examination.

· Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2011). Physical exam summary: Blood vessels. In Mosby’s guide to physical examination (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
This Blood Vessels Physical Exam Summary was published as a companion to Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.), by Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., & Flynn, J. A. Copyright Elsevier (2015). From

· Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2011). Adult examination checklist: Guide for cardiovascular assessment. In Mosby’s guide to physical examination(7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
This Adult Examination Checklist: Guide for Cardiovascular Assessment was published as a companion to Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.), by Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., & Flynn, J. A. Copyright Elsevier (2015). From

· Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2011). Adult examination checklist: Guide for chest and lung assessment. In Mosby’s guide to physical examination (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
This Adult Examination Checklist: Guide for Chest and Lung Assessment was published as a companion to Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.), by Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., & Flynn, J. A. Copyright Elsevier (2015). From

· Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2011). Physical exam summary: Chest and lungs. In Mosby’s guide to physical examination (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
This Chest and Lungs Physical Exam Summary was published as a companion to Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.), by Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., & Flynn, J. A. Copyright Elsevier (2015). From

· Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2011). Physical exam summary: Heart. In Mosby’s guide to physical examination (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
This Heart Physical Exam Summary was published as a companion to Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.), by Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., & Flynn, J. A. Copyright Elsevier (2015). From

· McCabe, C., & Wiggins, J. (2010a). Differential diagnosis of respiratory disease part 1. Practice Nurse,40(1), 35–41.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article describes the warning signs of impending deterioration of the respiratory system. The authors also explain the features of common respiratory conditions.

· McCabe, C., & Wiggins, J. (2010b). Differential diagnosis of respiratory diseases part 2. Practice Nurse, 40(2), 33–41.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The authors of this article specify how to identify the major causes of acute breathlessness. Additionally, they explain how to interpret a variety of findings from respiratory investigations.

· SkillStat Learning, Inc. (2014). The 6 second ECG. Retrieved from

This interactive website allows you to explore common cardiac rhythms. It also offers the Six Second ECG game so you can practice identifying rhythms.

· University of Virginia. (n.d.). Introduction to radiology: An online interactive tutorial. Retrieved from

This website provides an introduction to radiology and imaging. For this week, focus on cardiac radiography and chest radiology.


· Laureate Education. (Producer). (2012). Advanced health assessment and diagnostic reasoning. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: You will use the case studies presented in the media, Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning, to complete this week’s Discussion.

· Online media for Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination

In addition to this week’s media, it is highly recommended that you access and view the resources included with the course text, Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination. Focus on the videos and animations in Chapters 13, 14, and 15 that relate to the assessment of the heart, lungs, and peripheral vascular system. Refer to Week 4 for access instructions on

Optional Resources

· LeBlond, R. F., Brown, D. D., & DeGowin, R. L. (2009). DeGowin’s diagnostic examination (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill Medical.

o Chapter 8, “The Chest: Chest Wall, Pulmonary, and Cardiovascular Systems; The Breasts” (Section 1, “Chest Wall, Pulmonary, and Cardiovascular Systems,” pp. 302–433)

Note: Section 2 of this chapter will be addressed in Week 10.

This section of Chapter 8 describes the anatomy of the chest wall, pulmonary, and cardiovascular systems. Section 1 also explains how to properly conduct examinations of these areas.

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The Lower Limit Of The Intertidal Zone Is The

Write a 750- to 1,050-word Lab Report (see Appendix C) that describes the results from the Phototropism Virtual Laboratory.


Read Appendix C, which has headings required in a scientific report:  These subject headings and sections includes an introduction, a materials/methods section, a results section, a discussion section, and a conclusion.

Follow directions in Appendix C to complete the paper.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Direct Quotes are limited to 2 small quotes (less than 40 words).

Include all references and in-text citations – all should be formatted in APA style.  Include an in-text citation for each paragraph, and include a references section.  Assignments with either of these missing will be considered plagiarism and will not be graded.

Remember, you used the virtual lab as a resource.





Appendix C

University of Phoenix Material


Appendix C: Organizational Requirements for Phototropism Virtual Laboratory Paper


Introduction: Provide readers with the experiment’s background information, and present the hypothesis in 2 paragraphs. The introduction must be written in the present tense. Include the following points:


·         Discuss the difference between growth and turgor movement in plants. Define phototropism and gravitropism, and explain the fundamental mechanisms of each movement. Indicate why studying tropisms are important for plant science.

