Development Costs Development team solares Consultant les Developmentalning Handware and some Vendor indblolion. Oflice space and equipment Doi conversion costs Operational costs Solhe upgrade Sowa msingles Handles Hardware upgrade Operational team sikrins Communications charges Uwertoning Tangible enefits Increased soles Reckictions in stol Reductions in Inventory Reductions in IT cois Better suppler prices Intangible Benelits Increased morkat shore Increased brand recognition Higher quality products Improved customer service Berter supplier rolotions FIGURE 1-9 Example d Costs and Benefits for Economic Feasibility Tangible benefits include revenue that the system enables the organization to collect, such as increased sales. In addition, the system may enable the organization to avoid certain costs, leading to another type of tangible benefit: cost savings. For example, if the system produces a reduction in needed staff. lower salary costs result. Similarly, a reduction in required inventory levels due to the new system pro- duces lower inventory costs. In these examples, the reduction in costs is a tangible benefit of the new system. Of course, a project also can affect the organization’s bottom line by reaping intangible benefits or incurring intangible costs. Intangible costs and benefits are more difficult to incorporate into the economic feasibility analysis because they are based on intuition and belief rather than on “hard numbers. Nonetheless, they should be listed in the spreadsheet along with the tangible items. 1-C INTANGIBLE VALUE AT CARLSON HOSPITALITY CONCEPTS IN ACTION I conducted a case study at Carlson quality of the stay experience. Using this model, Radisson Hospitality, a global leader in hospitality services, ancom can confidently show that a 10% increase in customer sa passing more than 1300 hotel, resort, restaurant, and isfaction among the 10% of highest quality customers will cruise ship operations in 79 countries. One of its branda, capture a one point market share for the brand. Each point Radisson Hotels & Resorts, researched guest stay informo in market share for the Radisson brand is worth $20 million tion and guest satisfaction surveys. The company was able In additional revenue. Barbara Wixon 10 quantity how much of a guest’s lifetime value can be attributed to his or her perception of the stay experience. Question As a result, Radisson knows how much of the collectivo How can a project team use this information to help future value of the enterprise is at stake, given the perceived the economic
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