BBC Life Primates Film And Questions


Answer these questions before watching the video by using your text or searching online for answers.  Then use the link above to watch the film and answer the other questions.


1.   All animals in this episode of Life are from the Primate order.  This is the full classification of the Primate order.  List one major characteristic that helps define each level.



Kingdom:  Animalia


Phylum:  Chordata


Class:  Mammalia



2.   A cladogram for the major groups of primates is shown to the right.  The order is divided into two categories:  prosimians and anthropoids.


a.   Which group evolved earliest?





b.    Which group(s) evolved most recently?





c.   Would humans be considered prosimians or anthropoids?





d.     According to this cladogram, which group of primates is most closely related to humans?






Primates are divided into two groups:  Prosimians and Anthropoids.  This table summarizes the differences.


  Prosimians Anthropoids
Brain Size Smaller Larger
Nails vs. Claws Claws Nails
Vision Partial binocular vision (both eyes facing the same direction working together) Binocular and color vision
Body Size Smaller Larger
Habitats Tropical rainforests Tropical rainforests, grasslands, temperate forests, wetlands
Diurnality Either diurnal (daytime) or nocturnal (nighttime) Almost all diurnal
Olfaction Strong sense of smell Weaker sense of smell
Opposable Digits Some have opposable thumbs and big toes All have opposable thumbs; Most have opposable big toes



Answer these questions from the opening segment of the video.


3.   Describe what is unique about primates in regard to these characteristics:


a.   Hands –


b.   Eyes –


c.   Intelligence –


d.   Social Interactions –


e.   Memory –


Hamadryas  Baboons


4.   Are these baboons prosimians or anthropoids?




5.   Describe the social hierarchy of these baboons.




6.   What is the cause of the conflict between the two troops of baboons?





Japanese Macaque “Snow Monkeys”


7.   Are these macaques prosimians or anthropoids?




8.   These animals are the most northernly-living monkeys.  How are they built differently than other monkeys to survive the harsh winters of the Japanese Alps?




9.   Describe the social hierarchy of these macaques and how it relates to the hot springs.




Western Gorilla

Gorilla gorilla


10.                Are gorillas prosimians or anthropoids?




11.                Describe the social hierarchy of these gorillas.




12.                Would these gorillas be considered herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?




13.                How does the silverback male gorilla communicate his territory to other gorillas?




Spectral Tarsier

Tarsius tarsier


14.                Are tarsiers prosimians or anthropoids?




15.                Tarsiers are completely carnivorous.  What is their food source?




16.                The tarsiers have three sets of adaptations that enable them to be successful nocturnal hunters.  Describe the adaptations tarsiers have in each of these body parts:


a.   Eyeballs:



b.   Ears:



c.   Legs:



17.                How do the tarsiers communicate with each other?  What reasons do they have to communicate?




18.                The Lar Gibbons also communicate, but for a different reason.  Explain what.




Phayre’s Leaf Monkeys

Trachypithecus phayrei


19.                Are the leaf monkeys prosimians or anthropoids?




20.                Why are the baby leaf monkeys a bright orange color?




21.                Describe the social system of leaf monkeys, especially in relation to caring for babies.





Ring-Tailed lemur

Lemur catta


22.                Are the lemurs prosimians or anthropoids?




23.                Explain how male and female ring-tailed lemurs use scent markers as a means of communication.




24.                How do males compete for the opportunity to mate?



Pongo borneo


25.                Are the Orangutans prosimians or anthropoids?




26.                How long do Orangutans raise their young?  Is this unusual?




27.                What skills does the mother teach her child before it reaches adulthood?




Chacma baboons

Papio ursinus


28.                Are the baboons prosimians or anthropoids?




29.                Why is gathering food such a challenge for Chacma baboons?




30.                What unusual food source do the baboons eat, and where do they find it?




31.                What physical adaptations to the baboons have that allows them to eat mussels?




White-faced Capuchins

Cebus capucinus



32.                Are the capuchins prosimians or anthropoids?





33.                If capuchin monkeys are not strong enough to open clams, how do they eat them?





34.                What do brown-tufted capuchins do differently?  Explain why this is considered a more advanced skill.














Pan troglodytes


35.                Are the chimpanzees prosimians or anthropoids?





36.                Describe two examples of how the chimpanzees use tools.





37.                Describe the skill of nut-cracking.  Why is this considered a more advanced skill than the capuchins?





38.                What unusual social characteristics do chimpanzees exhibit?
























Primates are an order of mammals; one that the human species falls within.  The order is divided into different families based on characteristics such as presence of a prehensile tail, opposable thumb, whether they are ground-dwelling or tree-dwelling.



Order Marsupialia








“Short legs and tail”



Order Primates

“Opposable Thumbs”



Order Perissodactyla

“Odd-Toed Hooved”



Order Chiroptera

“Adapted for Flight”



Class Mammalia



Order Primates




“Prosimians of Madagascar”





“Big Eyes”



Old World Monkeys

“Non-Prehensile Tail”



New World Monkeys

“Prehensile Tail”





“Long Arms”




“Person of the Forest”




“The Largest Primates”



Chimpanzees and Bonobos “Closest to Humans”



















Order Eulipotyphla

“Insectivores with Snouts”




“Gnawing Hervivores”
































Tarsiers Old World Monkeys New World Monkeys Gibbons Orangutans Gorillas Chimpanzees Humans IUCN Red list Status
Hamadryas Baboon                    
Japanese Macaque                    
Western Gorilla                    
Spectral Tarsier                    
Lar Gibbon                    
Owl  Monkey                    
Ring-Tailed Lemur                    
Chacma Baboon                    
White-Faced Capuchin                    












Mark which category the primate is found and then look up their endangered status on the IUCN red list and provide details.

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What is energy?

What is energy?

Question 1 options:

a) energy is force per unit area
b) energy is pressure times distance
c) energy is force times displacement
d) energy is heat delivered per unit time


Question 2 (1 point)


When an automobile stops for a stoplight, its kinetic energy

Question 2 options:

a) is converted to thermal energy.
b) completely disappears.
c) is transferred to the pavement.
d) is stored in the automobile’s battery.


Question 3 (1 point)


An object of mass 10 kg falls from the top of a building 10 m high and lands on the ground below.  How much work was done by the force of gravity?

Question 3 options:

a) 0 J
b) 98 J
c) 100 J
d) 980 J


Question 4 (1 point)


At our present rate of use, the estimated total remaining recoverable petroleum of the U.S. would supply our needs for  about ________ years.

Question 4 options:

a) 72
b) 48
c) 20
d) 8


Question 5 (1 point)


The U.S. is using liquid petroleum at a rate of about

Question 5 options:

a) 20 million gallons per day
b) 20 million barrels per day
c) 20 million barrels per week
d) 20 million gallons per week


Question 6 (1 point)


A reasonable estimate for Q_infinity(petroleum) for the world is

Question 6 options:

105 million gallons
105 billions gallons
105 trillion gallons
105 quadrillion gallons


Question 7 (1 point)


The total annual energy consumption in the  U.S. is about _______ QBtu, and this is about ______ tons of coal per year for each person in the U.S.

Question 7 options:

a) 80, 13
b) 800, 130
c) 8000, 1.4
d) 98, 13


Question 8 (1 point)


The estimated total minable coal in the United States is about

Question 8 options:

a) 275 billion tons
b) 500 million tons
c) 500 billion tons
d) 1.5 trillion tons


Question 9 (1 point)


If you burned 10 pounds of coal to release the heat, how many pounds of wood would your friend have to burn to release the same amount?

Question 9 options:

a) 10 lbs
b) 12.75 lbs
c) 16.25 lbs
d) 8.0 lbs


Question 10 (1 point)


How many Btu’s are there in one kilowatt-hour?

