Biology 121 Lab

1. A.  Briefly, outline the main steps of the photosynthetic pathway.  Be sure to indicate how the light-dependent and light-independent reactions are coupled.

B. Why is Chlorophyll-a central to the light-dependent reactions?  AND – What important role(s) do accessory pigments play in this process?

2. Consider last week’s laboratory exercise concerning carbon-fixation in an aquatic plant.  Recall, we used BTB to monitor pH of the surrounding medium as a proxy for CO2 concentration.    Why might we expect to see a DECREASE in pH in the plant/dark tube?  (i.e., What metabolic process might contribute to this result?)
3.  If a farm pond, stocked with fish and plants, were measured for pH at sunrise and sunset what would be the results?  Why?
4. Describe the redox reaction that was the subject of the “Hill reaction”.  What is normally the final electron acceptor and what did we use as a substitute? Why did we use what we used?




What is CELLULAR respiration?

chemical E (glucose) + O2 → “biochemical currency” (ATP)

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + E

  Oxygen (O2) is ESSENTIAL for AEROBIC respiration…

  4 main steps…1 is common to both aerobic AND anaerobic respiratory pathways…



Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration

  Aerobic   requires O2   4 main steps   yields up to 38 ATP glucose-1   obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes

  Anaerobic   NO O2 required   1 main step   yields 2 ATP glucose-1   obligate anaerobes



The Mitochondrion

•  Glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm •  Kreb’s Cycle occurs in the matrix •  Electron transport occurs in/on the cristae




Aerobic Respiration

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + E

Step 1: Glycolysis (“glyco” “lysis”; cytoplasm)*

glucose → 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH2 (6C) (3C)





Step 2: Pyruvate Oxidation (mito matrix)

2 pyruvate → 2 Acetyl CoA + 2 CO2 + 2 NADH2 (3C) (2C)

pyruvate oxidation




Step 3: Kreb’s Cycle (aka TCA Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle; mito matrix)

2 Acetyl CoA + 2 Oxaloacetic Acid (2C) (4C)

2 Citric Acid + 4 CO2 + 2 ATP + 6 NADH2 + 2 FADH2 (6C)

Kreb’s Cycle




Step 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation (aka e- transport; mito cristae)

  NADH2 + FADH2 are involved with e – transport

  donate e- to carriers in the transport chain   pumping of H+ ions → [ ] gradient   generation of ATP

  O2 is the final e- acceptor oxidative phosphorylation






mito matrix

intermembrane space


ATP synthase



Summary   3 ATP per NADH2 (x 10) (= 30; steps 1-3)   2 ATP per FADH2 (x 2) (= 4; step 3)   4 “substrate-level” ATP (= 4; steps 1 & 3)

38 TOTAL glucose-1

  Theoretical maximum = 38 ATP…no system is perfect!

∴ this number is rarely [if ever] achieved…



Anaerobic Respiration

glucose → 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH2 (6C) (3C)

2 lactate 2 ethanol + 2 CO2 (= fermentation) (3C) (2C)

– animals – plants – microbes – microbes

demand > O2 release of metabolic poison



5.1 Respiration in Peas Protocol 5.1: Germinating vs. Non-germinating

⇒  Atmospheric/background CO2 level = 350-400 ppm

1.  Obtain 25 germinating peas & blot dry 2.  Place the peas in the respiration chamber 3.  Place the CO2 sensor in the chamber 4.  Wait 1 minute → begin collecting data for 5 minutes 5.  Measure & record the weight (g) of the peas 6.  Place the germinating peas in a beaker and place on ice for 5 minutes 7.  Follow the instructions on pg. 4

  determine the rate of respiration (slope, m = rate; ppm CO2 min-1)   store the data for comparison with other measurements

15.  Rinse and dry chamber 16.  Place the CO2 sensor in the chamber with non-germinating peas 17.  Wait 1 minute → begin collecting data for 5 minutes 18.  Follow the instructions on pg. 4

  Use a notebook to “fan” (i.e., clear) the sensor for 1 minute, returning the CO2 level to 300-400 ppm between EACH measurement!



