HSCI 460: Research in Health and Human Sciences

HSCI 460: Research in Health and Human Sciences

Assignment Three: Refining the Research Question (20 points)

Your third assignment is to begin focusing and refining your research question. You need to add and then identify the following for your question:

1. Refined research question – it should include indication of the type of subject (for example, female, aged 18 – 25 years, or measurements to be taken, etc.)

2. The independent and dependent variables for your research question (see the example in Assignment 2 for the definition of independent and dependent variables)

3. Briefly describe at least two subject or study characteristics you would control (for example, setting, timing, procedures, age range of subjects, health status of subjects, the timing of the treatments, etc. see also the example in Assignment 2 for controlled variables)

Points for Assignment Three Points Available
Refined research question

Statement of independent and dependent variables

Description of controlled variables





Total points



Resource that might be helpful as a new perspective. http://libguides.mit.edu/content.php?pid=36716&sid=270173

All researchers struggle with this step.

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Healthcare Finance Interview Questions

Your Week 3 assignment is important because it will give you the chance to research the financial condition for a specific healthcare organization (one of your own choosing. Often times part of that research would include an interview with a financial manager for the organization.

Please follow these instructions to complete this assignment:

  1. For this assignment, you are to develop 10 questions that you would ask a management official responsible for the financial planning for the organization you have chosen to research for the week 3 paper.
  2. Make sure the questions will give you insight into what the company looks for when preparing their yearly budget, fiscal planning strategies, as well as how they monitor their financial condition throughout the year and make adjustments as needed.
  3. By Sunday of this week, you should submit a draft of your Interview Guide for instructor feedback.
  4. For this activity include the following:
    • A list of all 10 questions you would ask the financial manager of the chosen organization.
    • A rationale (50–100 words for each question) for each question.

In total this assignment should be 1–2 pages in length and submitted as a document file.

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Narrative Essay

4 pages in length minimumNarrative Essay


Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil: “After 50 Years of ‘Asian American’…”

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, “Banking Concept of Education.”

Beverly Tatum: Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? “The Complexities

of Identity.”

Russell Jeung: Mountain Movers, “Introduction.”

Jennifer Ho: Keywords, “Identity.”


Tatum explains that all people possess multiple identities which are shaped by and embedded in our “social, cultural, and historic contexts.” She also notes that our consciousness of these identities and their meanings develop through self-reflection over time. Through Freire, we learned that critical consciousness entails not only the “emergence of consciousness” but also a “critical intervention in reality.”

On a parallel track, we learned from Kandil and Jeung that the term “Asian American” can be traced back to a specific political, cultural, and social intersection in U.S. history. The Asian American identity, then, was created by people who found it necessary to assert an autonomous identity against oppressive forces.

Essay question:

Reflect on your journey in coming into identity-consciousness, specifically your racial and ethnic identities. In a narrative essay answer the following perennial question: Who am I? 

You must apply at least five of the concepts from at least two readings, three of which should be quoted passages.

There are countless ways you can answer this question, so you must “frame” or guide your response based on one or two of the following questions:

Framing questions:

1. Who are you now? Who were you before? And who will you become? In other words, how has your identity consciousness developed over time?


· 4 pages in length minimum (no upper limit)

· MLA format

· 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around, 100% double spaced

· Relevant and creative title (not “Essay #1” or “My narrative”

Essay question 2:

In an argument-based (i.e., thesis-driven) essay answer the following question: In your opinion, what was the most significant cause and most significant consequence of the creation of an Asian American identity? You must build your argument on the unit readings and provide at least two passages from at least two different readings (total of four passages, at least).

Essay : Asian American Consciousness and Identity



Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil: “After 50 Years of ‘Asian American’…”

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, “Banking Concept of Education.”

Beverly Tatum: Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? “The Complexities

of Identity.”

Russell Jeung: Mountain Movers, “Introduction.”

Jennifer Ho: Keywords, “Identity.”



Tatum explains that all people possess multiple identities which are shaped by and embedded in our “social, cultural, and historic contexts.” She also notes that our consciousness of these identities and their meanings develop through self-reflection over time. Through Freire, we learned that critical consciousness entails not only the “emergence of consciousness” but also a “critical intervention in reality.”

On a parallel track, we learned from Kandil and Jeung that the term “Asian American” can be traced back to a specific political, cultural, and social intersection in U.S. history. The Asian American identity, then, was created by people who found it necessary to assert an autonomous identity against oppressive forces.


Essay question:

Reflect on your journey in coming into identity-consciousness, specifically your racial and ethnic identities. In a narrative essay answer the following perennial question: Who am I?

You must apply at least five of the concepts from at least two readings, three of which should be quoted passages.

There are countless ways you can answer this question, so you must “frame” or guide your response based on one or two of the following questions:


Framing questions:

1. Who are you now? Who were you before? And who will you become? In other words, how has your identity consciousness developed over time?




· 4 pages in length minimum (no upper limit)

· MLA format

· 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around, 100% double spaced

· Relevant and creative title (not “Essay #1” or “My narrative”

Essay question 2:

In an argument-based (i.e., thesis-driven) essay answer the following question: In your opinion, what was the most significant cause and most significant consequence of the creation of an Asian American identity? You must build your argument on the unit readings and provide at least two passages from at least two different readings (total of four passages, at least).

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Examples of RNA processing

Complete the following and submit the Word document by midnight Sunday. Remember to include complete citations for all sources used to answer each question.

1. Explain the four roles that DNA plays in cells? How are these roles influenced by DNA’s structure? Be sure you demonstrate your understanding of DNA’s structure in your answer.

2. Match the terms with the most suitable description.
_____ genetic code             a.  Examples of RNA processing
_____ promoter                   b. Sequence of three nucleotides that code for an amino acid.
_____ exon                          c. Location on DNA where RNA polymerase attaches.
_____ intron                        d. Sequence of three nucleotides that is complementary to a codon triplet.
_____ anticodon                  e. Portion of a gene that is excised from the RNA transcript.
_____ codon                        f.  Rules that convert a nucleotide sequence into a protein.
_____ cap and tail               g. Parts of a gene that are expressed.

3. Briefly explain the differences among messenger RNA, transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA in terms of the roles they play in transcription and translation and where they are found in the cell.

4. Using the genetic code table (Fig 10.11 on p 180), take the following DNA sequence and complete the following:

Complementary DNA strand _________________________________

mRNA strand _____________________________________________

Amino acid sequence _____________________________________________________

5. Part of the coding sequence of a gene produces an mRNA sequence of

DNA sequence _________________________________

Amino acid sequence _____________________________________________

6. Review pp 178-185 in your book and view the following animation. Then complete the following table. You may need to watch it the video more than once to catch the details.

Genome British Columbia. 2007. Gene Expression

QuestionTranscriptionTranslationWhat is it, in brief?[[[[[[[[[[[[Where does it occur in the cell?[[[[[[[[[[[[What is the product?[[[[[[[[[[[[Describe how the product is modified to reach its final form.[[[[[[[[[[[[

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