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Prepare a sample time-series data on any probabilistic variable(s) of interest through using web sources. The data can be anything of interest to you: the price of a stock or the level of an index, inflation rate of prices in our economy, weather temperature at a specific location, total population of the world or a […]


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Read the study case below and Write your legal opinion on the study case below and write a memorandum with legal actions that should been carried out Analyze, synthesize and evaluate the Host City Contract of the Olympic Games and theOlympic Charter and apply them to solve problems affecting sports and the law pragmatically.Show a […]


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A motorcycle company produces three models: A, B, and C. This month’s master production schedule calls for the production of 42 Model A, 36 Model B, and 30 Model C per 8-hour shift. a. What average cycle time (in minutes) is required for the assembly line to achieve the production quota in 8 hours? In […]


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International pop star Ziggy Stardust was the hottest thing since sliced bread in 2010. Ziggy has two Grammy Awards for 2010 Artist of the Year and Best Hip Hop Single – “Bling-a-Ding-Ding”. At the height of his popularity, Ziggy stepped away from his career in music to live in Tibet to study with the Dalai […]


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