5.2 Respiration in Peas Protocol 5.2: Room vs. Cold Temperature

1.  Empty the chamber by PUTTING THE NON-


2. Rinse and dry chamber

3. Repeat steps 1-7 (Protocol 5.1) using COLD germinating peas



5.3 Respiration in Crickets Protocol 5.3: Room vs. Cold Temperature

1.  Obtain 5-8 crickets & place in the respiration chamber 2.  Place the CO2 sensor in the chamber 3.  Wait 1 minute → begin collecting data for 5 minutes 4.  Measure & record the weight (g) of the crickets 5.  Place the crickets in the chamber on ice for 5 minutes (or until static) 6.  Follow the instructions on pg. 4

  determine the rate of respiration (slope, m = rate; ppm CO2 min-1)   store the data for comparison with other measurements

7.  Repeat steps 1-6 using COLD crickets 8.  Rinse & dry the respiration chamber when finished

  Use a notebook to “fan” (i.e., clear) the sensor for 1 minute, returning the CO2 level to 300-400 ppm between EACH measurement!



Do the results support your predictions? Peas   Germinating vs. Non-Germinating

  germinating > non-germinating   WHY?

  Room vs. Cold Temperature   room > cold   WHY?






Do the results support your predictions?

Crickets   Room vs. Cold Temperature

  room > cold   WHY?

  What about PEAS vs. CRICKETS??   Why is it important to “normalize” by some

biological parameter (= fresh weight) for comparison?

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Biology 301 Pamphlet Assignment

Biology 301 Pamphlet Assignment

Pamphlet addressing non-scientific community and presentation


Addresses Learning Outcome:

Recognize risk factors leading to disease and identify preventive measures and treatments.

This assignment is designed for you to demonstrate your ability to communicate your knowledge of a disease to the lay (non-scientific and non-medical) public.


The disease or disorder should not be a common (uncommon) chronic disease or a unique preventable disease that has already addressed in our course.  Common diseases include coronary artery disease, Alzheimer disease, arthritis, diabetes, AIDS, hypo- and hyper-thyroidism, hypertension, psoriasis, sleep apnea, Lyme’s Disease, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, mononucleosis, asthma, urinary tract infections, many STDs (check with your instructor), irritable bowel disease, strep throat, MRSA, polio, tuberculosis, Lockjaw, anorexia nervosa, autism, Down syndrome, and many cancers (check with your instructor).  For any additions to this list, check with your instructor.



Create an informative pamphlet about the chosen chronic or preventable disease for a non-scientific community. Ideally, the pamphlet should be in the form of a six-page pamphlet.



The pamphlet should contain the following:

Content and language that targets a lay audience.  All terms should be explained and diagrams and graphics should be provided to clarify concepts and ideas.

A brief description of the disease, including its symptoms and signs

Explanation of the effects of the disease on healthy body function including cellular, tissue, organ and organ system levels

Risk factors contributing to the onset of the disease

Description of preventive steps to avoid the disease (if avoidable)

Available diagnostic and therapeutic tools

Outcomes of the disease (such as prognosis or recovery potential)

Information about how a person suffering from the disease can maintain a desirable quality of life, minimize or slow the progress of the disease


Body of the pamphlet

At a minimum, your pamphlet should contain the following required elements:


Addresses signs, symptoms

Explains effects of the disease on healthy body functions, and relates this to signs and symptoms

Analyzes risk factors and preventive steps

Describes maintenance of quality of life

Discusses diagnostic and therapeutic tools

Explains expected outcomes and prognosis

Describes current areas of research into prevention, treatment or cure

Describes possible future areas of research into prevention, treatment or cure

Conclusion – summary of your findings

Final list of references included in pamphlet

Clarity, proper grammar, punctuation, spelling


List all references at the end of your pamphlet. You must use at least five references from credible, scientifically rigorous sources and cite them using American Psychological Association (APA) style. Two or more references should be from the UMUC Library. The references cited should be no older than seven years (published 2004 – 2011).  References should be listed on a separate page that does not count toward the required length of the paper.


