
Your friend calls you and asks to borrow $20,000 so that he can open a Sushi restaurant in his hometown. In justifying this request, he argues that there must be significant demand for Sushi and other Asian food in his hometown because there are lots of such restaurants already there and three or four new ones are opening each month. He also argues that demand for Asian food will continue to increase and he points to the large number of firms that now sell frozen Asian dishes in grocery stores. Will you lend him money? What are the risks involved in choosing to lend him money?
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Report Content: Thinking of the material covered in Learning Outcome 8, and after reading the case study below, answer the following questions: 1. Based on the principles of path-goal theory, describe the leadership style of Tom Parker. Use examples to support your answer. Tom Parker’s Leadership style: Description of Tom Parker’s style and examples (from the case) of Tom Parker’s behaviour showing his leadership style: 1 Workplace Contingency Factors (3) and examples of each 1. TASK STRUCTURE: • Example from case: 2. SYSTEM OF AUTHORITY: 1 3. WORK GROUP: Example from case: Employee Contingency Factors (3) and examples of each 1. EXPERIENCE: Example from case: I 2. PERCEIVED ABILITY: . Example from case: 3. LOCUS OF CONTROL: Example from case: 3 3 Based on your contingency assessment, which leadership style should Tom Parker be using? What does Tom need to change in his behaviours from the style he is using to what is recommended? ership Style Needed: nges in Behaviours Needed by Tom Parker: ARCTIC MINING CONSULTANTS Tom Parker enjoys working outdoors. At various times in the past, he has worked as a ranch hand, high steel rigger, headstone installer, prospector, and geological field technician. Now 43, Parker is a geological field technician and field coordinator with Arctic Mining Consultants. He has specialized knowledge and experience in all non- technical aspects of mineral exploration, including claim staking, line cutting and grid installation, soil sampling, prospecting, and trenching. He is responsible for hiring, training, and supervising field assistants for all of Arctic Mining Consultants’ programs. Field assistants are paid a fairly low daily wage (no matter how long they work, which may be up to 12 hours) and are provided meals and accommodation. Many of the programs are operated by a project manager who reports to Parker. Parker sometimes acts as a project manager, as he did on a job that involved staking 15 claims near Eagle Lake, British Columbia. He selected John Talbot, Greg Boyce, and Brian Millar, all of whom had previously worked with Parker, as the field assistants. To stake a claim, the project team marks a line with flagging tape and blazes (ribbons, paint, or other trail markers) along the perimeter of the claim, cutting a claim post every 500 metres (called a “length”). The 15 claims would require almost 100 kilometres of line in total. Parker had budgeted seven days (plus mobilization and demobilization) to complete the job. This meant that each of the four stakers (Parker, Talbot, Boyce, and Millar) would have to complete more than seven lengths each day. The following is a chronology of the project. Text DAY 1 The Arctic Mining Consultants’ crew assembled in the morning and drove to Eagle Lake, from where they were flown by helicopter to the claim site. On arrival, they set up tents at the edge of the area to be staked, and agreed on a schedule for cooking duties After supper, they pulled out the maps and discussed the job-how long it would take, the order in which the areas were to be staked, possible helicopter landing spots, and areas that might be more difficult to stake. Parker pointed out that with only a week to complete the job, everyone would have to average seven and a half lengths per day. “I know that is a lot,” he said, “but you’ve all staked claims before and I’m confident that each of you is capable of it. And it’s only for a week. If we get the job done in time, there’s a $300 bonus for each of you.” Two hours later, Parker and his crew members had developed what seemed to be a workable plan DAY 2 Millar completed six lengths, Boyce six lengths, Talbot eight, and Parker eight. Parker was not pleased with Millar’s or Boyce’s production. However, he didn’t make an issue of it, thinking that they would develop their “rhythm” quickly. 