

BIO 1015 Week 4 Assignment 1 Discussion Question (***** Both Questions Answered + APA Format + Original Work + References ******)



Question 1


Alcohol Abuse



Mr. Wilko is a 40-year-old salesperson with a wife and three teenage children. He has recently begun to have a beer at lunch and a few drinks after work to reduce his work-related stress. An economic downturn in the housing industry has reduced the need for new home appliances and his income and sales record has been affected. Several other salespeople have been laid off at his firm. He has been told that if his sales and attendance records do not improve he will be fired. He and his wife are constantly arguing about finances and the children’s increasing demands for money. His drinking has increased to several beers at lunch and continued drinking after dinner. When he returns to work with alcohol on his breath, he is dismissed from his job. He continues to consume alcohol during the day as he attempts a job search. His wife is very concerned, as are his teenage children.

  • Mr. Wilko states he is a social drinker and “can stop at any time.” How accurate is his self-assessment? his self -assessment is not accurate for the simple fact that he considers himself a social drinker he is in denial that depression has set in.
  • What stressors are present in Mr. Wilko’s case? anxiety,depression
  • Why does Mr. Wilko continue to increase his alcohol intake? to surpress the feelings on depression or fear of losing his job he feels as if he continues to increase his drinking it will subside the feelings that he is having
  • What changes in liver function can Mr. Wilko expect if he continues to drink large amounts of alcohol? his liver function
  • Mr. Wilko complains to his wife that all the stress is causing “indigestion.” How do stress and alcohol consumption affect GI function?
  • Why is Mr. Wilko at greater risk of trauma? because he is consuming way too much alcohol at an increasing rate above normal which can lead to gastritis as well as pancreatitis



Question 2


Gastrointestinal Disorders Case


A 50-year-old man has been suffering from substernal pain for the last 5 months, particularly on waking up in the morning. He lost his job a year ago and was suffering from depression. He consumes about 12–16 cans of beer every day. He has lost his appetite too and says that eating aggravates pain.

  • Is this acute or chronic gastritis?  Chronic gastritis
  • What factors may lead to the development of gastritis? Loss of appetite black or tarry stools upset stomach depression
  • What investigation should be performed?
  • How can the patient be treated?


BIO 1015 Week 4

Week 4 assignments pathophysiology

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: Value Proposition in Patient Care


Assignment 1: Value Proposition in Patient Care

Paradise Hospital, Inc. is a for-profit hospital. As the facility’s new hospital administrator, you have been tasked with improving the service value of the hospital. The administration has not done this process since the hospital began operating in the year 1995. The investors are not familiar with the value proposition strategies of hospitals in the current-day America.

Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a four to six pages paper in which you:

1. Articulate the meaning of value-added service as it pertains to patient care services, and argue the major reasons why it matters to add value to patient services. Justify your response.

2. Outline a system for identifying the functional areas in which changes might be necessary in order to improve the hospital’s service value. Recommend the key methods that you would use to acquire the information necessary to identify the specified functional areas.

3. Specify four (4) specific areas where you believe the administration can add value in Paradise Hospital, and argue the most significant reasons why such value proposition would improve the value of services to the patients.

4. Use five (5) recent (within the last five [5] years) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.


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Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Tests

LAB 2​​

Demonstration of Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Tests


This laboratory experience is designed to illustrate the pretesting, testing, and posttesting procedures for conducting a submaximal graded exercise test (GXT) on the cycle ergometer and step and to develop your skill in administering these tests.


· Stationary cycle ergometer

· Step with risers

· HR monitor

· Sphygmomanometer

· Metronome

Student Assignments

1. Select one apparently healthy student to serve as the client.

2. Select one or two students to prep the client for the test.

3. Assign one student to monitor and collect HR data from HR monitor.

4. Select one student to measure palpated HRs.

5. Select one student to measure BPs.

6. Select one student to set and monitor work rates on cycle ergometer.

7. Select one student to monitor client throughout test and to obtain client’s RPE.

Testing Procedures

1. Select an appropriate cycle ergometer protocol for the client.

2. Prepare the client for the test, explain purpose and nature of the GXT, measure height and body weight, position electrodes, and calculate target HR for test termination if required by the GXT protocol.

3. Collect resting data. Measure resting HR using palpation and HR monitor. Measure resting BP using auscultatory method.

4. Collect exercise data. Measure exercise HR every minute using palpation and HR monitor. Measure exercise BP during last 2 min of each stage of test. Ask client for RPE during last minute of each stage of test. Closely monitor client throughout test, checking for signs and symptoms that indicate the test should be terminated. Make certain that client achieves a steady-state HR during the last 2 min of each stage (HR values within ±5 to 6 bpm) before increasing the work rate.