Question 10 options:

a) 4220
b) 3413
c) 2110
d) 1055


Question 11 (1 point)


A horizontal force of 80 pounds is exerted on a box which moves the box 10 feet across a horizontal floor in 5 seconds.  What is the power generated by this force?

Question 11 options:

a) 0.66 hp
b) 0.51 hp
c) 0.34 hp
d) 0.29 hp


Question 12 (1 point)


In the U.S. we currently import more than _______ of the oil that we consume.

Question 12 options:

a) 10%
b) 50%
c) 33%
d) 66%


Question 13 (1 point)


What is a reasonable number for the years remaining until the world’s oil supply is completely depleted?

Question 13 options:

a) 10
b) 50
c) 100
d) 200


Question 14 (1 point)


What is coal, mostly?  And which type gives off the most heat when burned?

Question 14 options:

a) carbon, bituminous
b) carbon, anthracite
c) hydrocarbons, lignite
d) hydrocarbons, subbituminous


Question 15 (1 point)


Approximately how much coal is produced each year in the U.S.?

Question 15 options:

a) 1 million tons
b) 1 billion tons
c) 1 trillion tons
d) 2 quadrillion tons


Question 16 (1 point)


When a magnet is moved within or near a conducting coil an electrical current is induced in the coil of wire.  Who discovered this?

Question 16 options:

a) Franklin
b) Edison
c) Maxwell
d) Faraday


Question 17 (1 point)


Your house foundation and ground floor is made up of 1000 cubic feet of concrete.  About how many Btu are required to raise the temperature of the foundation and floor by 25 degrees F? Given:  22 Btu per cubic feed per degreee F for concrete.

Question 17 options:

a) 55,000 Btu
b) 220,000 Btu
c) 250,000 Btu
d) 550,000 Btu


Question 18 (1 point)


What is the typical voltage output of an individual solar cell?

Question 18 options:

a) 0.5 volt
b) 5 volt
c) 9 volt
d) 24 volts


Question 19 (1 point)


Hydroelectric power in the U.S. currently represents about _______% of the total U.S. electricity.

Question 19 options:

less than 1


Question 20 (1 point)


A windmill system which produces 6 kW of electrical power when the wind is blowing 5 m/s will produce _______ kilowatts when the wind is blowing 10 m/s?

Question 20 options:

a) 72
b) 36
c) 48
d) 12


Question 21 (1 point)


Which isotope of uranium is particularly good for fission with thermal neutrons?

Question 21 options:

a) uranium-235
b) uranium-233
c) uranium-238
d) uranium-236


Question 22 (1 point)


What is mean by a “thermal neutron”?

Question 22 options:

a) a neutron with kinetic energy about 5 MeV
b) one of the neutrons which is produced in a typical nuclear fission reaction
c) a neutron inside any large nuclues
d) a neutron with kinetic energy 1/40 of an eV


Question 23 (1 point)


What is the purpose of a breeder reactor?

Question 23 options:

a) reduce the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation
b) to extend the useful lifetime of our uranium
c) to reduce the thermal polution
d) reduce the amount of plutonium produced


Question 24 (1 point)


The mass of your iPod is 100 grams.  The equivalent mass energy is ________.

Question 24 options:

a) 2.5 billion kWh
b) 2.5 trillion kWh
c) 0.83 million kWh
d) 83 trillion kWh


Question 25 (1 point)


What is a reasonable number for the degree days in a heating season in North-Central Minnesota?

Question 25 options:

a) 3,000
b) 5,000
c) 10,000
d) 20,000


Question 26 (1 point)


How many Btu per hour are lost through a 100-square foot wall that is made up of a 12-inch thick concrete block  wall with an R value of 1.89 and 4 inches of fiberglass insulation with an R value of 14.8?  The inside temperature is 65 degrees F and the outside temperature is 15 degrees F.