·         State your hypothesis of how meristem movement occurs in plants in response to sunlight. Explain how your hypothesis will be tested. In 1 to 2 sentences, explain what you expect will happen, and include at least one alternative outcome.

Methods: In 2 paragraphs, describe how the phototropism experiment was conducted. Include the following points:

·         Experimental design: Describe treatments for the test seedling and positive and negative controls. Why does the experiment include all three treatments? What does each treatment allow you to understand?

·         Data collection: How did you collect data? Over what time period was it collected?

Results: In no less than 2 paragraphs, describe the results. Include the following points:

·         Begin with a 1- to 2-sentence summary of your findings.

·         Include the graphs generated from your spreadsheet. Your graphs must be labeled. Summarize the results discovered in each graph, and compare results.

Discussion: In no less than 4 paragraphs, describe your findings, and consider their importance to plant science. Include the following points:

·         Summarize findings. State whether your hypothesis was supported.

·         Explain how phototropism occurs. Include at least one explanation from the text. Do your results allow you to support the explanation with 100% certainty? Why or why not?


Conclusion: Offer a summary of your findings. Indicate how this experiment will help scientists understand phototropism. Offer at least one example of what still must be learned about phototropism.


        BIO 204 Assignments (Week 1 to Week 5)

BIO 204 Week 1 Mitosis Lab

BIO/204 week 1 Plant Cell Organelles and Their Functions Worksheet

BIO 204 Week2 Applying the Concept of Membrane Transport Presentation

BIO/204 Week2 Process of Photosynthesis

BIO/204 week 3 Process of Light Reaction and the Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis

BIO/204 week 3 Examining Primary and Secondary Growth and Movement of Sugar and Water

BIO/204 week 4 Root Anatomy

BIO/204 week 4 Photosynthetic Stages

BIO/204 week 5 Role of Major Hormones Presentation

BIO/204 week 5 Phototropism Virtual Laboratory

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Lab 4 – Protists & Fungi


Lab 4 – Protists & Fungi


1. Describe the differences between Protists, Fungi and Prokaryotic cells.

2. Describe how to separate Protists based on their nutrition.

3. Look at examples of Protists and label specified structures.

4. Describe how Fungi obtain nutrients.

5. Look at examples of Fungi and label specified structures.

Reading assignment: Read 16.6 – 16.9: There is also a power point of this material.

For this worksheet you will search the internet for examples of the given organism. You must list the reference (web site) that you used for each picture that you copy into the worksheet. You need to choose unlabeled photographs of microscope slides that show all of the structures, that you will then label. Refer to the file “How to Label an Image” found on Bb > Lab Assignments > Lab Background Information.

List 2 differences between prokaryotic bacteria and protists.

A Paramecium caudatum is a unicellular heterotroph. What does this mean?

Phytoplanton are marine autotrophs. What does this mean?

Protists are eukaryotic. Is it possible for a prokaryotic organism to be an autotroph? Explain.

A. Protozoa

1. Amoeba proteus – Using the internet find a photograph of a slide of an amoeba. Copy the photograph (listing the source) into this worksheet and label the nucleus and pseudopod.

What is the pseudopod?

How do these protists ingest food?

2. Paramecium caudatum – Find a photograph of a slide of a paramecium and label the nucleus.

What structure allows this organism to move?

3. Plasmodium vivax is also a protozoan and a parasite.

What disease results when humans are infected with this organism?

How do humans acquire this protozoan?

Please watch the video on Plasmodium’s life cycle:

What cells does the parasite target in the human host?

Where does sexual reproduction take place in the parasite’s life cycle?

B. Algae

1. Volvox (colonial algae) – Find a photograph of a slide of Volvox and label the parent colony, juvenile (or daughter) colony, and vegetative cells.

2. Spirogyra– Find a photograph of a slide of Spirogyra in the asexual stage and label the chloroplasts and cell wall.

Find a second photograph of a slide of Spirogyra in the sexual stage and label the zygotes, female filament (with zygote), male filament (empty) and conjugation tubules.

What is conjugation?

C. Fungi

List 2 differences between protists and fungi.

Describe how fungi obtain nutrients.

List 2 problems caused by fungi and 2 benefits provided by fungi.