5. Continue GXT until test protocol is completed or target exercise HR is achieved, or HR, BP data indicate test should be stopped, or client voluntarily terminates the test.

6. Collect recovery data for 3 to 5 min. Measure recovery HR every minute using palpation and HR monitor. Measure recovery BP every 2 to 3 min.

Data Analysis

1. Use the HR and work rate data from the last two exercise stages to estimate the client’s VO2max using the multistage method. Hint: Use the ACSM cycle ergometry equation (see table 4.3) to calculate the metabolic cost for the last two exercise stages. Note: Use ACSM equation only if client obtained steady state (i.e., HRs during last 2 min of each stage are within ±5 to 6 bpm) for the last two stages of the GXT.

2. Graph the HR versus energy cost (ml · kg-1 · min-1) data for the last two stages. Estimate the client’s VO2max using the graphing method.

3. Determine the client’s cardiorespiratory fitness level by classifying the estimated VO2max (see table 4.1).

4. Graph the client’s HR response during each minute of exercise and recovery. Plot HR on the y-axis and time on the x-axis.

5. Extra credit: Correlate the client’s exercise HRs obtained from palpation and the HR monitor using the Pearson product-moment correlation technique (rx,y).

Data Collection Form for Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Test

Client’s Demographics

Name ____________________ Date _________
Age ___32__ yr Body weight _80___ kg
Height __174___ cm  

Resting Data

HR ____86__ bpm

BP ____125/80__ mmHg

GXT Test 1 Data: Astrand-Rhyming Cycle Ergometer Test

Protocol __________________

Target HR for test termination (if needed) ________ bpm

Minute Work rate HR palpated HR monitored RPE Systolic BP Diastolic BP
  kgm · min-1 Watt          
1       140   140 80
2       148   160 85
        152   165 80
4       156   160 80
5       160   160 75
6       160   140 80

Recovery Data HR Sys Dys

1         139 120 80
2         120 120 80
3         115 110 70

Reasons for stopping the test:

GXT Test 2 Data: Harvard Step Test

Protocol __________________

Target HR for test termination (if needed) ___188_____ bpm

Minute Work rate HR palpated HR monitored RPE Systolic BP Diastolic BP
  kgm · min-1 Watt          
1       162      
2       180      
3       189      
4       189      
5       191      

Recovery Data


Reasons for stopping the test:

Converting predicted VO2 max values from absolute (L/min) to relative (ml/kg/min).

mL/min = L/min *1000

mL/kg/min = mL/ body weight in kg

Ex. An 80 kg man achieved a peak VO2 of 4.7 L/min

4700 mL/min = 4.7 L/min *1000

58.75 mL/kg/min = 4700 mL/min/ 80kg

Lab report: Due October 15

This lab is a comparison between the submaximal step test and submaximal bike test. You will be comparing your data and evaluating results from each test.

5 From V. Heyward and A. Gibson. 2014, Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription instructor guide, 7th ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
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“The Cell, Lokiarcharum, And RRNA”

“The Cell, Lokiarcharum, and rRNA”

For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1

: Introduction to the Cell. Watch the Khan Academy video “Introduction to the cell” (1)* and then address the following issues.

  • (a) In the video, the narrator says that we might think that since cells are so small, that they must be simple, but “nothing could be further from the truth.” What did he mean by that?
  • (b) Describe features that are only found in eukaryotic (but not prokaryotic) cells.
  • (c) Did anything in this video surprise you, or was it mainly a recap of material you already knew?

Topic 2 [article]: Lokiarchaeum. Read about Lokiarcheum in the article by Yong (2)* and/or the article by Zimmer (3)*. Both articles describe recently discovered evidence about a previously unknown organism. Then, address the following issues:

  • (a) Lokiarchaeum may be a “transitional form” between archaea and eukarya. What evidence suggests this?
  • (b) Describe one way that this relates to this week’s lesson.
  • (c) Cite whichever article you use. If you use both, cite them both. There’s no particular reason why you should need any other source, but if you do use any other source, you must cite it, too.

Topic 3 [research]: Carl Woese. Carl Woese (b. 1928, d. 2012) worked out a new method for classifying organisms based on RNA from their ribosomes. This is called ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Research Carl Woese’s research on the Internet, and then address the following issues:

  • (a) Describe the basic logic of this Woese’s approach. In other words, how can you tell if two organisms are closely-related or distantly-related from their rRNA?
  • (b) Name one of Woese’s most important findings.
  • (c) Describe one way that this relates to this week’s lesson.
  • (d) Don’t forget to cite your source or sources!

References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).

  1. Khan Academy, November 29, 2017. Introduction to the cell,
  2. Ed Yong, May 6, 2015. New Loki microbe is closest relative to all complex life,
  3. Carl Zimmer, May 6, 2015, Under the sea, a missing link in the evolution of complex cells,
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