Client service which fits in with success factors is important, because it’s linked to good human relations. To ensure these good client services in the enterprise, the entrepreneurs must have good relations with their employees and clients. Clients of winner entrepreneurs get special service, because these entrepreneurs are client and market oriented. High quality work enjoys priority and the quality of products and service is just the same. These are also not necessarily expensive. Value for money is important. Quality products and services contribute to the marketing of the enterprise, because this ensures new clients through personal recommendations from existing, satisfied clients. Financial insight and management will ensure success. To achieve the objectives of the enterprise, sound financial principles must be applied. It’s crucial that owners of small businesses understand their bookkeeping system. Business decisions are based on financial analysis and if entrepreneurs don’t have clarity on the meaning of specific information, they should get expert advice. Knowledge and skills with regard to the business. The entrepreneur will know exactly how the business operates to ensure success. The entrepreneur is also aware of his/her own limitations and will make use of experts where necessary. Successful entrepreneurs depend on their own strengths, whereas core competencies are kept in the enterprise and non-core activities are contracted out. The use of experts will contribute to the success of the enterprise. The attendance of training sessions and seminars form part of the entrepreneur’s objective of being successful.
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