Gender & Nonverbal Communication

Gender & Nonverbal Communication

Gender & Nonverbal Communication

K. Swett, Instructor

COMS 360


I. Nonverbal communication

A. Def: Nonverbal comm consists of messages transmitted through nonlinguistic means

  • Nonverbal behaviors 65%+ of the total meaning of communication
  • Learned through interaction with others
  • Expresses cultural meanings of gender (within society; varies widely across cultures)

B. Basic functions of nonverbal communication

  1. Support speech/supplement meaning

a. Repeating (use emblems)

b. Substituting

c. Complementing (use illustrators)

d. Accenting/Emphasizing ( use vocalics or paralanguage)

e. Contradicting (with use of emblems or paralanguage or affect displays)

  1. Regulate interaction

A. Both use positioning, eye contact, gestures, and vocal inflection (often “mirroring”)

B. Typical (but not absolute) differences

  1. Women use nonverbal behaviors to invite others into conversation, stressing connection
  2. Men use nonverbal behaviors to control conversational stage for “public talk”
  3. Communicate relational meaning

A. Defining and clarifying the status of interpersonal relationships (Burgoon, et. al)

B. Common messages reflect:

  1. inclusion (responsiveness)
  2. affection (liking)
  3. control (power)
  4. respect

(Good online explanation & exercise re: meaning = https ://

  1. Display emotion

a. Affect displays (how, when & where)

b. Adaptors – movements or displays of emotion to adapt to situation, feel more comfortable . Not always conscious choice (ex: nervous behaviors, too hot, etc.)

c. Preening behaviors (call attention to looks)

  1. Suggest immediacy (holistic impression)

a. Approachability – make an initial connection

b. Availability for communicating

c. Sensory stimulation (loud colored clothes, more involved, moves around a lot)

d. Personal warmth

C. Forms of NV communication

A. Artifacts

B. Proxemics (space)

C. Haptics (touch)

D. Kinesics (body positioning & motion/use)

  1. facial expressions
  2. eye contact
  3. gestures
  4. orientation (toward or away)

E. Vocalics/Paralanguage

F. Physical appearance

G. Territoriality

The Codes of Gender (Sut Jhalley)


*In class: DVD combines theories of gender identity development and performance with images from popular culture = many images of nonverbal communication of gender

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