1. Yeast (unicellular fungus) – Find a photograph of a slide of yeast.

2. Breadmold – Rhizopus. Find a photograph of a slide of Rhizopus in the asexual stage and label the hyphae, sporangia, and spores.

Find a second photograph of a slide of Rhizopus in the sexual stage and label the gametangium and zygospore.

3. Coprinus Mushroom – Find a photograph of a slide of Coprinus (not a picture of a mature mushroom) and label the cap, stalk, gills, and spores

Once you have completed the worksheet you need to submit it using Blackboard.

Take Lab Quiz 4. This quiz covers the information from sections 16.6 – 16.9.

These are the organisms that you will find images of and the structures you must identify.

Kingdom Protista


Amoeba proteus – pseudopodia, nucleus

Paramecium caudatum – nucleus


Volvox – multicellular colonial alga

parent colony juvenile colony vegetative cells

Spirogyra – multicellular filamentous alga (2 drawings)

chloroplasts pyrenoids cell walls

female filament zygotes male filament conjugation tubes

Kingdom Fungi


Breadmold – Rhizopus (2 drawings)

asexual: hyphae sporangia spores

sexual: gametangium zygospore

Coprinus Mushroom

cap stalk gills spores

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Epidemiology Finals Paper

Population: In this section of your report, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue.  A. Summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for your report. [IHP-330-02]  B. Describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]  C. Describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]  D. Explain how the identified social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities you identified, and explain your reasoning. [IHP-33001]


II. Health Issue: In this section of your final project, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic.  A. Describe the risk factors associated with the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. [IHP-330-02]  B. Describe the mode of transmission of the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. [IHP-330-02]  C. Determine the incidence and prevalence of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-330-03]  D. Determine the mortality rate of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-33003]  E. Interpret the odds ratio to determine the strength of association between the potential sources of exposure and the disease. [IHP-330-03]  F. Using your research and analysis, draw connections between the population and public health issue. Consider where you identified common elements, what you learned about the public health issue by studying the population, and what you learned about the population by studying the public health issue. [IHP-330-03]


III. Levels of Prevention: In this section, you will describe the prevention strategies used by the epidemiologists in the research study. You will identify a strategy for each level of prevention and differentiate between the strategies.  A. Describe a primary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]  B. Describe a secondary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]


C. Describe a tertiary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]  D. Explain how the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies differ in how they address the key factors impacting the health issue in the research study. [IHP-330-04]


IV. Conclusion: Now that you have analyzed the research study, you will develop a research question to further investigate the specific health issue and population, select an appropriate research design, and explain the importance of the research to the field of public health.  A. Using your analysis of the research study, develop a research question to further investigate the specific public health issue and impacted population. [IHP-330-05]  B. Determine whether an observational or experimental research design would be more appropriate to investigate your research question. Be sure to justify your determination. [IHP-330-05]  C. Explain the importance of further research for improving the quality of health in the specific population. What is the potential benefit? [IHP330-05]

IHP 330 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric



Epidemiology is the science that allows public health practitioners to study the patterns, causes, and effects of health conditions in defined populations. Public health practitioners rely on epidemiology to understand the risks and protective factors associated with health conditions, and to identify health disparities and specific populations at risk for disease. Studies in epidemiology inform the development of public health policy and targeted interventions to prevent disease and reduce health disparities.


For your final project, you will complete an epidemiological research study report based on the provided research study, “ Salmonella in the Caribbean .

Epidemiologists in the field are often tasked with developing recommendations to address specific health issues, and part of that process is analyzing what other communities and epidemiologists have already done to address the issues. In your epidemiological research study report, you will analyze a health issue, the population impacted, and the prevention strategies used. You will then develop a research question and determine an appropriate research design to further investigate the issue.


The final project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Four and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.


In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:


IHP-330-01: Draw connections between health disparities within specific populations and social and behavioral determinants

IHP-330-02: Determine key epidemiological principles of disease by analyzing health research studies

IHP-330-03: Determine patterns and trends of disease causation in specific populations by analyzing health data

IHP-330-04: Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies for how they address key factors impacting health issues of specific populations

IHP-330-05: Select epidemiological research designs to investigate disease and improve the quality of health for specific populations



For your final project, you will develop an epidemiological research study report on the provided research study, “Salmonella in the Caribbean,” which investigates a public health issue impacting a specific population. In your project, you will analyze the population impacted by the public health issue to accomplish the following:


Make connections between social and behavioral determinants and disparities.