Format of the pamphlet


Two tri-fold pages (if printed back to back this tri-fold would be one page printed on both sides)

All content written in your own words

Reference citations included in APA format (not part of the tri-fold; should be provided on a separate page)



Pamphlet and PPT presentation (10%): Explain a disease of the reproductive system that has a genetic basis — risk factors, prevention, maintenance of health, treatment, outcomes; chronic disease—maintenance of state (prevention/slow progression), quality of life. If none is to your liking, OK to choose another disease that you have not chosen before. Also explain the disease’s effects on the body.  Post the Pamphlet in your Assignments Folder but the PPT in the Discussion of week # 8.

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Genetics Take Home Test

Genetics 303 Dr. Joe Staton Fourth exam—take home Answer on separate paper, show all work, and be neat in the reporting of answers. STAPLE YOUR RESULTS! 1. In a human population, the genotype frequencies at one locus are 0.75 AA, 0.2 Aa, and 0.05 aa. What is the frequency

of the A allele [f(A)] and a allele [f(a)] for the population? Are they in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? 2. Calculate the number of heterozygotes in a population with p = 0.55 and q = 0.45 (at time = 0). After 4 generations of

inbreeding between siblings (F = 0.25) in a population of 1000. 3. Human albinism is an autosomal recessive trait. Suppose that you find an isolated village in the Andes where seven

people are albino. If the population size of the village was 783 and the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with respect to this trait, how many individuals are expected to be carriers (heterozygotes)?

4. A boatload of Swedish tourists, all of whom bear the MM blood group, is marooned on Haldane Island, where they are

met by an equally sized population of Islanders, all bearing blood group NN. In time, the castaways become integrated into Island society. Assuming random mating, no mutation, no selection (based on blood group), and no genetic drift, what would you expect the blood group distribution to be among 1500 progeny of the new Haldane Island population?

5. You identify a population of mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) on an island. Their coat color is controlled by a single

gene: BB mice are black, Bb mice are gray, and bb mice are white. You take a census of the population and record the following numbers of mice:

Black 507 Gray 546 White 147 (a) What are the frequencies of the two alleles? (b) What are the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium frequencies for these three phenotypes? (c) A heat wave hits the island. All 507 mice with black fur die from heat stroke, but the other mice survive. What are the

new allele frequencies for the population? (d) If the population suffers no further cataclysms after the heat wave, and the surviving animals mate randomly, what will

be the frequency of mice with black fur in the next generation? (e) If the climate is altered permanently, so that mice with black fur die before reproducing, which following statement is

correct? (1) At Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, f(B) will equal 0.135. (2) The fitness of mice with gray fur (ωBb) must be equal to 0.5. (3) The fitness of mice with black fur (ωBB) is 0. (4) The B allele will disappear from the population in one generation. (5) The B allele will disappear from the population in two generations.

6. Which of the following are requirements for evolution by natural selection? Explain your answer. I Environmental change II Differential survival and reproduction III Heritability of phenotypic variation IV Variation in phenotype V Sexual reproduction

A) II, III, V B) II, III, IV C) I, II, IV D) III, IV, V E) II, IV, V




7. Which of the following processes is the source (origin) of genetic variation within populations? A) Reproductive Isolation B) Asexual reproduction C) Selection D) Mutation E) Genetic drift

Explain your answer including a description of what the others do to variation. 8. If the population (14,926 in 2013) of folks in Perry, GA, have an f(a) = 0.1 and folks in Valdosta, GA, has a f(a) = 0.7,

then how many people from Valdosta, GA, would have to migrate to Perry to increase the population to a f(a) = 0.15?

9. What is the Ne of a population with the following annual censuses, [note the drop in size due to 2005 being an extreme

drought year]? 2001: 10,000 2002: 9,700 2003: 8,800 2004: 4,600 2005: 700 2006: 2,400 2007: 3,800 2008: 7,650 2009: 8,400 2010: 9,700 2011: 10,110 2012: 11,060

10. Consider the following populations that have the genotypes shown in the following table: Population AA Aa aa 1 1.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 1.0 0.0 3 0.25 0.50 0.25 4 0.25 0.25 0.50 5 0.32 0.36 0.32 6 0.04 0.32 0.64 7 0.64 0.32 0.04 8 0.9025 0.095 0.0025

a. What are p and q for each population? b. Which of the populations are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? c. Populations 1 and 2 have a tree fall across their islands so that individuals can cross. If equal numbers of the

individuals occur on each island, what is the new population’s allele frequencies and genotype frequencies after one generation of random mating?

