Prepare a sample time-series data on any probabilistic variable(s) of interest through using web sources. The data can be anything of interest to you: the price of a stock or the level of an index, inflation rate of prices in our economy, weather temperature at a specific location, total population of the world or a country (etc., etc.) but it must be collected over time for the same observational unit and must be comprised of 50 or more observations. Note that randomly generated data is not allowed: your data must mean something.
(a) Describe your variable of interest and elaborate on how you expect this variable to behave ex-ante.
(b) Report the minimum, maximum, median, upper/lower quartiles, and interquartile range for your data.
(c) Draw a simple time plot for your data and check if there is a trend. If there is, remove the trend (find out how) to obtain its cyclical component. Draw a correlogram (for the data itself if there is no apparent trend and of the cyclical component of the data if there is an apparent trend) and elaborate on your results.
(d) Compute the mean and standard deviation of your sample and elaborate on what these statistics mean.
(e) Construct a 95% confidence interval around your sample mean and elaborate what this interval signifies.
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