Biology 121 Lab

1. A.  Briefly, outline the main steps of the photosynthetic pathway.  Be sure to indicate how the light-dependent and light-independent reactions are coupled.

B. Why is Chlorophyll-a central to the light-dependent reactions?  AND – What important role(s) do accessory pigments play in this process?

2. Consider last week’s laboratory exercise concerning carbon-fixation in an aquatic plant.  Recall, we used BTB to monitor pH of the surrounding medium as a proxy for CO2 concentration.    Why might we expect to see a DECREASE in pH in the plant/dark tube?  (i.e., What metabolic process might contribute to this result?)
3.  If a farm pond, stocked with fish and plants, were measured for pH at sunrise and sunset what would be the results?  Why?
4. Describe the redox reaction that was the subject of the “Hill reaction”.  What is normally the final electron acceptor and what did we use as a substitute? Why did we use what we used?




What is CELLULAR respiration?

chemical E (glucose) + O2 → “biochemical currency” (ATP)

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + E

  Oxygen (O2) is ESSENTIAL for AEROBIC respiration…

  4 main steps…1 is common to both aerobic AND anaerobic respiratory pathways…



Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration

  Aerobic   requires O2   4 main steps   yields up to 38 ATP glucose-1   obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes

  Anaerobic   NO O2 required   1 main step   yields 2 ATP glucose-1   obligate anaerobes



The Mitochondrion

•  Glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm •  Kreb’s Cycle occurs in the matrix •  Electron transport occurs in/on the cristae




Aerobic Respiration

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + E

Step 1: Glycolysis (“glyco” “lysis”; cytoplasm)*

glucose → 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH2 (6C) (3C)





Step 2: Pyruvate Oxidation (mito matrix)

2 pyruvate → 2 Acetyl CoA + 2 CO2 + 2 NADH2 (3C) (2C)

pyruvate oxidation




Step 3: Kreb’s Cycle (aka TCA Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle; mito matrix)

2 Acetyl CoA + 2 Oxaloacetic Acid (2C) (4C)

2 Citric Acid + 4 CO2 + 2 ATP + 6 NADH2 + 2 FADH2 (6C)

Kreb’s Cycle




Step 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation (aka e- transport; mito cristae)

  NADH2 + FADH2 are involved with e – transport

  donate e- to carriers in the transport chain   pumping of H+ ions → [ ] gradient   generation of ATP

  O2 is the final e- acceptor oxidative phosphorylation






mito matrix

intermembrane space


ATP synthase



Summary   3 ATP per NADH2 (x 10) (= 30; steps 1-3)   2 ATP per FADH2 (x 2) (= 4; step 3)   4 “substrate-level” ATP (= 4; steps 1 & 3)

38 TOTAL glucose-1

  Theoretical maximum = 38 ATP…no system is perfect!

∴ this number is rarely [if ever] achieved…



Anaerobic Respiration

glucose → 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH2 (6C) (3C)

2 lactate 2 ethanol + 2 CO2 (= fermentation) (3C) (2C)

– animals – plants – microbes – microbes

demand > O2 release of metabolic poison



5.1 Respiration in Peas Protocol 5.1: Germinating vs. Non-germinating

⇒  Atmospheric/background CO2 level = 350-400 ppm

1.  Obtain 25 germinating peas & blot dry 2.  Place the peas in the respiration chamber 3.  Place the CO2 sensor in the chamber 4.  Wait 1 minute → begin collecting data for 5 minutes 5.  Measure & record the weight (g) of the peas 6.  Place the germinating peas in a beaker and place on ice for 5 minutes 7.  Follow the instructions on pg. 4

  determine the rate of respiration (slope, m = rate; ppm CO2 min-1)   store the data for comparison with other measurements

15.  Rinse and dry chamber 16.  Place the CO2 sensor in the chamber with non-germinating peas 17.  Wait 1 minute → begin collecting data for 5 minutes 18.  Follow the instructions on pg. 4

  Use a notebook to “fan” (i.e., clear) the sensor for 1 minute, returning the CO2 level to 300-400 ppm between EACH measurement!



5.2 Respiration in Peas Protocol 5.2: Room vs. Cold Temperature

1.  Empty the chamber by PUTTING THE NON-


2. Rinse and dry chamber

3. Repeat steps 1-7 (Protocol 5.1) using COLD germinating peas



5.3 Respiration in Crickets Protocol 5.3: Room vs. Cold Temperature

1.  Obtain 5-8 crickets & place in the respiration chamber 2.  Place the CO2 sensor in the chamber 3.  Wait 1 minute → begin collecting data for 5 minutes 4.  Measure & record the weight (g) of the crickets 5.  Place the crickets in the chamber on ice for 5 minutes (or until static) 6.  Follow the instructions on pg. 4

  determine the rate of respiration (slope, m = rate; ppm CO2 min-1)   store the data for comparison with other measurements

7.  Repeat steps 1-6 using COLD crickets 8.  Rinse & dry the respiration chamber when finished

  Use a notebook to “fan” (i.e., clear) the sensor for 1 minute, returning the CO2 level to 300-400 ppm between EACH measurement!



Do the results support your predictions? Peas   Germinating vs. Non-Germinating

  germinating > non-germinating   WHY?

  Room vs. Cold Temperature   room > cold   WHY?






Do the results support your predictions?

Crickets   Room vs. Cold Temperature

  room > cold   WHY?

  What about PEAS vs. CRICKETS??   Why is it important to “normalize” by some

biological parameter (= fresh weight) for comparison?

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