A business owner requires him to travel regularly to many parts of the world (London, New York, etc). Instead of flying commercially where there are possibility of infection due to pandemic covid-19, he has decided to own an aircraft. Additionally, he also wanted the aircraft can be made available for charter operation. The businessman, having limited knowledge about all aspect of aircraft legislation or operation, has decided to consult you to advise on all aspects in acquiring the aircraft. The following are mandatory characteristics of the proposed aircraft:
Aircraft Manufacturer: Cessna or Falcon (you are to choose either one)
Seat Capacity: 7-11 passengers
Cost: approximately USD$11 million
You are required to carry out research for the above requirements. Necessary photos of aircraft to be included in your report as necessary. More importantly, you need to advise/present him the following requirements:
a) Aircraft registration process (Malaysia)
b) Air Operator Certificate (AOC) application process (Malaysia)
c) Aircraft operation – including flight and cabin crew requirements (Malaysia )
d) Maintenance of aircraft to ensure airworthiness. (Malaysia)
In your report:
1. For (a),(b), (c) and (d), you must specify specific reference as applicable i.e CAA1969, MCAR 2016, Notices, Directives, circulars, etc. including required form to be filled appropriately (submitted as parts of this assignment), fees payable, etc as required by the authority. You are required to show the requirements (Regulations, Notices, Circulars) as appropriate.
2. Explain using simple words but sufficient details for understanding. The report should be approximately 6-10 pages A4 size with 11pt font.
3. Include necessary photos and diagrams for ease of reference and understanding.
4. Do not copy and paste. Explain using your own words so that your client can easily understand without so much asking questions. If possible use lots of pictograph to explain the subject matter.
Aircraft Manufacturer: Cessna or Falcon (you are to choose either one)
Seat Capacity: 7-11 passengers
Cost: approximately USD$11 million
You are required to carry out research for the above requirements. Necessary photos of aircraft to be included in your report as necessary. More importantly, you need to advise/present him the following requirements:
a) Aircraft registration process (Malaysia)
b) Air Operator Certificate (AOC) application process (Malaysia)
c) Aircraft operation – including flight and cabin crew requirements (Malaysia )
d) Maintenance of aircraft to ensure airworthiness. (Malaysia)
In your report:
1. For (a),(b), (c) and (d), you must specify specific reference as applicable i.e CAA1969, MCAR 2016, Notices, Directives, circulars, etc. including required form to be filled appropriately (submitted as parts of this assignment), fees payable, etc as required by the authority. You are required to show the requirements (Regulations, Notices, Circulars) as appropriate.
2. Explain using simple words but sufficient details for understanding. The report should be approximately 6-10 pages A4 size with 11pt font.
3. Include necessary photos and diagrams for ease of reference and understanding.
4. Do not copy and paste. Explain using your own words so that your client can easily understand without so much asking questions. If possible use lots of pictograph to explain the subject matter.
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