Psychology assignment 3361
Use the Final Project Case Study Sabrina file and your trauma toolbox to address the headers below. Use the headers as a template to organize your case conceptualization. Case Conceptualization Headers I. Describe the presenting concerns the client is experiencing. [COU-680-01] A. What does the client typically experience and demonstrate when the presenting problem, issue, or challenge is activated? II. Describe the current triggers that activate the client’s presenting problem. [COU-680-01] A. Describe the triggers (people, places, things, and sensory experiences) that activate the behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and physiological patterns that result in the client’s presenting problem, issue, or challenge. III. Identify any maladaptive patterns the client is experiencing. [COU-680-01] Explain the inflexible and/or ineffective manner the client is feeling (i.e., emotions) in reaction to the current triggers and the presenting concerns. Explain the inflexible and/or ineffective manner the client is thinking (i.e., cognitions) in reaction the current triggers and the presenting concerns. Explain the inflexible and/or ineffective manner the client is behaving (i.e., actions) in reaction to the current triggers and the presenting concerns. 1 D. Explain the inflexible and/or ineffective manner the client is experiencing (i.e., physiology) the current triggers and the presenting concerns IV. Identify any developmental influences the client is experiencing. [COU-680-02] A. What are the developmental factors (occurred in the past) that promote the client’s adaptive and maladaptive functioning patterns? V. Describe biological concerns the client is experiencing. [COU-680-02] A. Describe the biological, neurological, physiological issues or prior diagnoses. Describe the promoters the client is experiencing. [COU-680-02] What are the client’s present experiences (onset to present) that influence the maintenance of the presenting concerns? What are the client’s strengths? Describe the client’s cultural identity. [COU-680-02] A. Summarize how the client’s cultural identity has influenced her development. VIII. Identify any cultural stressors that may be influencing the client. [COU-680-02] A. Summarize how factors of the client’s culture may be impacting the response of the client. IX. Describe the personality patterns of the client. [COU-680-02] A. Summarize the general personality characteristics of the client. X. Determine the diagnosis justification. [COU-680-04] A. Use the DSM-5 to justify your diagnosis. Describe the treatment targets based on current literature. [COU-680-04] Describe the suggested counseling intervention based on the literature in your trauma toolbox and any additional outside research. Describe the rationale for the intervention based on the literature in your trauma toolbox and any additional outside research. Summarize how your trauma toolbox supported the client with your choice of intervention(s). How do you expect you will use it in future work with clients? [COU-680-04] 2 Weekly Activities Weekly Activities Throughout the course, you will participate in weekly activities that will directly support your final project. In these weekly activities, you will be asked to find a resource or intervention to support a client in a case study. The resource or intervention will then be added to your trauma toolbox within the ePortfolio. At the end of the course, you will be presented with a more complex case study and will be asked to use your toolbox to support the development of a case conceptualization and initial intervention proposal. Final Submission In Week Nine, you will submit your case conceptualization. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Two Rubric. Final Project Two Rubric Guidelines for Submission: The case conceptualization should be 4 to 7 pages in length, formatted as a clinical document, and should use the headings and outline from the Prompt section above.