Analyze the health issue to determine key epidemiologic principles and identify patterns and trends.

Examine the levels of prevention used in the research study.


For the conclusion to your research study report, you will develop a research question to further investigate the public health issue and population, and to determine an appropriate research design to investigate the research question.


Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).


I. Population: In this section of your report, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue.

A. Summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for your report. [IHP-330-02]

B. Describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study. Be sure to cite

specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]

C. Describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population. Be sure to cite specific examples from the

research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]

D. Explain how the identified social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities you identified, and explain your reasoning. [IHP-330-



II. Health Issue: In this section of your final project, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic.

A. Describe the risk factors associated with the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and

your independent research. [IHP-330-02]

B. Describe the mode of transmission of the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your

independent research. [IHP-330-02]

C. Determine the incidence and prevalence of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations.


D. Determine the mortality rate of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-330-


E. Interpret the odds ratio to determine the strength of association between the potential sources of exposure and the disease. [IHP-330-03]

F. Using your research and analysis, draw connections between the population and public health issue. Consider where you identified common elements, what you learned about the public health issue by studying the population, and what you learned about the population by studying the public health issue. [IHP-330-03]


III. Levels of Prevention: In this section, you will describe the prevention strategies used by the epidemiologists in the research study. You will identify a strategy for each level of prevention and differentiate between the strategies.

A. Describe a primary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the

health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]

B. Describe a secondary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]

C. Describe a tertiary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health

issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]

D. Explain how the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies differ in how they address the key factors impacting the health issue in the research study. [IHP-330-04]


IV. Conclusion: Now that you have analyzed the research study, you will develop a research question to further investigate the specific health issue and population, select an appropriate research design, and explain the importance of the research to the field of public health.

A. Using your analysis of the research study, develop a research question to further investigate the specific public health issue and

impacted population. [IHP-330-05]

B. Determine whether an observational or experimental research design would be more appropriate to investigate your research question. Be

sure to justify your determination. [IHP-330-05]

C. Explain the importance of further research for improving the quality of health in the specific population. What is the potential benefit? [IHP-




Milestone One : Health Issue

In Module Three, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the provided research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.


Milestone Two : Population

In Module Five, you will summarize the key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.


Final Submission : Epidemiological Research Study Analysis

In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.


Final Project Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: Your final project should be 4–6 pages, double spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and APA formatting and citations.



Critical Elements


Exemplary (100%)


Proficient (85%)


Needs Improvement (55%)


Not Evident (0%)




Population: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Summarizes the people, places, Summarizes the people, places, Does not summarize the people, 6.4
Summarize summary demonstrates a and times represented in the and times represented in the places, and times represented in  
[IHP-330-02] sophisticated awareness of the research study to provide research study to provide the research study to provide  
  epidemiologic principles in the context for the report context for the report, but context for the report  



research study






response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support








Population: Social Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes three social and Describes three social and Does not describe three social 6.4
and Behavioral demonstrates keen insight into behavioral determinants behavioral determinants and behavioral determinants  
Determinants social and behavioral strongly associated with the strongly associated with the strongly associated with the  
[IHP-330-01] determinants of public health public health issue in the public health issue in the public health issue in the  












research study






research study, but response is missing one or more determinants or has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support


research study












Population: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes three known Describes three known Does not describe three known 6.4
Disparities demonstrates keen insight into disparities associated with the disparities associated with the disparities associated with the  
[IHP-330-01] the disparities associated with health of the specific health of the specific health of the specific population  





public health issues










population, but response is missing one or more disparities or has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support  










Population: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Explains how the social and Explains how the social and Does not explain how the social 6.4
Determinants Relate draws insightful connections behavioral determinants relate behavioral determinants relate and behavioral determinants  
to the Disparities between social and behavioral to the disparities identified to the disparities identified relate to the disparities identified  
[IHP-330-01] determinants and known with reasoning with reasoning, but response with reasoning  









has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support








Health Issue: Risk Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes the risk factors Describes the risk factors Does not describe the risk factors 6.4
Factors support demonstrates keen associated with the public associated with the public associated with the public health  
[IHP-330-02] insight into the risk factors health issue, supporting health issue, supporting issue  
  associated with public health description with evidence from description with evidence from    
  issues the research study and from the research study and from    








independent research




independent research, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support












