IDE501:Disease & Epidemiology

Topic of the assignment is Disease & EpidemiologyTurnit Score below 10%

This week you have been introduced to the specific mechanisms (example: A-B toxin) that elicit the symptoms of disease in a host. Pick three of these mechanisms and describe each in a research paper. Please follow the expectations that are listed below.

Assignment Expectations:

Length should be 1250-1500 words, not including Title and References pages (typed, 12 point font, double spaced).
These subheadings are required (content expectation is also provided)
Introduction (list the three mechanisms that you have picked and provide a brief overview)
Mechanism 1 (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism. Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism).
Mechanism 2 (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism. Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism).
Mechanism 3 (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism. Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism).
Professional application (Explain how understanding these mechanisms increases the effectiveness of a nurse).
Support your content with at least (3) citations. Make sure to reference the citations using APA writing style for the presentation.

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Enviornmental Science Population Biology Guidelines

Enviornmental Science

Population Biology Guidelines

Population Biology Lab paper **: Lab reports are written to describe and analyze a laboratory experiment that explores a scientific concept. The purposes of lab report are to enable students to conduct scientific research, formulate a hypothesis about a particular stimulus, event or behavior. The main reason for this activity is to understand the processes that influence the size, growth, characteristics and distribution of populations.

Do a lab report paper based on the guidelines outlined below. There is a two page (900 word minimum) for the paper. Use at least two sources for the paper and make sure you use the proper format for referencing your sources. **title page & APA references are not included with total page requirements.

Examples of a Lab Report can be seen at


In this investigation student will conduct a virtual population experiment by growing two species of freshwater protozoan Paramecium, alone and together. Students will then compare growth curves of the populations of each species.

Learning Objective(s) Addressed by This Activity

  • Demonstrate how competition for natural resources in the environment can affect population growth.
  • Explain how availability of resources, such as food, can be limiting for populations.


Students are to complete the virtual lab found at the following website:

Students will follow the instructions of the lab, which are posted online. Before beginning the virtual lab students should download and read both the instructions and post lab quiz and lab report documents. Student can then complete the virtual lab using the table in the Lab Report to record their results. PLEASE note that student do not have to take the Post Lab Quiz, instead a lab report will be submitted.

Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines:

Page Guidelines

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Blood group questions:


Blood group questions:


1.      For each of the given blood types, give the expected agglutination (clumping) results when the blood is mixed with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh antibodies. Enter ‘Yes’ for presence of agglutination, ‘No’ for absence of agglutination







2.      At 1.00am, someone breaks a window in the back of a store and robs the safe. On the way out, the thief cuts himself (or herself) on a piece of broken glass. You are a forensic detective called to the scene. You test a sample of blood left behind by the thief. It is O-. While you are there, police bring in a suspect with a cut forearm who was arrested just three blocks from the store. You take a sample of the suspect’s blood and mix it with anti-A. You immediately know that the suspect is not the person who cut himself on broken glass in the store. How do you know this?







3.      (Continued from question 2) Suppose the suspect’s blood does not agglutinate when tested with anti-A or anti-B, but does agglutinate when tested with anti-Rh. Would this connect the suspect with the crime scene? Explain your answer.

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7: CSI Wildlife, Case 1

SCIN 130 Lab 7: CSI Wildlife, Case 1
General Instructions
Be sure to read the general instructions from the Lessons portion of the class prior to completing this packet.

Remember, you are to upload this packet with your quiz for the week!


The scenarios investigated are based on the recently published literature: Wasser, S. K., Brown, L., Mailand, C., Mondol, S., Clark, W., Laurie, C., & Weir, B. S. (2015). Genetic assignment of large seizures of elephant ivory reveals Africa’s major poaching hotspots. Science, 349(6243), 84–87. The underlying data are available on the Dryad Digital Repository:

Remember, DNA is made up of nucleotides and an allele is an alternative form of a gene which may be from mutation, but is found on the same place in a chromosome in individuals and functions similarly. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, make sure to review them in your book prior to completing the lab.

Specific Lab Instructions

Name: Sarah Springle


Go to: CSI Wildlife on HHMI Biointeractive

Part 1: The Introduction

1. Read the instructions on the home page. Then, watch the opening video from the CSI Wildlife Introduction.

2. What is a keystone species?

SCIN 130 Lab 7: CSI Wildlife, Case 1

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3. Dr. Wasser states that approximately 50,000 African elephants are killed each year. According to the video, it is estimated that there are around 470,000 African elephants. If these numbers are correct, approximately what percentage of African elephants are killed each year? (Show your work.)

4. In one or two sentences, summarize Dr. Wasser’s research and how it is being used to conserve elephants.

Part 2: Case One

1. Watch the crime scene video on the first slide of Case One. Explain the goal of the case.

2. Look at the map provided; in what type of location are the majority of African elephants located?

3. Proceed to the How DNA Profiling Works section.


b. What does “STR” stand for and how are they important for identification?

c. Look at the gel on the screen. What do the bands on the agarose gel represent?

d. What is the purpose of the DNA ladder on the agarose gel?

e. DNA profiling is also called DNA fingerprinting. A common misconception about DNA fingerprinting is that the analysis has to do with actual fingerprints. Explain one similarity and one difference between a human being’s pattern of bands on an electrophoresis gel and a human fingerprint.


5. Click on Technique.

a. List three sources to obtain elephant DNA for analysis.

b. Watch the animation on the polymerase chain reaction under Technique. What is the purpose of heating the DNA strand? What is the purpose of cooling the DNA strand?

c. What is the relationship between the size of a DNA fragment and the distance it migrates in the gel?

d. Why does DNA migrate to the positive electrode?

e. Run the gel in the Technique section by pressing the Start button. Which elephant (left or right) has both the largest and smallest fragments?       Approximately what size is the largest fragment (bp)?       Smallest?      .

6. Proceed to the Application section and look at the gel.

a. For Marker C, are the two elephants in the gel on the left homozygous or heterozygous? How do you know?

7. Read the Review section, and make sure you can answer the questions.


9. Go to Finding a Match

a. Click on the “+” next to each marker. Compare the bands in the agarose gel from the unidentified elephant and the known elephants. Which elephant (there are two pages of them) matches the unidentified elephant?

10. Watch the video on the “Case Solved” slide.


b. Name two properties of a good marker and explain why good markers are important.

Adapted from: Click and Learn “CSI Wildlife” (2016). CSI Wildlife Explorer Worksheet. HHMI Biointeractive Teaching Materials.

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