d. In population 3, the a allele is less fit than the A allele, and the A allele is incompletely dominant. The result is that AA is perfectly fit (= 1.0), Aa has a fitness of 0.85, and aa has a fitness of 0.65. With no mutation or migration, graph the allele frequency of the a allele for 10 generations under selection (e.g., Time 0 = q above, Time 1 = first generation after selection)

e. In population 8, the population size gets radically reduced to 200 individuals, total. What is the most likely fate of the “a” allele, and what genetic principle would lead you to believe that the case?



11. You are given the following genetic data matrix of distances for crustaceans calculated for a region of the mtDNA called the 16S rDNA:

Brine Shrimp Striped-leg hermit King Crab Soldier crab Flat-claw hermit Long-clawed hermit Brine Shrimp ─ Striped-leg hermit 0.354 ─ King Crab 0.309 0.260 ─ Soldier crab (hermit) 0.321 0.268 0.067 ─ Flat-claw hermit 0.337 0.245 0.108 0.111 ─ Long-clawed hermit 0.312 0.249 0.090 0.096 0.044 ─ Calculate the average distance and draw the resulting UPGMA tree based on these distances. Write a brief interpretation of the branching pattern in the tree. 12. You digest a linear piece of DNA with two restriction enzymes, BamH1 & Sma1, and get the following sized fragments (in kb [kilobases]): BamHI SmaI BamHI & SmaI 13 kb 11 kb 10 kb 6 kb 5 kb 5 kb 3 kb 3 kb 1 kb Draw the appropriate restriction fragment map based on this data labeling all restriction sites. Extra Credit: You have a population of gribbets in captivity where the adults have a genetic frequency of f(A)=0.5 and f(a) = 0.5. When randomly mated, they have offspring that are represented in the following frequencies: f(AA) f(Aa) f(aa) 0.194444 0.555556 0.25 But you notice that the total generational reproduction level is only 90% that of wild populations (i.e. the ω is only 0.9). Work backwards to figure out the type of condition from table 25.5, and calculate the equilibrium frequency for the a allele (q). Give it a try! Partial credit for attempts…


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Principle Of Diseases And Health

Assignment Guidelines:

  • This assignment must be in APA format.
  • The assignment should be in paragraph form using complete sentences and avoiding bullet points and numbered list.
  • Use a Level 1 heading to separate your sections (Page 47 of the APA Publication Manual).
  • Title and reference pages do not count toward the total word or page count.
  • At least one textbook source and two and outside sources must be referenced and cited in the paper.

Essays: (at least 300 words per prompt)

  1. Blood transfusions are sometimes required in healthcare. Based on what you know about blood anatomy discuss why a patient would need a transfusion of PRBC (packed red blood cells), plasma, or platelets. A patient with anemia has a pulse oximetry reading in the high 80’s, would this be an expected finding, explain?
  2. Mike, 29 years old, was admitted to a community hospital three days ago with weakness and hypotension after sustaining a spider bite while hiking in the woods. Mike has a large hematoma on his left arm where he was bite. He has no prior medical history, no drug allergies, and does not take medication. Mike started to experience moderate respiratory distress, and started oozing blood from his IV sites, nose, and catheter. He is mildly jaundice and his skin is cool. His vital signs include a heart rate of 110 beats per minute and regular blood pressure of 92/44, slightly labored respiratory rate of 22 breaths per minute, and a pulse oximetry reading of 91 percent. What would your initial diagnosis be, explain? What diagnostic test would you order and why? What would you expect the diagnostic test to show? What is the treatment option for the diagnosis?
  3. During natural disasters like hurricanes, when the community is living in shelters, why would there be a concern about a tuberculosis outbreak? What circumstances have led to the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis? Mary, a nurse, skin test was positive for tuberculosis. Does this mean she has tuberculosis? Explain.
  4. Each year many people go to their family physician with a common cold, but think they have the influenza. Based on symptoms how can you tell if you have a common cold or influenza? What are the causes and treatments for Pneumonia? What is the best way to prevent influenza and pneumonia?
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