Health Issue: Mode of Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes the mode of Describes the mode of Does not describe the mode of 6.4
Transmission support demonstrates keen transmission of the public transmission of the public transmission of the public health  
[IHP-330-02] insight into the mode of health issue, supporting health issue, supporting issue  
  transmission of public health description with evidence from description with evidence from    
  issues the research study and from the research study and from    








independent research




independent research, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support  








Health Issue: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Determines the incidence and Determines the incidence and Does not determine the 4.8
Incidence and response demonstrates prevalence of the health issue prevalence of the health issue incidence and prevalence of the  
Prevalence complex grasp of how to using the data from the using the data from the health issue using the data from  
[IHP-330-03] determine the incidence and research study and performing research study and performing the research study  
  prevalence of a disease by the appropriate calculations calculations, but calculations    




analyzing health data








are inappropriate, or determination has gaps in detail, clarity, or logic










Health Issue: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Determines the mortality rate Determines the mortality rate Does not determine the mortality 4.8
Mortality response demonstrates of the health issue using the of the health issue using the rate of the health issue using the  
[IHP-330-03] complex grasp of how to data from the research study data from the research study data from the research study  
  determine the mortality rate of and performing the and performing calculations,    
  a disease by analyzing health appropriate calculations but calculations are    












inappropriate, or determination has gaps in detail, clarity, or logic










Health Issue: Odds Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Interprets the odds ratio to Interprets the odds ratio to Does not interpret the odds ratio 4.8
Ratio determination demonstrates determine the strength of determine the strength of to determine the strength of  
[IHP-330-03] keen insight into interpreting association between the association between the association between the  
  trends and patterns of disease potential sources of exposure potential sources of exposure potential sources of exposure  








and the disease




and the disease, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy


and the disease








Health Issue: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Draws connections between Draws connections between Does not draw connections 4.8
Connections uses research and analysis to the population and public the population and public between the population and  
[IHP-330-03] make especially cogent health issue based on research health issue based on research public health issue  
  connections between the and analysis and analysis, but response has    
  population and public health   gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy,    






or support








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes a primary prevention Describes a primary prevention Does not describe a primary 4.8
Primary Prevention explanation demonstrates strategy represented in the strategy represented in the prevention strategy represented  
Strategy keen insight into how primary research study, explaining how research study, explaining how in the research study  
[IHP-330-04] prevention strategies address it addresses key factors it addresses key factors    
  key factors impacting health impacting the health issue of impacting the health issue of    




issues of specific populations




the specific population




the specific population, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy  








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes a secondary Describes a secondary Does not describe a secondary 4.8
Secondary Prevention explanation demonstrates prevention strategy prevention strategy prevention strategy represented  
Strategy keen insight into how represented in the research represented in the research in the research study  
[IHP-330-04] secondary prevention study, explaining how it study, explaining how it    
  strategies address key factors addresses key factors addresses key factors    
  impacting health issues of impacting the health issue of impacting the health issue of    




specific populations




the specific population




the specific population, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy  








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes a tertiary prevention Describes a tertiary prevention Does not describe a tertiary 4.8
Tertiary Prevention explanation demonstrates strategy represented in the strategy represented in the prevention strategy represented  
Strategy keen insight into how tertiary research study, explaining how research study, explaining how in the research study  
[IHP-330-04] prevention strategies address it addresses key factors it addresses key factors    
  key factors impacting health impacting the health issue of impacting the health issue of    




issues of specific populations




the specific population




the specific population, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy  








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Explains how the primary, Explains how the primary, Does not explain how the 4.8
Prevention Strategies explanation demonstrates secondary, and tertiary secondary, and tertiary primary, secondary, and tertiary  
Differ keen insight into how different prevention strategies differ in prevention strategies differ in prevention strategies differ in  
[IHP-330-04] prevention strategies address how they address the key how they address the key how they address the key factors  
  key factors impacting health factors impacting the health factors impacting the health impacting the health issues in the  




issues of specific populations




issues in the research study




issues in the research study, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy


research study










Conclusion: Research Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Develops a research question Develops a research question Does not develop a research 6.4
Question research question is especially to further investigate the to further investigate the question to further investigate  
[IHP-330-05] well-crafted for examining the specific public health issue and specific public health issue and the specific public health issue  
  specific public health issue and impacted population based on impacted population, but and impacted population  