5 DAY 3 Millar completed five and a half lengths, Boyce four, and Talbot seven. Parker, who was nearly twice as old as the other three, completed eight lengths. He also had enough time remaining to walk over and check the quality of stakes that Millar and Boyce had completed, and then walk back to his own area for helicopter pickup back to the tent site. That night Parker exploded with anger. “I thought I told you that I wanted seven and a half lengths a day?” he shouted at Boyce and Millar. Boyce said that he was slowed down by unusually thick underbrush in his assigned area. Millar said that he had done his best and would try to pick up the pace. Parker did not mention that he had inspected their work. He explained that as far as he was concerned, the field assistants were supposed to finish their assigned area for the day, no matter what. Talbot, who was sharing a tent with Parker, talked to him later. “I think that you’re being a bit hard on them, you know. I know that it has been more by luck than anything else that I’ve been able to do my quota. Yesterday I only had five lengths done after the first seven hours and there was only an hour before I was supposed to be picked up. Then/ hit a patch of really open bush, and was able to do three lengths in 70 minutes. Why don’t I take Millar’s area tomorrow and he can have mine? Maybe that will help.” “Conditions are the same in all of the areas,” replied Parker, rejecting Talbot’s suggestion. “Millar just has to try harder.” DAY 4 Millar did seven lengths and Boyce completed six and a half. When they reported their production that evening, Parker grunted uncommunicatively. Parker and Talbot did eight lengths each. DAY 5 Millar completed six lengths, Boyce six, Talbot seven and a half, and Parker eight. Once again Parker blew up, but he concentrated his diatribe on Millar. “Why don’t you do what you say you are going to do? You know that you have to do seven and a half lengths a day. We went over that when we first got here, so why don’t you do it? If you aren’t willing to do the job, then you never should have taken it in the first place!” Millar replied by saying that he was doing his best, that he hadn’t even stopped for lunch, and that he didn’t know how he could possibly do any better. Parker launched into him again: “You have got to work harder! If you put enough effort into it, you will get the area done!” Later Millar commented to Boyce, “I hate getting dumped on all the time! I’d quit if it didn’t mean that I’d have to walk 80 kilometres to the highway. And besides, I need the bonus money. Why doesn’t he pick on you? You don’t get any more done than me; in fact, you usually get less. Maybe if you did a bit more he wouldn’t be so bothered about me. DAY 6 Millar raced through breakfast, was the first one to be dropped off by the helicopter, and arranged to be the last one picked up. That evening the production figures were as follows: Millar eight and a quarter lengths, Boyce seven, and Talbot and Parker eight each. Parker remained silent when the field assistants reported their performance for the day DAY 7 Millar was again the first out and last in. That night, he collapsed in an exhausted heap at the table, too tired to eat. After a few moments, he announced in an abject tone, “Six lengths. I worked like a dog all day and I only got a lousy six lengths!” Boyce completed five lengths, Talbot seven, and Parker seven and a quarter. Parker was furious. “That means we have to do a total of 34 lengths tomorrow if we are to finish this job on time!” With his eyes directed at Millar, he added: “Why is it that you never finish the job? Don’t you realize that you are part of a team, and that you are letting the rest of the team down? I’ve been checking your lines and you’re doing too much blazing and wasting too much time making picture-perfect claim posts! If you worked smarter, you’d get a lot more done!” DAY 8 Parker cooked breakfast in the dark. The helicopter drop-offs began as soon as morning light appeared on the horizon. Parker instructed each assistant to complete eight lengths and, if they finished early, to help the others. Parker said that he would finish the other 10 lengths. Helicopter pickups were arranged for one hour before dark. By noon, after working as hard as he could, Millar had only completed three lengths. “Why bother,” he thought to himself, “I’ll never be able to do another five lengths before the helicopter comes, and I’ll catch the same amount of abuse from Parker for doing six lengths as for seven and a half.” So he sat down and had lunch and a rest. “Boyce won’t finish his eight lengths either, so even if I did finish mine, / still wouldn’t get the bonus. At least I’ll get one more day’s pay this way.” That night, Parker was livid when Millar reported that he had completed five and a half lengths. Parker had done ten and a quarter lengths, and Talbot had completed eight. Boyce proudly announced that he finished seven and a half lengths, but sheepishly added that Talbot had helped him with some of it. All that remained were the two and a half lengths that Millar had not completed. The job was finished the next morning and the crew demobilized. Millar has never worked for Arctic Mining Consultants again, despite being offered work several times by Parker. Boyce sometimes does staking for Arctic, and Talbot works full-time with the company.
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Behind the counter at its flagship location in the heart of Mount Olive, Moonbux, Inc. has 2 pouring stations and 3 frothing machines. All orders are first sent to the pouring process and then to frothing. Each order takes on average 2 minutes at the pouring station and 2 minutes at the frothing station.