Question 26 options:

a) 116 Btu/hr
b) 550 Btu/hr
c) 200 Btu/hr
d) 300 Btu/hr


Question 27 (1 point)


There are about 107 million homes in the U.S.  Suppose each home has two people using a hair dryer each day, each for 5 minutes.  The hair dryer consume at a rate of 1000 watts.  How much energy does this take each day?

Question 27 options:

32 trillion joules
64 trillion joules
32 billion joules
64 billion joules


Question 28 (1 point)


How much energy is saved by recycling 3 steel cans per week for a year (as compared to throwing the cans in the trash)?

Question 28 options:

72,000 Btu
155,000 Btu
312,000 Btu
440,000 Btu


Question 29 (1 point)


In the U.S., about _______ QBtu of energy is used each year in fuel used for transportation.

Question 29 options:

a) 27 QBtu
b) 20 QBtu
c) 13 QBtu
d) 6 QBtu


Question 30 (1 point)


According to the Transportation Energy Data Book, the expected fuel economy at 55 miles per hour as compared with 75 miles per hour increases by ______ miles per gallon.

Question 30 options:

a) 7 mpg
b) 5 mpg
c) 2 mpg
d) 10 mpg


Question 31 (1 point)


In terms of traffic fatalities per vehicle mile, which mode of transportation is the safest?

Question 31 options:

a) bus
b) auto
c) airplane
d) train


Question 32 (1 point)


During a vehicle crash, a person undergoes serious accelerations.  What is the maximum magnitude of accleration a person can withstand and still live?

Question 32 options:

a) 10 g
b) 30 g
c) 120 g
d) 60 g


Question 33 (1 point)


Under normal conditions (adiabatic lapse rate is -0.65 degrees C per 100 meters) what is the temperature at the top of an 18,000 foot mountain if the temperature is 72 degrees F at sea level?

Question 33 options:

a) 8 degrees F
b) 12 degrees F
c) 22 degrees F
d) 32 degrees F


Question 34 (1 point)


The springtime pH in Minnesota’s surface water is about 5.0.  This means the H+ concentration is how many times greater than “neutral”?

Question 34 options:

a) 2 times
b) 100 times
c) 56 times
d) 316 times


Question 35 (1 point)


What does the Dobson unit measure?

Question 35 options:

a) concentration of carbon dioxide
b) concentration of ozone
c) concentration of H+ ions
d) concentration of CFCs


Question 36 (1 point)


The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere was about 280 ppm in 1860 (before we began burning fossil fuels).  What is it today?

Question 36 options:

a) 340 ppm
b) 380 ppm
c) 320 ppm
d) 290 ppm


Question 37 (1 point)


Why is it that CO_2 and H_2O are culprits in the so-called greenhouse effect?

Question 37 options:

a) ultraviolet radiation can’t make it past
b) ultraviolet radiation can move right past
c) infrared radiation can’t make it past
d) infrared radiation can move right past


Question 38 (1 point)


The acid rain problem in North America is primarily attributable to

Question 38 options:

a) burning gasoline in our cars
b) burning natural gas in our homes
c) the CO_2 from burning any of the fossil fuels
d) the SO_2 from burning coal at power plants


Question 39 (1 point)


Approximately how many traffic-related fatalities are there per year in the U.S.?

Question 39 options:

a) 42,000
b) 32,000
c) 16,000
d) 8,000


Question 40 (1 point)


What percentage of American workers drive their vehicles to work (alone)?

Question 40 options:

a) 33
b) 46
c) 58
d) 76

















































































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BIO 101 – Enzymes

Catalytic Activity of Enzymes


Enzyles are biological molecules that catalyze (speed up) chemrcal reactions. You could call enz;anes the “Builders and Do-ers” m the celi: without them, iife could not occur. Every ceI1 makes hundreds of different enzyxes to carry out the reactions necessary for 1ife. Fortunately for the ce1l, enzlmes are not used up when they calaltlze a reaction. but can be used over and over.