impacted population




analysis of research study




question is illogical or not based on analysis of research study










Conclusion: Research Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Determines whether an Determines whether an Does not determine whether an 6.4
Design justification demonstrates observational or experimental observational or experimental observational or experimental  
[IHP-330-05] keen insight into the research design would be more research design would be more research design would be more  
  appropriate use of research appropriate to investigate the appropriate to investigate the appropriate to investigate the  
  designs to investigate disease research questions, justifying research questions, justifying research questions  
  for improving the quality of determination determination, but response    









has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support








Conclusion: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Explains the importance of Explains the importance of Does not explain the importance 6.4
Importance explanation demonstrates further research for improving further research for improving of further research for improving  
[IHP-330-05] keen insight into how the the quality of health in the the quality of health in the the quality of health in the  
  investigation of disease can specific population specific population, but with specific population  



improve the quality of health for specific populations





gaps in logic or detail









Articulation of Submission is free of errors Submission has no major errors Submission has major errors Submission has critical errors 4
Response related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar,  
  spelling, syntax, and spelling, syntax, or organization spelling, syntax, or organization spelling, syntax, or organization  
  organization and is presented   that negatively impact that prevent understanding of  
  in a professional and easy-to-   readability and articulation of ideas  


read format




main ideas









IHP 330 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric



Epidemiology is the science that allows public health practitioners to study the patterns, causes, and effects of health conditions in defined populations. Public health practitioners rely on epidemiology to understand the risks and protective factors associated with health conditions, and to identify health disparities and specific populations at risk for disease. Studies in epidemiology inform the development of public health policy and targeted interventions to prevent disease and reduce health disparities.


For your final project, you will complete an epidemiological research study report based on the provided research study, “ Salmonella in the Caribbean .

Epidemiologists in the field are often tasked with developing recommendations to address specific health issues, and part of that process is analyzing what other communities and epidemiologists have already done to address the issues. In your epidemiological research study report, you will analyze a health issue, the population impacted, and the prevention strategies used. You will then develop a research question and determine an appropriate research design to further investigate the issue.


The final project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Four and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.


In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:


IHP-330-01: Draw connections between health disparities within specific populations and social and behavioral determinants

IHP-330-02: Determine key epidemiological principles of disease by analyzing health research studies

IHP-330-03: Determine patterns and trends of disease causation in specific populations by analyzing health data

IHP-330-04: Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies for how they address key factors impacting health issues of specific populations

IHP-330-05: Select epidemiological research designs to investigate disease and improve the quality of health for specific populations



For your final project, you will develop an epidemiological research study report on the provided research study, “Salmonella in the Caribbean,” which investigates a public health issue impacting a specific population. In your project, you will analyze the population impacted by the public health issue to accomplish the following:


Make connections between social and behavioral determinants and disparities.

Analyze the health issue to determine key epidemiologic principles and identify patterns and trends.

Examine the levels of prevention used in the research study.


For the conclusion to your research study report, you will develop a research question to further investigate the public health issue and population, and to determine an appropriate research design to investigate the research question.


Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).


I. Population: In this section of your report, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue.

A. Summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for your report. [IHP-330-02]

B. Describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study. Be sure to cite

specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]

C. Describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population. Be sure to cite specific examples from the

research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]

D. Explain how the identified social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities you identified, and explain your reasoning. [IHP-330-



II. Health Issue: In this section of your final project, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic.

A. Describe the risk factors associated with the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and

your independent research. [IHP-330-02]

B. Describe the mode of transmission of the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your

independent research. [IHP-330-02]

C. Determine the incidence and prevalence of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations.


D. Determine the mortality rate of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-330-


E. Interpret the odds ratio to determine the strength of association between the potential sources of exposure and the disease. [IHP-330-03]

F. Using your research and analysis, draw connections between the population and public health issue. Consider where you identified common elements, what you learned about the public health issue by studying the population, and what you learned about the population by studying the public health issue. [IHP-330-03]


III. Levels of Prevention: In this section, you will describe the prevention strategies used by the epidemiologists in the research study. You will identify a strategy for each level of prevention and differentiate between the strategies.