In one well-articulated paragraph of 5 to 8 sentences (no less and no more), respond to these questions:

What is the capacity of the pouring station?

What is the capacity of the frothing station?

Which station – pouring or frothing – is the bottleneck? Explain how you know.

What is the capacity of Moonbux’ flagship location? Explain how you arrived at your conclusion.

If Moonbux were to increase capacity by adding a pouring station or a frothing machine, should Moonbux add a pouring station or add a frothing machine? Explain your rationale.

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Case #1 – Overreacting or Inappropriate? Helena Nguyen, a communication specialist at StarrMfg, a midsize manufacturing company in the Midwest, has experienced a myriad of indignities as one of two professional workers of Vietnamese descent in the organization. Frequently confused with her coworker Amy Tran, who is considerably older and larger than Nguyen and in no way resembles her, Nguyen had grown weary of correcting people only to have the same people repeat the same “mistake” the next time she saw them. Tran, who has worked for StarrMfg for more than 10 years, thought Helena was overreacting and never bothered to correct people when they called her Helena instead of Amy. Nguyen was also bothered when coworkers continued to mispronounce her last name although it’s simple to pronounce and its pronunciation had been phonetically described in the newsletter announcing her hire four months prior. Multiple coworkers and some managers had also told her how articulate and what a good writer she is even though her university major in communication and journalism and city of birth (Houston, Texas) were also announced in the newsletter. More troubling, Nguyen was the recipient of unwanted sexual attention and innuendos from multiple male coworkers and a printing contractor who worked at the company that printed StarrMfg’s monthly newsletter and other materials. Two coworkers repeatedly asked her out, and another told her he found “Chinese women” like her extremely attractive. Nguyen began wearing a fake engagement ring at work to pretend she was no longer single, only to have that backfire as well. “Who’s the lucky guy?” was not an innocuous question but was accompanied with a leer. She was peppered with other discomfiting questions about her imaginary mate. “Do you prefer Chinese men?” “Is he why you didn’t want to go out with me?” Nguyen was fed up with the questions and innuendoes but didn’t want to make a formal complaint. She informally mentioned the repeated comments and innuendos to the HR business partner, Heather Patchenski, an older White woman whom she considered an at-work friend. Patchenski didn’t even raise an eyebrow about the repeated comments and instead told Nguyen she should be flattered. She also said the comments would probably die down since Nguyen had recently gotten engaged and she was “no longer available.” The printing contractor’s behavior was the most disturbing to Nguyen, who had to go to the printing company a few times per month to discuss and work on printed materials. The owner, Jack Machema, an almost elderly White man, repeatedly mentioned that his late wife was a Korean woman, and he made Nguyen feel very uncomfortable on each visit. Machema asked Nguyen if she needed help with becoming a citizen, which made her feel angry and also creeped out. Before her last scheduled visit to the printer, when Nguyen learned that the receptionist and other workers were off-site at training, she abruptly cancelled the meeting to avoid being alone with Machema at the printing office. After her informal, unsuccessful attempt to get help from HR about her coworkers’ inappropriate behavior, Nguyen didn’t know where to turn about Machema, since he didn’t even work for StarrMfg and had been its preferred printer for more years than she’d been alive.

1. What should Nguyen do about some of her coworkers’ inability to learn her name and others’ constant sexual innuendos?

2. What kind of documentation about the disturbing behavior of her coworkers and Machema should Nguyen try to gather?

3. If Nguyen complains, what should StarrMfg do about the employees’ and Jack Machema’s behaviors?

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