The DNA in each ce11 encodes all the information needed to make its many different enz)rmes. Enzlnnes are relatively large molecules of protein. They are produced u,henever tire cel1″senses” a need for that parlicular enzyne; that is, whenever a job needs to be done in the ce ll which only that enzyne can do it.

The molecule (or molecules) on u,hich an enzyne acts is called its substrate. Enzla:nes are said to be very “specific,” meaning that they recognize only one substrate (or a fei,r, closeiy related substrates) and convert it into a specific product. You could say that each can do only one tlpe ofjob. Each en4,rne is specrfic because it is folded urto a particular three-dimensional shape. Wrtirur the folds of each enzyle is the active site, the place u,here the substrate fits and where the chemical reaction takes place.

Enzynes work very quickly, often catalyzing thousands of reactions per minute. The rate at which an ervrme works is influenced by many factors including temperature and pH. Enzl.mes have a temperature and pH at which they work best, and if an enzyne is exposed to extremes of heat or pH it won’t rvork at a1ll The interactions that hold the protein in its particular shape become disrupted under these extreme conditions, and the 3-dirnensional structure unfblds. In this case, the enzyxe is said to be denatured. Other important factors that influence enz),rne activity are the concentration of substrate and the concentration of enzyle. Up to a point, the more substrate that is present, the fuster the reaction. Hou,ever, u,hen the substrate concentration is so high that an enzyne is workilg as fast as it can, fui1her increases of substrate concentration will have no effect on the rate of product formation.


The enzyne that you will study in this experiment is called “catalase.” Its job is to break down its substrate hydrogen peroxide (HZOZ,), wirich is a naturaily occuning poison. Vy’ithout catalase, HZOZ

could krll the cell. The reaction calalyzed by catalase is:


The products remaining alter catalase does its job are oxygen gas and water; two very non-poisonous molecules.


wru A,M

O2OO8 CIBT A Study of Catalase – Teacher Section Page 1



ln the home and hospita| h,vdrogen peroxide is used as an antiseptic to ciean out wounds. Have you et,er noticed that when hydrogen peroxide is su,abbed on a cut it bubbles? This is because enz),rnes ln the cut fiom your body and from infecting bacteria catallze the rapid degradation of h,vdrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The bubbles are oxygen.

Catalases are very corrrroll. They are found in almost all celis that grorv in oxygeu, inciuding potato tubers. In this experiment, a blender is used to grilrd up a potato in water to release the catalase from the potato cells. The ground-up potato is filtered through cheesecloth to separate potato skin and celI debris from the liquid which contains n’lost of the cell’s enz),rnes, including catalase. To actualiy measure the catalase activify, small disks are dipped rnto the potato cell extract” \&en this enzyrne-contaimng disk is placed in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, the enzyme begins to work. As rhe catalysis occurs, oxygen is produced, and bubbles of the gas become trapped in the fibers of the disk. When there are enough O2

bubbles. they 1ift the fi1ter to the surface. The speed with which the 02 is produced depends both upon hou,’much enz)4xe is present and on the concentration of the irydrogen peroxide. The more enzyme, the fuster the product (O2) is made. SLmilarly, the higher the concentration of the substrate, hydrogen

peroxide, tire faster the product is made. You can see u,hat happens u,hen you vary either the concentration of enzlnne or the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide.

To do this experiment, five of the teams of students will carry out one version of the experiment using low, medium, and high enz)rne concentration and a constant 1evel of substtate, 1.0%H2a2. Then, the other six teams will do another version of the experiment using low, medium, and high H2O2 concentration u,ith

cell extract diluted to 600/o of its original concentration. At the end of the 1ab, experimental results will be pooled and the class as a u,hole will generate data showing the relationship befiveen catalase activity and both enzl,rne and substrate concentrations.

A third experiment dealing with the effect of pH is provided. This porlion could be performed easily by one or nvo teams of students. It aiso lends itsclf nicely to a teacher demonstration for the entire class.