A. Describe a primary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the

health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]

B. Describe a secondary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]

C. Describe a tertiary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health

issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]

D. Explain how the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies differ in how they address the key factors impacting the health issue in the research study. [IHP-330-04]


IV. Conclusion: Now that you have analyzed the research study, you will develop a research question to further investigate the specific health issue and population, select an appropriate research design, and explain the importance of the research to the field of public health.

A. Using your analysis of the research study, develop a research question to further investigate the specific public health issue and

impacted population. [IHP-330-05]

B. Determine whether an observational or experimental research design would be more appropriate to investigate your research question. Be

sure to justify your determination. [IHP-330-05]

C. Explain the importance of further research for improving the quality of health in the specific population. What is the potential benefit? [IHP-




Milestone One : Health Issue

In Module Three, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the provided research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.


Milestone Two : Population

In Module Five, you will summarize the key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.


Final Submission : Epidemiological Research Study Analysis

In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.


Final Project Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: Your final project should be 4–6 pages, double spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and APA formatting and citations.



Critical Elements


Exemplary (100%)


Proficient (85%)


Needs Improvement (55%)


Not Evident (0%)




Population: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Summarizes the people, places, Summarizes the people, places, Does not summarize the people, 6.4
Summarize summary demonstrates a and times represented in the and times represented in the places, and times represented in  
[IHP-330-02] sophisticated awareness of the research study to provide research study to provide the research study to provide  
  epidemiologic principles in the context for the report context for the report, but context for the report  



research study






response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support








Population: Social Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes three social and Describes three social and Does not describe three social 6.4
and Behavioral demonstrates keen insight into behavioral determinants behavioral determinants and behavioral determinants  
Determinants social and behavioral strongly associated with the strongly associated with the strongly associated with the  
[IHP-330-01] determinants of public health public health issue in the public health issue in the public health issue in the  












research study






research study, but response is missing one or more determinants or has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support


research study












Population: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes three known Describes three known Does not describe three known 6.4
Disparities demonstrates keen insight into disparities associated with the disparities associated with the disparities associated with the  
[IHP-330-01] the disparities associated with health of the specific health of the specific health of the specific population  





public health issues










population, but response is missing one or more disparities or has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support  










Population: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Explains how the social and Explains how the social and Does not explain how the social 6.4
Determinants Relate draws insightful connections behavioral determinants relate behavioral determinants relate and behavioral determinants  
to the Disparities between social and behavioral to the disparities identified to the disparities identified relate to the disparities identified  
[IHP-330-01] determinants and known with reasoning with reasoning, but response with reasoning  









has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support








Health Issue: Risk Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes the risk factors Describes the risk factors Does not describe the risk factors 6.4
Factors support demonstrates keen associated with the public associated with the public associated with the public health  
[IHP-330-02] insight into the risk factors health issue, supporting health issue, supporting issue  
  associated with public health description with evidence from description with evidence from    
  issues the research study and from the research study and from    








independent research




independent research, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support












Health Issue: Mode of Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes the mode of Describes the mode of Does not describe the mode of 6.4
Transmission support demonstrates keen transmission of the public transmission of the public transmission of the public health  
[IHP-330-02] insight into the mode of health issue, supporting health issue, supporting issue  
  transmission of public health description with evidence from description with evidence from    
  issues the research study and from the research study and from    








independent research




independent research, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support  








Health Issue: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Determines the incidence and Determines the incidence and Does not determine the 4.8
Incidence and response demonstrates prevalence of the health issue prevalence of the health issue incidence and prevalence of the  
Prevalence complex grasp of how to using the data from the using the data from the health issue using the data from  
[IHP-330-03] determine the incidence and research study and performing research study and performing the research study  
  prevalence of a disease by the appropriate calculations calculations, but calculations    




analyzing health data








are inappropriate, or determination has gaps in detail, clarity, or logic










Health Issue: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Determines the mortality rate Determines the mortality rate Does not determine the mortality 4.8
Mortality response demonstrates of the health issue using the of the health issue using the rate of the health issue using the  
[IHP-330-03] complex grasp of how to data from the research study data from the research study data from the research study  
  determine the mortality rate of and performing the and performing calculations,    
  a disease by analyzing health appropriate calculations but calculations are    












