
  • Provide a critique of the writing (evaluate/ analyze/ assess).
  • Discuss its usefulness/ benefits to the discussion on HRIS implementation—based on your knowledge of HRIS and HRIS implementation.

A multimedia company planned to offer a special benefits package to a select group of employees to retire early, which would provide cost savings to the company, as well as meet some of its other needs, such as providing promotional opportunities to help attract and retain younger employees. The special package included granting additional years of service for the purposes of calculating retirement and retiree medical benefits, granting additional age to employees to be used in the calculation of eligibility for early-retirement incentives from the pension plan, and eliminating some portion of the normal reductions in pension plan benefits for those taking early retirement. The cost of implementing these changes in the existing system for the estimated eligible group of just over 500 employees was prohibitive due to the complex nature of the calculations involved.The project was in danger of being canceled until a careful needs analysis was done. For 500 employees, did the solution need to be fully automated? Did the employees need to be able to model their retirement benefits on the Internet? How much manual work could be relied on to handle the workload? Did the project need to be repeatable?The answer for the multimedia company was to build a simple solution outside its HRIS using spreadsheet and word merge applications and to couple that simple solution with a high touch customer service group that was able to respond to the needs of program participants, manage the increased manual paperwork requirements, and perform the interventions into the system to make the components that had to be automated, such as the payment of benefits, function properly. The program that had nearly been canceled was a success, so much so that it was repeated the next year in another company division.Implementing the changes in the existing HRIS would have been the obvious solution, but creating a one-time solution when it appeared there would be little future need for a complicated implementation was the right choice in this case. Careful, honest, and practical needs analysis made possible what had been impractical due to cost concerns. It should be noted, however, that the HRIS provider recognized the need the multimedia provider company had expressed and later made a decision to augment its software to include features that would provide greater flexibility for future offerings, meeting a need the provider had not recognized during its own original planning and needs analysis.

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HR Policies & ProceduresPart A – (3 marks)§ Briefly indicate your organizational strategic objectives§ List key HR strategies, policies and procedures in your organization (as many as possible) which are aligned with strategic objective.(unless there is a reason, common policies should be avoided)Part B – (4 marks)§ Identify two such policies which are specific to your organization. Discuss the procedures related to those policies.
§ Identify and briefly discuss one of the policies/procedures that is influenced by an external influence.§ Identify and briefly discuss one of the policies/procedures that is influenced by an internal influence.Part C – (3 marks)Discuss how your organization can respond to those external and internal influences.
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During a quality control inspection, an error has been detected on a blueprint of a tall metal tall ladder used by firefighters to reach tail buildings. The ladder was designed according to the metric system in centimeters and meters which is incompatible with the rest of the fire truck equipment built-in inches and feet. In addition ordinary rather than stainless steel is specified on the blueprint. Ignoring these errors can possibly cause____

A. the entire batch not to be made correctly
B. the product’s safety to be impacted
c. call of these answers are possible
d. the schedule not to be met
E the customer’s order not to be satisfied

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Design a fish-bone diagram for the following case study to STREAMLINE STUDENT WITHDRAWAL SYSTEM

JPMU Process Re-engineering Project

JPM University has decided to improve some of its internal processes to streamline its operations. As part of these improvements, they explore various systems to help them be more efficient and share information effortlessly. JPMU has started reviewing their student withdrawal processes. The withdrawal process is categorised as Temporary or Permanent. The category is depending on the application submitted and the reasons it was initiated. The scenarios below contextualise the circumstances and activities involved in both processes mentioned above. Scenario 1: Kuku has been struggling with his studies due to numerous personal reasons and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. He contacts the Course Administrator (CA) to seek advice to ensure his studies are not impacted. The CA responds to Kuku via email, advising him to contact his Course Leader (CL) as soon as possible. Kuku reaches out to the CL, explaining that he has been struggling with some health issues and has fallen back in most of his modules, which will impact his assessment performance. The CL arranges a meeting with Kuku to discuss his situation and options. During the meeting, the CL attempts to attain more insights into the situation to offer the right level of support. Using this information, the CL suggest that Kuku should apply for a Temporary Withdrawal (TWD). The CL informs Kuku that taking a TWD means he has to pay this academic year fee (depending on when his TWD is approved) and for the year when he re-joins, depending on the semester he will return. The CL sends a paper form via email to Kuku to complete and initiate the TWD process in the meeting. Kuku completes the form and sends it back. Once the CL receives the form, it is checked for completeness. If the form is incomplete, it will be returned to Kuku to complete all the sections. The CL will only work on the form when it is complete. If the withdrawal request was during semester 1, the CL does not review academic progress. However, given that Kuku is requesting to withdraw in the middle of semester 2, the CL reviews Kuku’s academic progress so far. If Kuku completed and passed all semester one assessments, the return date is semester 2. If he did not complete and failed his first semester assessments, the return date would be the beginning of semester 1. The CL communicates these options to Kuku via email, explaining that the ideal choice is to repeat semester 1, as he did not submit any assessment for semester 1. Kuku can accept this option or can reject the suggestion in writing via email. Suppose he refuses the suggestion and opts to return to semester 2. In that case, he must commit that he will submit semester one assessments during the resit period and independently study the material provided on Learning Management System (LMS). A reminder will be sent after two days, and if no response is received, the CL does not progress the TWD application. When the academic progress review, the next step only happens when the confirmation is received, the CL completes the CL sections and signs the form (this step happens without reviewing academic performance if the application was submitted for semester 1). The CL sends the completed and signed form to the CA for processing. The CA checks the document for completeness; further details are requested from the CL and Kuku if incomplete. If these details are not received, the form is not processed. When the details are provided, the CA completes the form by entering details provided, last attendance date and module grades (if any). Once this is achieved, the document is sent to a central student management team at JPMU. An officer from this team reviews the application. The policy is for the officer to make the decision based on the explanation provided in the paperwork. If the form is incomplete, the application is declined. They would not contact the CL, CA or the student for further clarification. The officer checks if Kuku is a home or international student. For international students, when a TWD is granted, the student visa is withdrawn, and they have to return to their home country. Hence, a TWD for an international student is declined most of the time as the best option is to withdraw from the course permanently and re-apply for the course when they decide to return. Based on the details provided, the officer either grants or denies the TWD request. Once the officer makes this decision, he/she updates the student management system and assumes the application is closed. No confirmation is sent to the CL or CA about the decision. If Kuku wants to know his application status, he needs to contact his CL or CA for an update about his TWD request. If he contacts the CL, the query will be sent to the CA since the course leader does not have the outcome of the application. In both cases, the CA contacts the central student management team to get a status update. Once the CA receives the status update, the CL and Kuku are informed of the outcome.

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