For an experiment to be meaningful, there must be controls. Three controls imporlant to this lab rviil be demonstrated by your teacirer:

Control #1: A paper disc that has not had potato extract added to it is dipped in H2O2.

Control #2: A paper disc that has been dipped in potato extract is placed in a beaker of water.

Control #3: A paper disc that has first been dipped in boiled potato extract and then placed into a beaker of H2O2.

Observe and record on page 8 what occurs as each control experiment is dernonstrated.

Why is each control important?

What does each control experiment show you?

O2OO8 CIBT Catalytic Activity of Enzymes * Student Section Page2




Your tearn u,ill need the following suppiies:

. potaio extract (prepared by your teacher)

. 1000 mi flask rvitir distilled/deionized/dechlorinated water o I – 250 ml beaker for potato extract . 200 ml o/o HZOZ solution for the first parl of the experiment

. 3okT12A2 solution to dilute for second part of the experimerrt

. 100 ml graduated cyiinder r g – 100 m1 beakers

. forceps . 40 filter paper disks

. paper towels . stopwatch, if available

. 6A0 catalase . calculator

Experimental Procedure for Teams Working $,ith Various Catalase Concentrations

1. Making the potato extract:

. Watch vour teacher prepare the potato extract as {bllows:

. Cut clean potatoes into chunks (allow one potato per team of students)

. Place the potato chunks in tire blender and add 200 ml of buffer per potato.

. Puree in the blender.

‘ Pour potato puree through four layers of cheesecloth placed in funnel. Collect as much fluid as possible. This fluid contains the enzl.Tne catalase. among many other things that were stored inside the cells of the potato.

‘ Add enough distilled water to bring the final volume to 200 n.rl per potato. Swirl the flask to mix the solution. This willbe arbitrarily designated as “100%” catalase extract. (Each team should have a 2-50 mi beaker containing 200 m1 of 100% catalase.)

2. Together wrth your pafiners, prepare your enz),rne concentrations in the beakers.

. Labei the beakers with tape and pen: 20oh, 40oA, 600 , 80o , and 100%.

‘ Make the appropriate dilutions. For example, if you are doing test #1(20%), measure 8.0 mi of the potato extract using the graduated cylinder and pour into the beaker.

. Rinse the graduated cylinder, then add 32.0 m1 of distilled H2O and stir well with the stirring rod.

O2OO8 CIBT Catalytic Activity of Enzymes – Student Section Page 3



. Make the rest of the enzyme solutions using the chart beiow as a guide.

Test Extract Concentration Volume of En4mre Volume of Water

#1 20% 8ml 32ml

11^l 40% 16 ml 24 nl

ItJ 60% 24 ml 16 ml

!n t++ 8A% 32ml 8ml

ra0% 40 ml 0ml

. Obtain the flask of 1o/o h,vdrogen peroxide if it is not at your tabie. This is tire substrate for this part of the lab.

3, Now you are ready to begin measurilg the effects of enzyrne concentration on enzyme activity.

. Pour 30 ml of the 1% HZOZ solution into a clean beaker, iabeled “reaction beaker.”

. Pick up a paper disk with a clean forceps. Using the forceps, dunk the disk in your en44ne extract for 5 seconds, until the disk is uniformly moistened but not beaded with shiny drops of liquid”

. Drain it on a piece of paper towei for 5 seconds to remove oxcess enz).rne frorn the disk.

4. The reaction is now ready lo be starled and timed.

. Using forceps. place the filter disk (containing the enzynes) onto the bottom of the “reaction beaker” contauing 1% hydrogen peroxide.

. One person should watch the cloclc/stopwatch, another watch the rising disk. Stop timing as soon as disks have completely ‘lifted off the bottom of the reaction beaker.

. Watch the filter disk. You should see tinybubbles of oxlgen being released as the hydrogen peroxide is broken into water and oxygen by the catalase.

. Record the time in seconds for each trial on the char1. Be precise in your timing and recording.

. Remove the disk and discard rt.