inappropriate, or determination has gaps in detail, clarity, or logic










Health Issue: Odds Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Interprets the odds ratio to Interprets the odds ratio to Does not interpret the odds ratio 4.8
Ratio determination demonstrates determine the strength of determine the strength of to determine the strength of  
[IHP-330-03] keen insight into interpreting association between the association between the association between the  
  trends and patterns of disease potential sources of exposure potential sources of exposure potential sources of exposure  








and the disease




and the disease, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy


and the disease








Health Issue: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Draws connections between Draws connections between Does not draw connections 4.8
Connections uses research and analysis to the population and public the population and public between the population and  
[IHP-330-03] make especially cogent health issue based on research health issue based on research public health issue  
  connections between the and analysis and analysis, but response has    
  population and public health   gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy,    






or support








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes a primary prevention Describes a primary prevention Does not describe a primary 4.8
Primary Prevention explanation demonstrates strategy represented in the strategy represented in the prevention strategy represented  
Strategy keen insight into how primary research study, explaining how research study, explaining how in the research study  
[IHP-330-04] prevention strategies address it addresses key factors it addresses key factors    
  key factors impacting health impacting the health issue of impacting the health issue of    




issues of specific populations




the specific population




the specific population, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy  








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes a secondary Describes a secondary Does not describe a secondary 4.8
Secondary Prevention explanation demonstrates prevention strategy prevention strategy prevention strategy represented  
Strategy keen insight into how represented in the research represented in the research in the research study  
[IHP-330-04] secondary prevention study, explaining how it study, explaining how it    
  strategies address key factors addresses key factors addresses key factors    
  impacting health issues of impacting the health issue of impacting the health issue of    




specific populations




the specific population




the specific population, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy  








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Describes a tertiary prevention Describes a tertiary prevention Does not describe a tertiary 4.8
Tertiary Prevention explanation demonstrates strategy represented in the strategy represented in the prevention strategy represented  
Strategy keen insight into how tertiary research study, explaining how research study, explaining how in the research study  
[IHP-330-04] prevention strategies address it addresses key factors it addresses key factors    
  key factors impacting health impacting the health issue of impacting the health issue of    




issues of specific populations




the specific population




the specific population, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy  








Levels of Prevention: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Explains how the primary, Explains how the primary, Does not explain how the 4.8
Prevention Strategies explanation demonstrates secondary, and tertiary secondary, and tertiary primary, secondary, and tertiary  
Differ keen insight into how different prevention strategies differ in prevention strategies differ in prevention strategies differ in  
[IHP-330-04] prevention strategies address how they address the key how they address the key how they address the key factors  
  key factors impacting health factors impacting the health factors impacting the health impacting the health issues in the  




issues of specific populations




issues in the research study




issues in the research study, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or accuracy


research study










Conclusion: Research Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Develops a research question Develops a research question Does not develop a research 6.4
Question research question is especially to further investigate the to further investigate the question to further investigate  
[IHP-330-05] well-crafted for examining the specific public health issue and specific public health issue and the specific public health issue  
  specific public health issue and impacted population based on impacted population, but and impacted population  




impacted population




analysis of research study




question is illogical or not based on analysis of research study










Conclusion: Research Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Determines whether an Determines whether an Does not determine whether an 6.4
Design justification demonstrates observational or experimental observational or experimental observational or experimental  
[IHP-330-05] keen insight into the research design would be more research design would be more research design would be more  
  appropriate use of research appropriate to investigate the appropriate to investigate the appropriate to investigate the  
  designs to investigate disease research questions, justifying research questions, justifying research questions  
  for improving the quality of determination determination, but response    









has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or support








Conclusion: Meets “Proficient” criteria, and Explains the importance of Explains the importance of Does not explain the importance 6.4
Importance explanation demonstrates further research for improving further research for improving of further research for improving  
[IHP-330-05] keen insight into how the the quality of health in the the quality of health in the the quality of health in the  
  investigation of disease can specific population specific population, but with specific population  



improve the quality of health for specific populations





gaps in logic or detail









Articulation of Submission is free of errors Submission has no major errors Submission has major errors Submission has critical errors 4
Response related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar,  
  spelling, syntax, and spelling, syntax, or organization spelling, syntax, or organization spelling, syntax, or organization  
  organization and is presented   that negatively impact that prevent understanding of  
  in a professional and easy-to-   readability and articulation of ideas  


read format




main ideas








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