
PlastiPharm produces a foundational product that sits on a shelf until it is needed and added to another product. In reviewing the process of combining the two products, the production staff realized that the foundational products are sometimes not tested, although the final product is always tested. They determined that all the foundational products will now undergo testing. The additional testing will add time and effort, which translates to additional costs, so why would PlastiPharm want to perform the additional testing?

  • The additional testing will help the company meet customer demands for certification that all their products have been tested 100 percent of the time.
  • The additional testing helps the company as it strives for perfection in its products and helps avoid future problems by reducing waste (defective parts).
  • Testing all the parts addresses any questions that customers might have about quality or performance of materials.
  • Making sure that all parts are tested ensures that the company is ready to respond to last-minute orders
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