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Case Study Satisfaction surveys at Nationwide Building Society Nationwide Building Society has been conducting an employee opinion survey called ViewPoint since 1993. The catalyst for its introduction was the merger of Nationwide and Anglia Building Societies – two organizations with different cultures, processes and business systems. A number of years after this merger had taken […]


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Case Study National Savings & Investments Background National Savings & Investments is the UK’s third largest retail savings and investment provider, with an 8 per cent market share and accounting for some £70bn of invested assets. It has more than 26 million customers who between them generate something like 60 million transactions each year via […]


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EV Dog Pen Exercise Assume that you are the PM for the Dog Pen project. The goal is to build a four-sided dog pen. Each side is budgeted to cost $100 to complete and require one day of your time. As the project progresses the following results are recorded: Day 1. Side A completed; spent […]


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EV Spreadsheet Template One of the more common methods to compute EV parameters is through the use of a spreadsheet. The sample below contains a summary level project plan for a selected level of the WBS. Percentage completion estimates for each activity are recorded in column “O.” The status point for EV evaluation is May […]


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