
The scconi element of a leasibility analysis is to perform an economic feasibility analysis (also called a cost benefit malysis) that identifies the financial risk associ- ated with the project. This attempts to answer the question “Should we build the system?” iconomic feasibility is determined by identifying costs and benefits asso- ciated with the system, assigning values to them, and then calculating the cash flow and return on investment for the project. The more expensive the project, the more rigorous and detailed the analysis should be. Figure 1-8 lists the steps to perform a cost–benclit analysis, cach step will be described in the upcoming sections. Identify Costs and Benefits The first task when developing an cconomic feasibility analysis is to identify the kinds of costs and benefits the system will have and list them along the left-hand column of a sprcadshect. Figure 1-9 lists examples of costs and benefits that may be included. The costs and benefits can be broken down into four categories: (1) de.elopment costs, (2) operational costs, (3) tangible benefits, and (4) intangibles. Development costs are those tangible expenses that are incurred during the creation of the system. such as salaries for the project team, hardware and software expenses, consultant fecs, training, and office space and equipment. Development costs are usually thought of as one-time costs. Operational costs are those tangible costs that are required to operate the system, such as the salaries for operations staff, software licensing fees, equipment upgrades, and communications charges. Operational costs are usually thought of ns ongoing costs. 1. Identify Costs and Benefits 2. Assign Volves to Costs and Benefits 3. Determine Cash Flow 4. Assess Project’s Economic Value Return on Investment (RON) • Break-Even Point (BEP) list the tangible costs and benefits for the project Include both one-time and recurring costs. Work with business users and IT clessionals to create numbers for each of the costs and benebts . Even inkungids shouki te whail of all poble Forecast what the costs and benelits will be over colloin period, usually, three to live years. Apply a growth role to the values, i recessory Lvclucatie: popus op led chun comparison ils costs. Use one or more of the following evaluation techniques: Calculate the role of cum canned on the money invested in the project, using the Rol formula. Find the year in which the cumukative project benefits exceed cumulative project costs. Apply the breakeven formules, using ligures for that year. This calculation measures how long it will take for the system to produce benefits that cover its costs. Restale all costs and benelits in today’s dolor terms Ipresent valucl using an appropriale discount rate. Determine whether the Iclal present value of benefits is greater than or less than the tolal presenl value of costs. • Net Present Value (NPV)
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