5. Obtain another disk and repeat steps 3-4 exactly as done above.

6. Repeat the experiment a thil’d tilne exactly as above: now you have “triplicate” measurements of the rate of oxygen productio n in lok HZOZ at each particular enzyxe concentration. Average these 3

values and record in the charl below. Repeat this procedure for all the concentrations of enzyne.

O2OO8 CIBT Catalytic Activity of Enzymes – Student Section Page 4



Data Table / Enzyme Concentration

Test Number

Triall Trial2 Trial 3 Team Average

Class Average


20% 7 ,39/’ -?jh /’ ,””,.,,,… /a^n/>’ cn1-r/L ) 2

40% J/tL t L,//y, -)

(L- L./,/

4< /qF

L. i|b I 1 J

60% .7 s/bb , .”$L/qs ,.u? 1) > 1

80% t , (/za I’i-Qt,,/:- I . t–7 *?1 5

100% .0q I /1 | . , r”/, i,2 77)

1. Clean up all materials!

Experimental Procedure for Teams Working with Various Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrations

I . Label the clean beakers with the percent h,vdrogen peroxide that will be used in this part of the experiment: 20 , 1.5o/o,1.Ao ,0.80 ,0.60 and 0.30h. Together with i,our partner, prepare your particular substrate concentrations il each of tire labeled beakers. For example, for test #1, measure 20.0 m1 of the concentrated HZaZ using the graduated c,vhnder and pour urto the beaker. Add 10 ml

of distilied u,ater to the -sraduated

cyiinder and pour into the hydrogen peroxide. Stir well with the strn-urg rod. Rinse the graduated cyhnder. See chart for proportions of hydrogen peroxide and water to mix for each dilution. Place all of the beakers on the table in front of you in order fiom lowest to highest concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

Test # Substrate Concentration Volume ofL120y Volume of Water

1 2.4% 20 ml 10 ml

2 15% 15 ml 15 ml

aJ 1.0% 10 ml 20 ml

4 0.8% 8ml 22ml

5 0.6 % 6ml 24 ml

6 0.3 % 3ml 27 ml

Next, obtain your 60% catalase solution.

Using forceps, dip a disk in the 60% potato extract for 5 seconds, 1et it drain on a paper towel for 5 seconds. Then, using forceps, place the filter (contarning enzynes) on the bottom of the “reaction” beaker Q.A%HZO).

Time how long it takes the disk to rise from the bottom of the beaker to the top of the liquid. Be sure




CI2008 CIBT Catalytic Activitl’ of Enzymes – Student Section Page 5



that the disk is placed at the bottom of the irydrogen peroxide before you start to time the experiment.

c. Record the time in seconds in the appropriate space on the chart that fo11ows.

4. Obtain another disc and repeat steps 3a – 3c exactly as before,

5. Repeat the experiment a third time. Now you have triplicate measurements of the rate of oxyger-r production. Average these three values and record on the chart.

6. Repeat this procedure for all of the concentrations ofH2O7.

Data Table / Substrate Concentration

Test Number

Triall Trial2 Triai 3 Team

Average Class


I ggaVo 2 .a’l ,

‘i “/,t, -‘l mnt !L t. I i /qz – 5>fns /*r4 r z 4A% 3,9″,’ 7,’tt /ii, 4,atl?q,I -l Z J , 3

69t7, ” ‘a ‘7

( rr’.’ 1,teft=; ( 7, i^tat) tL i lL t ^r? qs ),/ t 4 80% b,t 7 b , ,:o7 $,1o ly7 * 5,7o! ”, ya Itl s 5

IOO%.S.5 ‘/ 1,zc I d,?$f :ts $,<t%f tuq ]11 ) ,?/. $ , ‘i.*l’*.ae 4 no /(ilairiv ^ ,l I J|u t1. Ciean up all materials! I

O2OO8 CIBT Catalytic Activity of Enzymes – Student Section Page 6



After the Experiment


A. &hat is the function of a control?

For control #1, a fiter paper saturated with water rather tiran potato extract was placed tn a beaker of I%H7O2. Horv long does it take for the filter to lift off.r Explairi the significance of the result:

For control #2, a piece of filter paper was saturated with potato extract and then placed in distilied

water. How longdid it take for the filter to lift off.r Explain the significance of the results:

For control #3, 100% catalase was boiled. A filter paper was then saturated with this extract. The disk containhg the extract rvas then piaced in a beaker of 1o/oHZOZ. How long did jt take for the

filter to lifl off? Explain significance of the resuits:

B I . pool your results with those of the rest of the class, record belorv and fi1l in the class average portion of the table for your experiment and also for the other experiment.

O2OO8 CIBT Catalytic Activity of Enzymes – Student Section PageT



test team 1 teamZ team 3 team 4 team 5 team 6 team 7 team 8

1:20oh >L+ 5 L-)

2:400/o Llt t r (o/1 -LJ (

3:60% Tqt aq 4:80oh

O4/i C

A< (

5:100% ?a 1 7Zt 4/- (-

Data Table for Enzyme Concentration (mean for each test)


Data Table for Substrate Coneentration (mean for each test)

test team I team2 team 3 leam 4 team 5 teasa'{ t?j.fn I ftffi 1:2.0% )(lclt-f ,TF

2: 1.50k 6r -) -n/ () c I Q0, 3: l.0o/o ‘bt

*L'{ . ( tn

4:0.8o/o r{* ?”4*i l?>

5: 0.60/o z{1)) 4t s 7t6 6: 0.3o/o

l-) lL- 9 3zs Lfzs

Plot both the team and the class averages on graph paper. The frst graphs should be “concentration of enz),rne vs. time of reaction.” The x-axis is designated concentration, starting at point 0. The y- axis is 1/t, so you have to do the math on this before you graph your data. The second graph should

be “concentration of substrate vs. time of reaction.” The x-axis is designated concenkation, starting at point 0. The y-axis is again 1/t, so do the math first.

O2OO8 CIBT Catalytic Activity of Enzymes – Student Section Page 8



-?. Discuss three factors that influence the raie of enzFne action:

4. \4ry did you do the experiment in tripiicate?

02008 CIBT catalytic Activity of Enrymes – student section Page 9

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Cell Organelles Worksheet



Cell Organelles Worksheet

Complete the following table by writing the name of the cell part or organelle in the right hand column that matches the structure/function in the left hand column. A cell part may be used more than once.

Structure/Function Cell Part
1. Stores material within the cell  
2. Closely stacked, flattened sacs (plants only)  
3. The sites of protein synthesis  
4. Transports materials within the cell  
5. The region inside the cell except for the nucleus  
6. Organelle that manages or controls all the cell functions in a eukaryotic cell  
7. Contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps energy from sunlight and gives plants their green color  
8. Digests excess or worn-out cell parts, food particles and invading viruses or bacteria  
9. Small bumps located on portions of the endoplasmic reticulum  
10. Provides temporary storage of food, enzymes and waste products  
11. Firm, protective structure that gives the cell its shape in plants, fungi, most bacteria and some protests  
12. Produces a usable form of energy for the cell  
13. Packages proteins for transport out of the cell  
14. Everything inside the cell including the nucleus  
15. Site where ribosomes are made  
16. The membrane surrounding the cell  
17. Provides support for the cell, has two “subparts”  
18. Name for the collection of DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells  
19. Consist of hollow tubes which provide support for the cell  
20. Small hair-like structures used for movement or sensing things  
21. Composed of a phospholipid bilayer  
22. Longer whip-like structures used for movement  

Put a check in the appropriate column(s) to indicate whether the following organelles are found in plant cells, animal cells or both.

Organelle Plant Cells Animal Cells
Cell Wall    
Endoplasmic reticulum    
Golgi apparatus    
Plasma membrane    
Central vacuole    

WS – Cell Organelles.doc

Page 2

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